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Peter-Raymond Kettle MEG Review February 2008 1 MEG Commissioning & Engineering Run 2007.

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1 Peter-Raymond Kettle MEG Review February 2008 1 MEG Commissioning & Engineering Run 2007

2 Peter-Raymond KettleMEG Review February 20082 Beam Time Goals & Constraints Engineering Run Goals: all parts of the Detector Operational all parts of the Detector Operational Read-out/Data-taking Chain tested Read-out/Data-taking Chain tested all Triggers implemented + Rate Check all Triggers implemented + Rate Check full set of Calibration & Test Data full set of Calibration & Test Data contribute to “Long-term” Goal of contribute to “Long-term” Goal of understanding our Detector understanding our DetectorConstraints: Experiment Change-over - Experiment Change-over - Kottmann et al. beam time Kottmann et al. beam time - in total 2 weeks extra beam time given to them!!! - in total 2 weeks extra beam time given to them!!! - 3-4 weeks for  -beamline installation + BTS cool- down after Kottmann et al. - 3-4 weeks for  -beamline installation + BTS cool- down after Kottmann et al. Calorimeter Cryostat delivery + seal problem Calorimeter Cryostat delivery + seal problem LXe HV feed through problem LXe HV feed through problem optimal either Beginning or End of a Period optimal either Beginning or End of a Period Calo. Delay Feed through problem Calo. Delay Feed through problem but many task could Progress in parallel  Only 3 Months available for Beam !!!

3 Peter-Raymond KettleMEG Review February 20083 Commissioning & Engineering Run With 3 months to achieve proposed goals needed “rigid” organization & planning but flexibility to implement changes With 3 months to achieve proposed goals needed “rigid” organization & planning but flexibility to implement changes Run Coordindation group formed: Run Coordindation group formed: 6 beam coordinators + 1 offline coordinator 6 beam coordinators + 1 offline coordinator  Split time into 2 overlapping parts: Split time into 2 overlapping parts: COMMISSIONINGCOMMISSIONING Full Run Full Trigger Implementation DAQ/Readout chain tested Calibration & Test Data + CEX Full Run Full Trigger Implementation DAQ/Readout chain tested Calibration & Test Data + CEX Parasitic Run Beam optimization in parallel with Debug, Tune & Calibrate Parasitic Run Beam optimization in parallel with Debug, Tune & Calibrate LED, , C-W Cosmics & Michel e + LED, , C-W Cosmics & Michel e + 2 x 12 Hrs Only detector Experts nights 2 x 12 Hrs Only detector Experts nights 3 x 8 Hrs Shift leader + 1 crew 3 x 8 Hrs Shift leader + 1 crew to allow for flexibility + continuity: Coordinators each 2 weeks Coordinators each 2 weeks Daily Run Meetings (on-site) Daily Run Meetings (on-site) Weekly Video Meeting (Calloboration) - strategy Weekly Video Meeting (Calloboration) - strategy Web-based schedule + shift list + on-call list Web-based schedule + shift list + on-call list

4 Peter-Raymond KettleMEG Review February 20084 Organization In Practice Continuity + Schooling Continuity + Schooling staggered + overlapping shifts staggered + overlapping shifts basic 3 days/person shift-block basic 3 days/person shift-block detector experts start as shift detector experts start as shift leaders leaders Information Access Information Access “How to” information database for shift “How to” information database for shift crews on MEGWiki – grew with time crews on MEGWiki – grew with time

