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Cultural Change Why do cultures change? Three reasons:

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Change Why do cultures change? Three reasons:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Change Why do cultures change? Three reasons:
Discovery – women have more athletic abilities then thought of in the past Invention – computers have changed the way cultures think, talk, etc. Diffusion – food is becoming more global, such as: tacos, Christmas trees, piñatas

2 Cultural Diversity & Social Categories
Social categories: groupings of persons who share a social characteristic Sub-culture: part of the dominant culture but differs from it in some important aspect (i.e. San Francisco’s Chinatown) Counterculture: part of the dominant culture but it deliberately opposes certain central beliefs of the dominant group (i.e goth or punk)

3 Ethnocentrism vs. Xenocentrism
ethnocentrism: judging others in terms of one’s own cultural standards Xenocentrism: when someone loves another culture more than their own American who think the British manners and moves are superior to those of the US & who adopt British accents and/or manners – anglophiles) For Example…

4 Cultural Universals Behaviors or social institutions that appear in all cultures (they exist b/c humans have certain common needs dictated by their physical biology and their environment) Government, art, words, habitat, toys, traditions, jobs, food, shelter, etc.

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