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CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Patrick McMenamin, Administrator Categorical Program Monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Patrick McMenamin, Administrator Categorical Program Monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Patrick McMenamin, Administrator Categorical Program Monitoring Office Online CPM and Focus for 2008-2009 Bilingual Coordinators Network Meeting 2008 Doubletree Hotel November 21, 2008 Sacramento, CA

2 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Presentation Content 2008-09 Team Leader Assignments Same Changing New CAIS/CPM Online Continuity Slide 2

3 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 2008-09 CPM Team Leaders Slide 3 Region 1: Pilo Salas Region 2: Lynn Bartlett Region 3: Geeta Rezvani Region 4: Ted Hawthorne Region 5: Pilo Salas Region 6: Eleanor Clark – Thomas Region 7: Carmela Kelly – Batch Region 8: Ramiro Nava Region 9: Ted Hawthorne Region 10: Geeta Rezvani Region 11: Robert Gomez

4 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

5 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … Federal Basis for Categorical Program Monitoring (CPM) Grantees must monitor Federal grant and subgrant supported activities to assure compliance with applicable Federal requirements. Title 34, Code of Federal of Federal Regulations, section 80.40(a) Slide 5

6 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … State Basis for CPM The California Department of Education (CDE) is required to monitor categorical programs operated by local educational agencies (LEAs). Education Code (EC) section 64001(b) Slide 6

7 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … State Basis for CPM (cont.) Onsite compliance reviews continue School plans reviewed as part of these onsite reviews EC 64001(b) Slide 7

8 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction The Superintendent shall establish the process and frequency for conducting CPM reviews. Slide 8 Same … State Basis for CPM (cont.)

9 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … Anchored in Law CPM process ensures LEA meets requirements of a specific categorical program. Categorical program requirements are stated in the program instruments. Slide 9

10 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … Anchored in Law (cont.) If an LEA is not meeting the legal requirements of a specific categorical program, CDE helps by stating what must done to meet legal requirements. Slide 10

11 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … Anchored in Law (cont.) CPM findings must be based on: a legal requirement of a categorical program, and factual evidence derived from data, documents, interviews, and observations. Slide 11

12 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … CDE Responsibilities CDE is responsible for establishing the process for conducting CPM reviews. Slide 12

13 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … LEA Responsibilities An LEA must meet the legal requirements of each categorical program it operates, as stated in the CDE monitoring instrument for that program. Slide 13

14 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … LEA Responsibilities (cont.) Beyond the CPM onsite review, an LEA must develop its own ongoing process for monitoring compliance with the legal requirements of each categorical program for which it receives funds. Slide 14

15 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction An LEA must develop a Local Educational Agency Plan (districtwide plan). For guidance, go to the Local Educational Agency Plan Guidelines Web page at: temp.asp Slide 15 Same … LEA Responsibilities (cont.)

16 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction The LEA Plan (districtwide plan) should provide broad leadership initiatives for categorical programs operated by the LEA. Slide 16 Same … LEA Responsibilities (cont.)

17 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … School Responsibilities Each school must develop a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Slide 17

18 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … School Responsibilities (cont.) Each SPSA should describe how a specific school will use categorical funds to improve student academic achievement. Slide 18

19 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … School Responsibilities (cont.) The LEA Plan and SPSA should describe the LEA’s coordinated leadership efforts to use categorical funds to improve student academic achievement. Slide 19

20 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … School Responsibilities (cont.) For guidance on SPSA development, go to: Slide 20

21 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … Program Instruments (cont.) The CDE has developed a program instrument for each categorical program monitored by a CPM review team. In addition, a Cross-Program instrument includes statutory requirements pertaining to multiple categorical programs. Slide 21

22 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … Program Instruments (cont.) Instruments for the 2008-09 CPM review cycle are available on the CDE Web site at: 08instruments.asp Slide 22

23 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … Program Instruments (cont.) No Changes or Minor Changes: Adult Education Educational Equity English Learners GATE HIV/AIDS Migrant Education Slide 23

24 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … Program Instruments (cont.) No Changes or Minor Changes: Neglected or Delinquent (LEAs) Improving Teacher Quality Safe and Drug Free Homeless Physical Education Slide 24

25 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … Program Instruments (cont.) No Changes or Minor Changes: Before and After School Programs CalSAFE* (*California School Aged Families Education) Slide 25

26 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Changing … Program Instruments (cont.) Changes: Career Technical Education Child Development Title I, Part A: Basic & State Compensatory Education Title I, Part A: Program Improvement Slide 26

27 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Changing … Program Instruments (cont.) Changes: Neglected or Delinquent (State Agencies) Uniform Complaint Procedures CalServe Slide 27

28 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ongoing Program Self-Evaluation Tools (OPSETS) OPSETs help to answer the question: “What must an LEA do to meet legal requirements.” OPSETS for 2008-09 CPM review Cycle will be available by November 30 at: Slide 28

29 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Same … Site Selection Selection criteria are objective and grounded in law: Academic Performance Index Evidence of district compliance with state and federal law Slide 29

30 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Identified Need Current CPM process is: Paper heavy Labor and resource intensive Time-consuming Requires collection, management, sharing and storage of numerous documents Slide 30

31 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Identified Solution California Accountability and Improvement System (CAIS) Slide 31

32 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CPM Online: What is the Same Accountability & legal requirements Content of instruments & OPSETS Team Leads & Program Monitors LEA on-site schedule & visits Need evidentiary documents Follow-up as needed Slide 32

33 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CPM Online: What is Different Online review of evidence prior to visit Ability to request input prior to visit Reduction of “bins” and “boxes” Monitoring of Notification of Findings Support an LEA’s ongoing monitoring of programs Document management Slide 33

34 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CPM Online and Continuity CDE staff work with LEA representatives to help LEA resolve all findings and meet legal requirements. Slide 34

35 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Contact Information Pat McMenamin, Administrator Categorical Program Monitoring Office Accountability and Improvement Division Phone: 916-319-0357 Slide 35

36 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction RESOURCES CDE Main Web-page for CPM Slide 36

37 JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction RESOURCES URL for Viewing Archive of October 2008 CPM Webcast http://www.channelservernetwork. com/Staff.html Slide 37

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