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1 Towards Cinematic Internet Video-on-Demand Bin Cheng, Lex Stein, Hai Jin and Zheng Zhang HUST and MSRA Huazhong University of Science & Technology Microsoft.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Towards Cinematic Internet Video-on-Demand Bin Cheng, Lex Stein, Hai Jin and Zheng Zhang HUST and MSRA Huazhong University of Science & Technology Microsoft."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Towards Cinematic Internet Video-on-Demand Bin Cheng, Lex Stein, Hai Jin and Zheng Zhang HUST and MSRA Huazhong University of Science & Technology Microsoft Research Asia EuroSys 2008, Glasgow, Scotland, April 2~4, 2008

2 2 Motivation  VoD is popular and desirable, but costly  Peer-to-Peer has helped some applications: ―File Downloading: Napster, BitTorrent ―Live Streaming: CoolStreaming, PPLive, PPStream  Can it help VoD? Two challenges: ―High bandwidth with real-time constraints ―Users can join/leave, seek, pause at any time

3 3 Related Work  Topology Management ―Tree-, Mesh-, or DHT- based ―Simulation-based ―Show the sharing potential for a single video  Deployed Systems ―Joost, PPLive, PPStream ―Their details are closed  Nobody has implemented and deployed a system with the first purpose of openly and systematically evaluating P2P VoD  GridCast: ―A P2P VoD system deployed on CERNET

4 4 Questions for GridCast 1.What benefits can be obtained from P2P? 2.What are the limitations of P2P? 3.Where is the room for further optimizations?

5 5 Talk Outline  Basic Design ―Overview of GridCast architecture ―Key issues: peer management, scheduling policy  Deployment ―Single-video caching ―Multi-video caching  Evaluation and Analysis ―From single-video caching to multi-video caching  Conclusions ―What have we learned?

6 6 What does GridCast look like?

7 7 Basic Design Hybrid architecture (client-server + P2P) ―Tracker: indexes all joined peers ―Source Server: stores a complete copy of every video ―Peer: fetches chunks from source servers or other peers ―Web Portal: provides the video catalog tracker Source Server Web portal

8 8 Basic Design Three major issues ―How to organize online peers for better sharing? ―How to schedule requests for smooth playback? ―How to use caching to maximize peer sharing and minimize source server load?

9 9 Deployment GridCast has been deployed on CERNET since May 2006 ―Network (CERNET) 1,500 Universities, 20 million hosts Good bandwidth, 2 to 100Mbps to the desktop (core is complicated) ―Hardware 1 Windows server 2003, shared by the tracker and the web portal 2 source servers (share 100Mbps uplink) ―Content 2,000 videos 48 minutes on average 400 to 800Kbps, 600 Kbps on average ―Users 100,000 users (23% behind NATs) 400 concurrent users at peak time (limited by our current infrastructure) ―Log (two logs, one for SVC, the other for MVC) 40GB log (from Sep. 2006 to Oct. 2007)

10 10 Evaluation Model Metrics ―Concurrency: number of users watching the same video Higher concurrency, better opportunities for sharing ―Chunk cost: # chunks fetched from source / # chunks played Lower chunk cost = higher scalability ―Continuity: Total delay time (s) / # chunks played Lower value represents a better user experience

11 11 Evaluation: Single Video Caching (SVC) SVC: only cache the currently watching video for sharing ―High concurrency, better sharing [ Concurrency: 2, Cost: 0.56, 78% increase ] ―GridCast is close to the ideal model [1/concurrency] ―Sometime GridCast is lower than the ideal model [Concurrency: 7] Pause, temp source server Prefetching

12 12 Motivation: from SVC to MVC Overall performance ―With the same server load, the number of supported users increases [fluctuate from 0 to 50%, 28% on average against Client-server] ―Increase [28%] is far from 78% [concurrency of 2] ―Why? 80% of viewing sessions happen at a concurrency of 1 How? Save the watched videos for later sharing

13 13 Chance: from SVC to MVC  Do we have resources for further sharing? ―Bandwidth, disk 2.65Mbps download, 2.25Mbps upload, 90% users have over 90% unused upload and 60% unused download ―Upper bound achieved from simulation without any constraints “Cold cache” ~75% decrease of chunk cost, from SVC to MVC

14 14 Evaluation: Multiple Video Caching (MVC) Cache all recent videos with a fixed cache size by LRU ―Cache size, at most 1GB ―Deployed June of 2007 surprise: improves both scalability and continuity

15 15 Evaluation: Multiple Video Caching (MVC) ―Higher concurrency, lower chunk cost ―Larger scale, better improvement (at most 26%, 15% on average) ―far from upper bound, 75% in simulation

16 16 Evaluation of MVC Classify misses by their causes Chunk X does not hit in the peer cache, Why?  New content ―Never fetched by any peer  Peer departed ―Fetched by some peers, but all of them are offline  Peer evicted ―Fetched by an online peer, but evicted  Can not connect ―Cached by some online peer that is not in the neighborhood  Insufficient bandwidth ―Cached by some neighbor, but cannot retrieve it

17 17 Evaluation: MVC understanding misses ―Less eviction misses, significantly reduced (30%) ―More insufficient bandwidth misses (load imbalance, over-utilized peers) ―More connect misses (NATs, connection constraints) ―Peer departure, becomes a big issue

18 18 Conclusions  The first detailed design description for a live P2P VoD system  Improvements ―SVC (22%), MVC (15%), in terms of the decrease of chunk cost ―Totally, 34% reduction of server load over client-server ― 51% user increase with the same server load ―Improve both scalability and user experience, from SVC to MVC ―Larger scale, better improvements [scalable]  Limitations ―Load imbalance: larger cache, hot-spot, over-utilized ―Departure miss becomes a big issue (about 45% of misses in MVC)

19 19 Any questions…… Bin Cheng, Lex Stein, Hai Jin and Zheng Zhang HUST and MSRA Huazhong University of Science & Technology Microsoft Research Asia EuroSys 2008, Glasgow, Scotland

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