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“The supreme purpose of history is a better world.” -Herbert Hoover.

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Presentation on theme: "“The supreme purpose of history is a better world.” -Herbert Hoover."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The supreme purpose of history is a better world.” -Herbert Hoover

2 Why do we have to learn about history? Why do we have to go to history class year after year and learn about the past when we could be learning about what’s going on RIGHT NOW?! Have You Ever Wondered…

3 Many students don’t like history at all. They believe that learning about the past is totally pointless. Ugh!

4 #1 - History Illuminates the Present  “If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development.” -Aristotle

5 History Illuminates the Present ► History helps us understand and survive the world we live in. ► Without understanding the history of issues facing us today, we will not be able to solve them.

6 History Illuminates the Present Examples:  In order to address inequalities in the United States, we must look to our history to find out how some people ended up with so much and others with so little.  In order to try and solve the conflict between Israel and Palestine today, we must first understand why they are fighting.

7 #2 - Skills Studying history gives us an opportunity to develop extremely important skills that will help us in all stages of our lives, no matter who we are or what we do.

8 Skills ► Evaluating the reliability and credibility of different sources, including TV, films, textbooks, etc ► Thinking for yourself; formulating and depending independent thoughts ► Reading, writing, research, public speaking and listening ► Technology; build websites, make movies, publish magazines ► Teamwork ► Organization ► Responsibility

9 #3 - History Equals Power!  “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past” - George Orwell

10 History Equals Power!  By manipulating what people learn about the past, people and institutions may control what people believe and how they behave in the present.

11 History Equals Power! Example:  During Saddam Hussein’s rule in Iraq, students were taught that all of their nation’s wars were just and ended victoriously.

12 #4 - Inspiration Through History  Through history we find INSPIRATION in the great individuals, groups, and events of the past.  Learning about this can inspire us to lead greater lives in the present.

13 Inspiration Through History Examples:  Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights movement  Gandhi, non-violent protest and independence for India  JFK  “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”

14 #5 - Avoiding Mistakes of the Past  “History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.” - Maya Angelou

15 Avoiding Mistakes of the Past  Through history we learn to avoid repeating the terrible mistakes of the past. Examples:  Slavery  The Holocaust  Child Labor

16 #6 - Decision Making “History is the only laboratory we have in which to test the consequences of thought.” - Etienne Gilson “History is a guide to navigation in perilous times.” - David McCullough

17 Decision Making By examining complex questions and issues from the past, we can learn to make good decisions in the present. ► History is not about memorizing dates and names- it’s about learning how to THINK! ► In class we will: deliberate, debate, persuade, simulate, roll-play

18 Decision Making Examples:  The Declaration of Independence  The Atomic Bomb  The Cuban Missile Crisis

19 #7 - A Common Culture  History helps to provide us with a common culture, or common identity that unites us.  Our history provides Americans with a common bond that ties us together.  In order to understand books, movies, television shows, cartoons, the news and every-day conversations in your own country, you must share in this “cultural literacy.”

20 A Common Culture “History is especially important for Americans. In many nations- Japan or Sweden, for instance- most citizens share a common background. They have a similar look. They may worship in the same church. That isn’t true of us. Some of us were once Chinese, or Italian, or Turkish, or Ethiopian. Americans don’t all look alike. Sometimes we don’t think alike. But as Americans we do share something. It is our history. We Americans share a common heritage. If you are an American, then the Indians, the Vikings, the Pilgrims, and the slaves are all your ancestors. You will want to know their stories.” - Joy Hakim, Historian

21 #8 - Current Events ► “History is the present. That’s why every generation writes it anew.” ► –E.L. Doctorow ► Through the study of current events, history gives us the opportunity to evaluate what’s happening in our world RIGHT NOW and to make an immediate impact.

22 Current Events Examples:  Human Trafficking  The Economy  The Crisis in Ukraine  Universal Healthcare

23 Open Letter to Students Returning to School… V-A&

24 Your Task Today… Now it is time for you to demonstrate your understanding of the importance of history. Your task is to create one advertisement, comic strip, cartoon, poem, song, or poster that demonstrates the importance of history. You must refer to one of the 8 reasons we have discussed today. If you want to a refer a reason we have not discussed, please consult with me.

25 Rubric  The student has clearly demonstrated understanding of at least one reason why history is important ___ /10  The student has put considerable effort into the completion of this assignment ___ 10

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