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Case Forest methodology applied in Slovakia Ľudmila Marušáková National Forest Centre Yundola, 15th-19th June 2010 This project has.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Forest methodology applied in Slovakia Ľudmila Marušáková National Forest Centre Yundola, 15th-19th June 2010 This project has."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Forest methodology applied in Slovakia Ľudmila Marušáková National Forest Centre Yundola, 15th-19th June 2010 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

2 Content Info about the teacher course Evaluation of the course Case Forest methodology Feedbacks from using methodology Benefits of the Case Forest project Challenges and comments

3 Teacher course – brief summary Date: 16 th -17 th September 2009 Number of participants: 15 teachers + 1 professor Duration: 2 days Place: Čierny Balog village - Forestry Open Air Museum




7 Introduction, motivation Sustainable Forest Management, basic facts, principles, documents Forest Pedagogics in Slovakia and abroad Theoretical input – Case Forest methodology and project learning in forests Transport of participants to the Forestry Open Air Museum in Vydrovo Valley by historical railway Presentation and short guided tour in Forestry Open Air Museum Discussion, setting the goals, research topic and project themes in working groups Teacher course – programme Day 1


9 T eacher Workshop in Slovakia

10 Transport of participants to the Forestry Open Air Museum Working in teams – collecting dates (images, videos, interview, printing materials) in the Museum and educational path, info centre and historical forestry lodge Forest Transport of participants to the computer room of the Primary School Čierny Balog Working in teams: Choosing, sorting, organization and integration of the collected data Making the prototype presentation of the object Presentations, feedbacks and discussion, Final evaluation Teacher course – programme Day 2

11 T eacher Workshop in Slovakia

12 How did we deal with methodology? 4 working groups, 4 phases editing data online in Forestry museum and in computer room

13 Evaluation of teacher course Questionnaire 98% of participants learned something new and 80% of participants suppose to use it in their work. 86% of respondents graded methodology positively and 14% in neutral way. 60% can not see big problems using methodology. Limitation – long-lasting preparation, technical equipment, ICT skills, less of time at school programs Attendants find combination of terrain work with inside work to be very useful. They appreciate: working in real environment, meeting forestry professionals, using learning by doing methods

14 Evaluation of teacher course Questionnaire Atmosphere: creative, authentic, motivating, activating The arrangement of the course – positively evaluated (74% graded by score 7 and 26% by score 6) – seminar was considered to be too short The course fulfilled the expectation of 93% participants 74% of participants have taught about forests before the course 54% of participants have not taught about sustainable development before the course

15 Evaluation of teacher course Questionnaire Sustainable development means long lasting, complex and synergistic process influencing all aspect of life (cultural, social, economical) on all level (local, regional and global) and aimed at such model of society which fulfill all biological, material, spiritual needs and interest of people, which restrains or limit damages of environment and protect natural and cultural resources and heritages.

16 Evaluation of teacher course Problems Students are more skilled in ICT than teachers Older teachers are conservative and feel respect and fear to use new methods Strict curricula, which stresses out memorising – traditional approach / Time pressure at schools Not enough time to develop key competencies and emotions, values, respect, creativity and physical skills

17 Education reform in Slovakia is in progress The vision is Holistic approach - learn to think in global perspectives Challenges: - not just memorising information, but to let them find solution of the problems, teach them make analyses, applications, evaluation, critical thinking - develop creativity - form attitudes, values and relations, key competencies of pupils Evaluation of teacher course Possibilities

18 educational objectives: Affective, Psychomotor, and CognitiveAffectivePsychomotor Cognitive PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment)

19 Possibilities and challenges Case Forest methodology is a practical example of using new methods Makes school more practical and open Can contributes to enhancing the quality of European dimension Sustainable development and nature protection is a hot topic nowadays

20 Prerequisites of success - feedbacks from teachers Motivation is needed (encouragement, support, activating) Setting the goals (knowledge, skills and attitudes), outputs and evaluation Tasks not too complicated Time management very important Foresters should not use very specific terminology To be open to discuss problems with pupils It is useful to make a dairy of the project / to record what was done

21 Users project partners teachers, who took part in study trip teachers who participated in the seminars colleagues of teachers pupils

22 Dissemination of results project web page press releases about the seminar Article in Forestry journal 4th European FP convention held on 1st and 2nd October 2009 in Lyss


24 EU policies and education systems Decade on ESD National policy of continuous lifelong learning of teachers Action Plan of Conception of education to sustainable development of the Slovak Republic Action Plan of National Forestry programme Vision, Prognosis and Strategy of Forestry development in Slovakia

25 Other benefits New project see New partner Methodical – Pedagogical Centre for continuous learning of teachers Cooperation with teachers Seminar as a part of credit continuous education of teachers and accreditation at the Ministry of Education New methodology in Forest Pedagogics

26 Thank you for your attention!

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