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Mapping the Landscapes of the Performing Arts. The Role of Theatre in Development International Amateur Theatre Association Congress in Monaco 24 August.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping the Landscapes of the Performing Arts. The Role of Theatre in Development International Amateur Theatre Association Congress in Monaco 24 August."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping the Landscapes of the Performing Arts. The Role of Theatre in Development International Amateur Theatre Association Congress in Monaco 24 August 2013 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider

2 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang SchneiderUniversity of Hildesheim Performing Arts: Obsessive Ideas? “Why these empty theatres? Only because of the absence of the audience. Responsible – only the state. Why do not we obligate people to go the theatre? If everybody has to go to the theatre, things will change. Why was the compulsory education introduced? Not a single pupil would attend a school, if there was no obligation. We should introduce the same concerning theatre, although it is not quite easy.” Karl Valentin, Comedian 1924

3 Universität HildesheimProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider Performing Arts as a Political Phaenomenon The Role in Societies The Framework of Cultural Policy The Practice of Arts Education

4 Universität HildesheimProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider The Role of the Artists in the Society For if someone discusses and claims freedom and dignity of every individual, presents this in contrariness, offers the symbolic forms in which they can be thought and particularly lived, then this substantially happens in the medium of the arts. Individuality and social bondage are specified through the arts. Herewith the arts take effect far over the sphere of artificial communication in the society and form their human determination of aims. And therefore we need a cultural policy which understands as social policy that allows, defends and organizes art and culture.

5 Universität HildesheimProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider The Potential of the Performing Arts The dynamics inherent in the arts, their experimental and innovatory features, their emotional potential and not least their ability to communicate non-verbally facilitate and promote aquaintances with other cultures and traditions and strengthen mutual acceptance. Thus cultural educational processes in particular are able to mediate different values and ways of life. Mutual knowledge and understanding are basic preconditions for a peaceful coexistence in urban societies.

6 Universität HildesheimProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider Cultural Diversity as a Social and Political Task “Cultural diversity refers to the many different ways in which groups and societies express their cultures. These forms of expression are passed on not only within groups and societies, but also between them.”

7 Universität HildesheimProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider From Intercultural Challenges to Interculturality “Directing our view towards what we can become together: We aim to introduce intercultural innovation and encourage public decision-making bodies to take intercultural measures. We must make interculturality – i.e. the principle of developing cultures through intercultural commitment – our new human norm. ”

8 Universität HildesheimProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider Theatre and Migration. Many Questions, One Demand Theatre as a stage for cultural identities? Theatre as a place of confrontation with things which are alien to us? Theatre as a place of social participation? Theatre as an offer for intercultural dialogue? Theatre and migration as a task for cultural and educational policies!

9 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider University of Hildesheim The Challenge of the Social Turn “Migration might turn out to give theatre institutions a productive impulse for innovation. Given the challenges thrown up by demographic and social developments in Germany, many people working in the theatre seem (…) to be evolving a new self-image in the light of the social turn. Not least this might give theatre a new function and purpose in society and allow it to develop a new cultural and political legitimation without it becoming a one-sided instrumental art term.” Wolfgang Schneider (ed.): Theater und Migration. Herausforderungen für Kulturpolitik und Theaterpraxis. Theatre and Migration. Challenges for Cultural Policies and Theatrical Practice Bielefeld 2011

10 Universität HildesheimProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider The Discovery of Landscapes of the Performing Arts Public Theatre in the City Theatre State Theatre in the Opera House Independent Theatre in the Cultural Center Amateur Theatre in the Community Center Student’s Theatre in the College Campus Young People’s Theatre in the Assembly Hall Puppet Shows in the School Room

11 Universität HildesheimProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider Amateur Theatre. The Cultural Policy of Benchmarking and Branding Without Artistic Ambitions? In the Periphery or in the Center? Participation as a Concept? The Audience as a Criteria for Quality? Education for, in or by?

12 Universität HildesheimProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider Amateur Theatre. The Cultural Policy of Co-Operations, Networks, Co-Productions Mapping the Performing Arts Theatre in Development Theatre Policy

13 Universität HildesheimProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider Cultural Policy for the Performing Arts Sensibility for the Location Site Specific Performing Mission Service Theatre for Everyone Audience Development

14 Universität HildesheimProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider People‘s Theatre: Amateurs or Experts? Children‘s Theatre Young People‘s Theatre Theatre with Experts of Daily Life Theatre Choir of the Unemployed Citizen‘s Stage („Bürgerbühne“)

15 Universität HildesheimProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider Parameters in Cultural Policy for the Performing Arts Agenda Setting with the Performing Arts Sustainability through the Performing Arts Capacity Building in the Performing Arts Education for the Performing Arts Research by the Performing Arts

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