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AP World Introduction. Welcome  Find a seat and sit in it.  No you don’t get to choose your own seat  No I am not a nice teacher  Yes you do have.

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Presentation on theme: "AP World Introduction. Welcome  Find a seat and sit in it.  No you don’t get to choose your own seat  No I am not a nice teacher  Yes you do have."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP World Introduction

2 Welcome  Find a seat and sit in it.  No you don’t get to choose your own seat  No I am not a nice teacher  Yes you do have to do work in this class. Lots and Lots and Lots of work. Sorry seniors  Yes my PowerPoint's have lots of spelling mistakes. Thank you so much for pointing out all my weaknesses.  Other than that the History of the World is great!!!!!

3 Just in case you didn’t know this is AP World History the most awesomeness class at Pinecrest. INTRO VIDEOINTRO VIDEO

4 ID’s  Get them on and keep them on We are super cool!!! Don’t you want to be like us and wear your ID so you to can be super cool!!!!!!!! FOLLOWING THE RULES IS COOL!!!!!!!!!!!

5 Name Tab  Make sure you have a plastic holder and a small sheet of paper  Put your name on the sheet of paper  Make sure you put the name sheet in the proper way.  WATCH HOW I DO IT THEN FOLLOW ALONG

6 Basic Rules Stuff that might irk me if you don’t listen.

7 Food and Drinks

8 Clothing Pull your pants up We don’t like it when your pants are on the ground. Take your hat off

9 IDs

10 Language  Don’t use the word that starts with shut and ends with up. So negative makes me want to cry.  We use positive words in this class.  Instead of saying shut the f*** up. Say the following, “you are annoying me greatly today. Would you mind being quiet so that I can hear the wonderful lesson that Mr. Swofford has prepared for us, thank you.”

11 Cell Phones Do not use them while I am lecturing. I don’t want to be mean so don’t make me be mean. I might be boring sometimes but that is not an excuse to take out your phone and play angry birds or whatever new game is out there. If it is a problem I will take your phone from you for the duration of the class and give it back to you at the end.

12 Bathroom Breaks  Do not ask while I am lecturing or talking. Wait until we are doing an individual or group activity. If you ask while I’m talking I will tell you NO.

13 Absences  You have what I call 8 skip days.  Use them wisely

14 Grading  Tests/AP style essays= %40  Chapter Quizzes= %30  Projects= %10  Classwork/Homework = %20 Currently the AP Exam policy is being reviewed and might change from Years past.

15 Website  The greatest place on earth is not Disney World its  Syllabus  Forum  Calendar  Exploring the website

16 My Pledge to Students  I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise.  I will respect you and work with you to solve problems.  I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work.  I will work with you to meet learning goals.  I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.

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