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Dottybacks in Aquaculture Anna Hawkins DISL Aquaculture 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Dottybacks in Aquaculture Anna Hawkins DISL Aquaculture 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dottybacks in Aquaculture Anna Hawkins DISL Aquaculture 2013

2 What are dottybacks? Ornamental aquarium fish Family Pseudochromidae ▫Genus Pseudochromis Found wild in coral reefs Aquaculture = CHEAPER Orchid dottyback, A. fridmani

3 Typical behavior Territorial of preferred home Tankmates determine aggressiveness May eat certain tankmates Hermaphroditic

4 Aquacultured Species Neon dottyback Scientific name: P. aldabraensis Aggressive – eats small fish and ornamental shrimp

5 Aquacultured Species Diadema dottyback Scientific name: P. diadema Semi-aggressive Needs lots of hiding spots

6 Aquacultured Species Elongate dottyback Scientific name: P. elongatus Much less aggressive Rarer variety

7 Aquacultured Species Sunrise dottyback Scientific name: P. flavivertex Moderately aggressive and territorial

8 Aquacultured Species Orchid dottyback Scientific name: A. fridmani Territorial More popular variety

9 Aquacultured Species Magenta dottyback Scientific name: P. porphyreus Similar to orchid dottyback

10 Aquacultured Species Striped dottyback Scientific name: P. sankeyi Tend to live in colonies; less aggressive

11 Aquacultured Species Indigo dottyback Scientific name: P. fridmani x sankeyi Retains mild behavior of striped dottyback

12 Aquacultured Species Bicolor dottyback Scientific name: P. paccagnellae Aggressive and territorial

13 Aquacultured Species Splendid dottyback Scientific name: M. splendens May eat small crustaceans Somewhat aggressive towards other fish

14 Aquacultured Species Springeri dottyback Scientific name: P. springeri Aggressive to conspecifics

15 Aquacultured Species Black margin dottyback Scientific name: P. tapeinosoma Very aggressive to conspecifics

16 Prices and where to buy them Wild-caught very expensive Price varies by species Most pet stores in the U.S. or online

17 Reproduction, Life Cycle, and Production Methods No more than one mated pair per tank! Females spawn 2-4 times per month Males care for eggs

18 Reproduction, Life Cycle, and Production Methods Females deposit egg mass in male’s nest Male intensively cares for eggs Eggs hatch in evening of 5 th day after spawning Orchid dottyback egg

19 Reproduction, Life Cycle, and Production Methods Larvae are completely transparent Kept separate from adults Very active and use entire water column Grow very quickly if fed and housed correctly Extreme closeup of a dottyback larva

20 Reproduction, Life Cycle, and Production Methods Day 9 – slight coloration Day 20 – presettlement juveniles, not larvae Day 25-30 – juveniles begin to settle out Need hiding places to complete metamorphosis Juvenile dottybacks with hiding places, around 25-30 days old

21 Reproduction, Life Cycle, and Production Methods Adult coloration develops within 7 days Don’t leave hiding place – eat whatever floats by Transferred to grow out tank after metamorphosis Rapid growth Juvenile dottybacks showing adult coloration

22 Feeds and Feeding Foods high in natural pigments preferable Frozen plankton, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, bloodworms, pellets and flakes are all good Live rock helps diet! Will supplement provided feed Neon dottyback, P. aldabraensis

23 Water Chemistry and Environment Salt water REQUIRED! Need hiding places and low light pH = 8.1-8.4 Alkalinity = 124-214 ppm Temp = 22-26 ºC Specific Gravity = 1.02- 1.025 Springeri dottyback, P. springeri

24 AdvantagesDisadvantages Not picky eaters Hardy Adults are easy to care for Pretty! Can be very aggressive and territorial Lose coloration if not fed properly Not super easy to grow

25 Sources schoose-carefully.htm 6/dotty.htm =3237

26 Questions?

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