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Classwork: I will learn about Ms. Caldwell’s class by reading the Course Syllabus. Today we will: ①Complete the “Do Now” ②Fill out Questionnaire ③Read.

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Presentation on theme: "Classwork: I will learn about Ms. Caldwell’s class by reading the Course Syllabus. Today we will: ①Complete the “Do Now” ②Fill out Questionnaire ③Read."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classwork: I will learn about Ms. Caldwell’s class by reading the Course Syllabus. Today we will: ①Complete the “Do Now” ②Fill out Questionnaire ③Read Syllabus Homework: Parents sign syllabus Get Notebook Do Now: ①Find your assigned seat. Sit down immediately when you find your name. ②Take out a pen or pencil and complete the worksheet that says “Do Now.” Leave out your agenda. Unit

2 Continue to complete the worksheet… Attendance Protocol Everyday I will silently take attendance by using my seating chart. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings I will mark you absent (if you don’t show up the entire period) or Tardy (if you are not in your seat when the bell rings). Tardy consequences: see your agenda, page 14

3 About Ms. Caldwell Teaching Experience: First year at Mendez: I will teaching 6,7,8 th Grade. I have taught at: Carr Intermediate, Goldenwest College and Lakewood High School. I love to learn new things, that is why I became a teacher.

4 About Ms. Caldwell About me: I am 28 years old. I was born in Ventura, California. I have been married 1 ½ years and do not have any children. I love reading, watching movies, playing chess, learning about history, traveling, cooking, and being with my family and friends.

5 About Ms. Caldwell Education: I have 2 Bachelor degrees from Cal State Long Beach: Political Science and Chinese History. I have a teaching credential. I Have my Masters Degree in Political Science. I am currently attending USC for my Doctorate in Education (I go to school too!)

6 Period 1: Agenda Turn to Page 1. Please fill out Page 1. When you are finished please silently start reading pages 2-3 in your agenda. Look

7 Agenda Page 149. Fill out agenda: Odd and even days, use the map on the back of the agenda to find which stairs to use (Write the colors of the stairs that you will use).

8 Syllabus Silently read and think of 1 question or reaction about the Syllabus to ask or tell your partner. (you can write it down somewhere on the syllabus) I have a question about:___________ I am surprised that:_______________ I am curious about:_______________

9 Classwork: I will learn about Ms. Caldwell’s class rules by taking Cornell Notes. Today we will: ①Agenda ②Cornell Notes Homework: Get a “Notebook” Parents sign syllabus Do Now: ①Sit in your assigned Seat ②Take out a pencil or pen ③Take out your Agenda and turn to page 32. Unit

10 Instructions I am going to introduce my classroom procedures. You will take Cornell notes on some of my most important procedures. Why are procedures important: Without procedures, students do not know what is expected of them. Procedures facilitate efficiency and so there is no confusion. So you know exactly what to do EVERYDAY!

11 Instructions 1.Write the information that is in RED. 2.Write nicely, but quickly. 3.Put your pen or pencil down when you are finished writing. 4.Remain silent. If you have a question, raise your hand. 5.Pay close attention to not only the written details but the additional information that I say.

12 Class Procedures 1. The first ten minutes of class Procedures. 1.Enter the classroom with a quiet voice. 2.Take out all supplies –2 pens or pencils –Binder –Homework (right hand corner of desk) –Put Backpack behind you, or under the desk. (Keep Isles clear) 3. Write in your Agenda –Write the student objective and homework in your agenda. 4. Do the “Do Now” –In your History Notebook, complete the “Do Now” on the Board. Only write what is in RED

13 Class Procedures 2. When Ms. Caldwell says: “May I have your attention please.” Only write what is in RED When I want to get your attention, I will say, “May I have your attention please.” Stop what you are doing and silently listen for instructions.

14 Class Procedures 3. Completing assignments 1.READ the directions first. 2.Write your name and period at the top right part of the paper. –I will not give credit to papers without names. 3.Write in your nicest writing. 4.Turn in on time. 5.Homework: Place on corner of desk at the beginning of the period. Only write what is in RED

15 Class Procedures 4. If you have a question or comment 1.Raise your hand SILENTLY. –Do not make noises to get my attention. –I may not call on you to ensure everyone has a chance to participate. –See me after school or before school if you would like to ask me questions that DO NOT PERTAIN to the daily lesson. 2.Only appropriate questions and comments. –Only questions and comments about the lesson are permitted. –Inappropriate comments are prohibited and will result in disciplinary actions. Only write what is in RED

16 Class Procedures 5. Leaving your seat 1.Raise your hand and ask permission if you need to leave your seat. –This is to ensure I know where students are at all times. –It’s a small room and to minimize distractions. –Raise your hand (wait until I am finished giving instructions or helping students) Trash, Kleenex, Pencil, Paper Only write what is in RED

17 Class Procedures 6. Leaving the Classroom (Bathroom/ Nurse, etc.) 1.You have 3 Bathroom passes per semester in my class. –Use the restroom during nutrition and lunch. 2.Write in your agenda every time you exit my class. –Write in your agenda (the location you will be going (Bathroom, Nurse, Attendance etc.) and time time and date. –Raise your hand (Quietly, wait until I am not giving directions or helping a student). –I will sign your pass. Take your agenda with you EVERY Time you exit the class. Only write what is in RED

18 Class Procedures 7. Guests in class 1.Substitute Teachers: All rules and procedures are EXACTLY the same. 2.Guest Speakers: Politely listen and raise your hand if you have a question. 3.Visitors: Complete your class assignment. Only write what is in RED

19 Class Procedures 8. Voice levels in class Level 0: Silent (no talking) –Teacher instruction –Independent Assignments –Do Nows –Quizzes/Tests Level 1: Whisper –Entering/Exiting classroom –Partner work Level 2: Table Talk –Group work Level 3: Normal/ Outside voices –Not permitted in class at ANY time. Only write what is in RED

20 Class Procedures 9. Where to get you class assignments/ Materials 1.Daily Class work is on the side of classroom. –End students distribute assignments on the WAY into the classroom. 2.Your History Notebooks should be always in your binder. 3.Scrap paper, pencil sharpener and pencils are at the back of the classroom. 4.Group Supplies Boxes are on the side of the classroom. 5.Text Books are on the side of the classroom. Skip

21 Class Procedures 10. Exiting the classroom 1.Do not start packing up until Ms. Caldwell prompts you to. –Pack all your belongings, turn in all work, put on your backpack. –If there is extra time, you may read silently or whisper to your neighbor. –Sat in your seat. 2.Stay in your seat until Ms. Caldwell verbally dismisses you. –The bell does not dismiss you, Ms. Caldwell does. –Do not leave your seat until dismissed. Only write what is in RED

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