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History of the Computer and Internet Designed by: Knasherill 6 th period.

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Presentation on theme: "History of the Computer and Internet Designed by: Knasherill 6 th period."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of the Computer and Internet Designed by: Knasherill 6 th period

2 History on the Computer The first computer was invented in 1936. They called it the Z1 Computer. Konrad Zuse was the inventor. More information : the computer was made for freely programmable computer.

3 “ debug ” Debuggingg is a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs, or defects, in a computer program ; that is making it behave as expected.

4 History on the Internet The development of now what is call the internet started in 1957. The purpose was to enable university and the government engineers to research and work from any location on the network. Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) make the internet !!

5 Babbage’s Analytical Engine The analytical engine is important to the computers today. It was design for mechanical general purpose by an English mathematician Charles Babbage It was the first completed general-purpose computer for over 100 years !

6 Herman Hollerith’s Machine Hollerith’s great breakthrough was his used of electricity to read, count, and sort punched cards whose holes represented data gathered by the census-takers. He got his idea from the punch-card tabulating machine from watching a train conductor punch tickets.

7 ENIAC The military needed to develop firing tables for its artillery, so that gunners in the field could quickly look up which settings to use with a particular weapon on a particular target under particular conditions. It took about a year to design ENIAC, and 18 months to build it. By the time it was completed, in November 1945, the war had been over for three months in Philadelphia

8 What is a program ? Programs are used to create documents and files for the user. Programs are what actually put your computer to good use. Example : Window 7 is a program

9 Transistor replacing vacuum tubes The transistor was the first device designed to act as both a transmitter, converting sound waves into electronic waves, and resistor, controlling electronic current. By replacing bulky and unreliable vacuum tubes with transistors, computers could now perform the same functions, using less power and space.

10 Who invented the first microcomputer ? Intel’s founder, Robert Noyce, chartered Ted Hoff’s Applications Research Department in 1969 to find new applications for silicon technology -the microcomputer was the result... But in 1970 they could only get about 2000 transistors on a chip and a conventional CPU would need about 10 times that number. They developed two “microcomputers” 10 years ahead of “schedule,” by scaling down the requirements and using a few other “tricks” described in their paper.

11 Binary system Computers use a binary system for numbers to represent every thing that you type into your file. The memory is stored in binary numbers. The binary number for the capital letter A is 01000001 Each letter, number, space or symbol you type is represented by a combination of eight 1's and 0's. This may seem like a waste of space, but the computer doesn't really care about space. the binary system is much easier for a computer to understand because of it's electronic nature and the fact that it's only dealing with 1's and 0's.

12 Resource and Pictures t_start t_start tm tm html html m m ention.htm ention.htm S_EASY.html

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