5 Peter-Raymond KettleMEG Review February 20085 Experimental Conditions – Beam Line (1) Improved COBRA He-environment: monitoring with O 2 -sensors ~ (97±1)% - but air doping was needed for DCs (1) Improved COBRA He-environment: monitoring with O 2 -sensors ~ (97±1)% - but air doping was needed for DCs O 2 sensor (2) Target found to be slightly misaligned! target made for  = 21° but due to DC support could only be 13° inclined expect only ~ 75% of  s to hit target for 2007 (2) Target found to be slightly misaligned! target made for  = 21° but due to DC support could only be 13° inclined expect only ~ 75% of  s to hit target for 2007 !!! Laser check (estimate)!!! !!! Laser check (estimate)!!! slant angle =(12.5±0.5)° slant angle =(12.5±0.5)° vertical misalignment  =(22.8  5.0) mr shift of Laser cross  SHIFT =(5.51.0) mm !!! Laser check (estimate)!!! !!! Laser check (estimate)!!! slant angle =(12.5±0.5)° slant angle =(12.5±0.5)° vertical misalignment  =(22.8  5.0) mr shift of Laser cross  SHIFT =(5.51.0) mm (3) New degrader needed (air doping + range-curve) 300  m Mylar (old 480  m CH 2 ) Now can transmit 1  10 8  + /s to COBRA centre with Degrader (2mA I p ) For Run used: Ultra-low Intensity ~ 5  10 6  -stops/s Nominal Intensity ~ 3  10 7  -stops/s (3) New degrader needed (air doping + range-curve) 300  m Mylar (old 480  m CH 2 ) Now can transmit 1  10 8  + /s to COBRA centre with Degrader (2mA I p ) For Run used: Ultra-low Intensity ~ 5  10 6  -stops/s Nominal Intensity ~ 3  10 7  -stops/s

6 Peter-Raymond KettleMEG Review February 20086 Detectors etc. TCs DCs Calo. NaI Full complement of detectors Full complement of detectors Calo: initial problems with HV initial problems with HV feedthroughs – noise + feedthroughs – noise + splitter input-stage damaged splitter input-stage damaged Liquid purification success Liquid purification success 70l/hr ~ 250 hrs for > 3m 70l/hr ~ 250 hrs for > 3mCalo: initial problems with HV initial problems with HV feedthroughs – noise + feedthroughs – noise + splitter input-stage damaged splitter input-stage damaged Liquid purification success Liquid purification success 70l/hr ~ 250 hrs for > 3m 70l/hr ~ 250 hrs for > 3m DCs: external HV problem in external HV problem in pure He air-doping needed pure He air-doping neededDCs: external HV problem in external HV problem in pure He air-doping needed pure He air-doping needed TCs: late arrival APD power late arrival APD power supplies + DAQ problems supplies + DAQ problemsTCs: late arrival APD power late arrival APD power supplies + DAQ problems supplies + DAQ problems C-W: proved v. successful proved v. successful Li (17.6, 14.6 MeV) + B (4.4, 11.7, 16.1 MeV) targets – Energy + Timing C-W: proved v. successful proved v. successful Li (17.6, 14.6 MeV) + B (4.4, 11.7, 16.1 MeV) targets – Energy + Timing NaI: automated mover automated mover temp. contolled APDs temp. contolled APDs  E/E ~5-6% (  )  E/E ~5-6% (  )NaI: automated mover automated mover temp. contolled APDs temp. contolled APDs  E/E ~5-6% (  )  E/E ~5-6% (  ) C-W

