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Helping Freshmen Succeed February 2013 Scott Belobrajdic Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management Rendleman Hall 1313 X 2043.

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Presentation on theme: "Helping Freshmen Succeed February 2013 Scott Belobrajdic Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management Rendleman Hall 1313 X 2043."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping Freshmen Succeed February 2013 Scott Belobrajdic Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management Rendleman Hall 1313 X 2043

2 Admissions Registrar Financial Aid Career Development Center Recruitment Market Cultivation Application Processing Visit Programming New Student Programming Academic Scheduling Veteran Benefits CAPP – Degree Audit /Progress Transfer Credit Articulation Enrollment Reporting Grades Service Center (RH 1309) x2080 Student Employment Loans, Scholarships, Need Based Aid, Assistantships Appeals Director, Sharon Berry x3834 Career Counseling Co-ops and internships Cougar Job-line Job /grad school fairs Interest Inventories Director, Susan Siebert x3714 Enrollment Management Departments

3 1-2% Growth Per Year (1.67%) Freshmen Class Between 2000-2100 Students Priority to Improve Frosh. to Soph. Retention 1% a Year Cultural Diversity Commitment to the Region (access to 4 yr. degree) Geographic Diversity (broaden base) Grow Graduate and International Enrollment Growth of Online/Off Campus Offerings Enrollment Management Council

4 5 Year Change New Student Applications – Fall Semester

5 5 Year Change New Student Enrollment – Fall Semester

6 Expanding Recruitment Efforts - Freshman Application Geo Shift

7 Importance of Geographic Diversity

8 1. Edwardsville Senior High School 103 2. Collinsville High School67 3. Triad High School, Troy 53 4. Belleville Township High School East48 5. Belleville Township High School West47 6. Granite City Senior High School42 7. O'Fallon Township High School41 8. Highland High School40 9. Alton High School30 10.Columbia High School21 Fall 2012 Top 10 Feeder High Schools

9 5 Year History Ethnicity – Fall Term * Change in Federal Ethnicity Reporting Guidelines

10 5 Year History SIUE Mean ACT

11  23 % composite of 26 or Higher  39 % composite of 24 or Higher  69 % composite of 21 or Higher  17 % in top ten percent of H.S. class (up from 15% in 2011)  42 % in top 1/4 of class of H.S. class (up from 39% in 2011)  75 % in top1/2 of class H.S. class (up from 71% in 2011)  22.8 Mean ACT for  20.9 Mean for State of Illinois (98%)  21.1 Mean for the Nation (43%) Freshmen Potential – Fall 2012 Census

12  An ACT benchmark score is the minimum score needed on the ACT subject area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit bearing college course, which include English Composition, Algebra, Social Science and Biology.  323,855 students from 233 colleges and universities were followed from 1999 through 2003 ACT Sub-scores as College Readiness Benchmarks Characteristics of the Freshman

13 2012 ACT Readiness Benchmarks % Met Characteristics of the Freshman State and National DATA from SIUE DATA Provided by SIUE Institutional Research and Studies

14 Freshmen coming to class without completing readings or assignments (often or very often) 2012 NSSE Goal 1: Engaged Students and Capable Graduates Characteristics of the Freshman Spend < 10 hrs per week studying or rehearsing outside of class

15 Freshmen working on campus for pay 2012 NSSE Goal 1: Engaged Students and Capable Graduates Characteristics of the Freshman Freshmen working off campus for pay

16 Freshmen working harder than they thought possible to meet instructor’s standards (often or very often) Seniors working harder than they thought possible to meet instructor’s standards (often or very often) 2012 NSSE Goal 1: Engaged Students and Capable Graduates Characteristics of the Freshman

17 Freshmen say they receive prompt feedback on academic performance (often or very often) Seniors say they receive prompt feedback on academic performance (often or very often) Faculty saying faculty in their department provide students with timely feedback on academic performance (often or sometimes HERI) 2012 NSSE Goal 3: Committed Faculty and Staff Characteristics of the Freshman

18 Discussed grades or assignments with an instructor (often or very often) 2012 NSSE Goal 3: Committed Faculty and Staff Characteristics of the Freshman Used electronic medium (list serve, chat group, Internet, IM, etc.) to discuss or complete an assignment (often or very often) Communicated with instructor using e-mail

19 Freshmen having serious conversations with students of a different race or ethnicity often or very often Freshmen having serious conversations with students who differ in terms of religion, politics or personal values often or very often 2012 NSSE Goal 4: Harmonious Campus Climate Characteristics of the Freshman

20 5. Gain a general education (67%) Freshmen: Why They Go to College 2011 CIRP –Very Important Characteristics of the Freshman

21 93 % said SIUE was their 1 st or 2 nd choice institution Top 5 Reasons Why They Come to SIUE Very Important or Somewhat Important Characteristics of the Freshman

22 Helping Freshmen Succeed February 2013 Scott Belobrajdic Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management Rendleman Hall 1313 X 2043

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