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What is the Old Testament about? Mindmap as many stories as you remember from the Old Testament. To explain what the Bible is about To analyse a Bible.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the Old Testament about? Mindmap as many stories as you remember from the Old Testament. To explain what the Bible is about To analyse a Bible."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the Old Testament about? Mindmap as many stories as you remember from the Old Testament. To explain what the Bible is about To analyse a Bible text for meaning

2 Put the sentences in order of what happened. **Which bit of it would you want to find out more about? Why? The first part of the Bible is the Old Testament. It is the history of the Jewish people, and how they tried to keep their promise to God, but kept failing. It all happened BEFORE Jesus. Now using your sentences, draw a story board to show what happened in each sentence. Label your pictures to explain what is happening. 1.What stories are at the beginning of the Old Testament? 2.Who was the first person that God made a promise to? What was the promise? 3.Why did the large number of Jews in Egypt become a problem? What happened to them? 4.How did God help the Jewish people through Moses? 5.What did God give the Jewish people to help them follow His ways? 6.Why did the kings in Israel set a bad example? 7.What did God do, to try and warn them to change their ways? 8.What happened when the Jewish kings did not listen to the prophets? 9.What were things like, by the time Jesus was born?

3 Write your own “bible rap” using the key events in the OT that you have learnt about today.

4 The Old Testament Continued Write down 3 facts you have learnt about the OT To identify the different styles of writing in the Bible To explain why different styles of writing are important to have To be able to look up a bible reference

5 The Jewish people wrote down all their history, all that had happened to them, and what God had done for them. They also wrote down all the Laws from God that Moses had taught them, and all the Prophets’ words of warning and advice, so that other people would know how to obey God, and avoid ending up in disaster. They also wrote down useful stories that they had heard about (like the story of Noah or the Creation stories) which taught people God’s message. 1.What are the 4 different kinds of writing in the Bible? 2.Who is the history of the Bible about? 3.Why is it important that we can read about God’s Laws, and the Prophet’s words of advice and warning, in the Bible? **What do you think you can learn more from: history, laws, words of warning/advice, or stories? Why?

6 How to find a bible reference Contents Page 2 sections: is it Old or New Testament? Look up the book, find the page – Sometimes, the numbering restarts in the New! Look up the Chapter ( the big number in the margin, or at the top of the page) Look up the Verse (the small number in the text itself) Bingo! 1. Look up examples of these different styles: write them out, and say what style they are: Story, law, history, prayer, or prophetic warning. 2. Find a bible reference for your partner to look up correctly! a.Deuteronomy 24:5 b.1 Kings 2:11 c.Jeremiah 21:11-12 d.Ruth 1:1 e.Psalm 61:1

7 Perform Bible Rap!

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