7 Peter-Raymond KettleMEG Review February 20087 Trigger + DAQ Trigger + Splitters Trigger + Splitters Online Cluster Megonxx Online Cluster Megonxx Staged trigger implementation: Staged trigger implementation: Single detectors + Michel trigger Single detectors + Michel trigger Coincidence detectors e.g. DC+CR Coincidence detectors e.g. DC+CR TC+LXe rad.  -decay, 11 B C-W (narrow  t=20 ns) TC+LXe rad.  -decay, 11 B C-W (narrow  t=20 ns) TC+DC TC+DC Direction matching    e  (planned TC fibres) Direction matching    e  (planned TC fibres) too slow  XEC PMT-index + TC-bar(index,z) too slow  XEC PMT-index + TC-bar(index,z) where z from bar charge-ratio where z from bar charge-ratio 24 Trigger types introduced (max. 32) 24 Trigger types introduced (max. 32) Multiple triggers with prescaling  Read-out Trig. Monitoring (cyclic-buffers) Works nicely Trig. Monitoring (cyclic-buffers) Works nicely Staged trigger implementation: Staged trigger implementation: Single detectors + Michel trigger Single detectors + Michel trigger Coincidence detectors e.g. DC+CR Coincidence detectors e.g. DC+CR TC+LXe rad.  -decay, 11 B C-W (narrow  t=20 ns) TC+LXe rad.  -decay, 11 B C-W (narrow  t=20 ns) TC+DC TC+DC Direction matching    e  (planned TC fibres) Direction matching    e  (planned TC fibres) too slow  XEC PMT-index + TC-bar(index,z) too slow  XEC PMT-index + TC-bar(index,z) where z from bar charge-ratio where z from bar charge-ratio 24 Trigger types introduced (max. 32) 24 Trigger types introduced (max. 32) Multiple triggers with prescaling  Read-out Trig. Monitoring (cyclic-buffers) Works nicely Trig. Monitoring (cyclic-buffers) Works nicely lcmeg05lcmeg05 lcmeg04lcmeg04 lcmeg03lcmeg03 lcmeg02lcmeg02 lcmeg01lcmeg01 Offline Cluster lcmeg Offline Cluster lcmeg Limits: DAQ/DRS readout limited by VME (83MB/s) DAQ/DRS readout limited by VME (83MB/s) ~ 30 events/s full waveforms (threading) ~ 30 events/s full waveforms (threading) Online (backend) 1.2TB storage Online (backend) 1.2TB storage Offline (lcmeg) 64 CPUs + 50TB disk Offline (lcmeg) 64 CPUs + 50TB disk “Lazylogger” autocopy Online  Offline “Lazylogger” autocopy Online  Offline factor 2 compression factor 2 compression DRS3 – tested improved (clock signals, temp eff. Etc.) DRS v2

8 Peter-Raymond KettleMEG Review February 20088 MEG Monitoring Tools MSCB Area Network SCS2000 controller SCS2000 controller In order to ensure smooth experimental running !!! monitoring essential !!! SLOW-CONTROL:   MSCB-submaster+ SCS2000 + dedicated LabView control software   Midas history virtually all equipment monitored & logged In order to ensure smooth experimental running !!! monitoring essential !!! SLOW-CONTROL:   MSCB-submaster+ SCS2000 + dedicated LabView control software   Midas history virtually all equipment monitored & logged ONLINE:  Data Quality using Argus MEGanalyzer with Event Display digital oscilloscope for all channels digital oscilloscope for all channels LXe, TCs, DCs, NaI, Trig., DRS included LXe, TCs, DCs, NaI, Trig., DRS included  Midas Voice Alarm system MEGanalyzer Midas History

9 Peter-Raymond KettleMEG Review February 20089 CEX – Calorimeter  0 -Calibration  54.9MeV 82.9MeV 1.3MeV for  >170 o 0.3MeV for  >175 o   170 o 175 o After Data-taking with   e  trigger still time for planned “reduced” CEX Run: still time for planned “reduced” CEX Run: LH 2 -target Setup  -Beam > 1.4 MHz of 70.5 MeV/c  -  -Beam > 1.4 MHz of 70.5 MeV/c  - LH 2 -Target + Control & Stabilization System LH 2 -Target + Control & Stabilization System LHe supply (dewars) LHe supply (dewars) 9-Crystal NaI array + Pb/Scintillator as Tag 9-Crystal NaI array + Pb/Scintillator as Tag LXe Calorimeter LXe Calorimeter NaI LH 2 -target setup/testing in // with muon data-taking outside zone ~ 5 days Data-taking 450 Runs ~ 2.2 M events  H ~ 8.5 mm  V ~ 7.5 mm fully contained

10 Peter-Raymond KettleMEG Review February 200810SummarySummary Due to the “Great Effort” by All – we were able to meet our goals for the Engineering Run having tested ALL Detector Parts having tested ALL Detector Parts implemented all Trigger Chains & checked Rates implemented all Trigger Chains & checked Rates full set of Calibration & “Physics” Data taken full set of Calibration & “Physics” Data taken RunData In Total In Total 9974 Runs taken amounting to ~ 29.5 TB of Data ~ 29.5 TB of Data Analysis is in progress !!! In Total In Total 9974 Runs taken amounting to ~ 29.5 TB of Data ~ 29.5 TB of Data Analysis is in progress !!! Chronology Data transferred TB

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