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Who?  Whose job is it to deliver humanitarian assistance?  Answers?  Is it the Government?  No answers yet.

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Presentation on theme: "Who?  Whose job is it to deliver humanitarian assistance?  Answers?  Is it the Government?  No answers yet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who?  Whose job is it to deliver humanitarian assistance?  Answers?  Is it the Government?  No answers yet

2 What is Entrepreneurship? Classical Definition  Entrepreneurship is the process of identifying and starting a business venture, sourcing and organizing the required resources and taking both the risks and rewards associated with the venture.

3 What is Entrepreneurship? Broader Definition  Entrepreneurship is the process of identifying opportunities, sourcing and organizing the required resources to seize the opportunity, and, taking the risks and collecting the reward associated with the action.

4 What is Entrepreneurship?  Typical opportunity is a business venture; typical reward is monetary profits.  In the broader sense opportunities can include innovative solutions to social problems, public issues, etc. Rewards include personal gratification, career accomplishment, etc.

5 What is Humanitarian Logistics?  It is a branch of logistics which specializes in organizing the delivery and warehousing of supplies during natural disasters or complex emergencies to the affected area and people. Although they have been mostly utilized in commercial supply chain, they differ from regular supply chain operations due to the nature of the need.

6 What is Humanitarian Logistics?  Type and quantity of the resources, way of procurement and storage of the supplies, tools of tracking and means transportation to the stricken area, specialization of teams participating in the operation and plan of cooperation between these teams, are some important issues that are connected directly to humanitarian logistics.

7 Issues in HumLog  Emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment. Most emergencies require urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation.

8 Issues in HumLog  While some emergencies are self-evident (such as a natural disaster that threatens many lives), many smaller incidents require that an observer (or affected party) decide whether it qualifies as an emergency. Even those that are self- evident may not be fully realized, may take time to be realized, may only be evident to a small group, and need to be explained to public at large.

9 Issues in HumLog  Urgency is the keyword. There’s essentially no time for proper planning and or preparation.  There’s lack of information regarding the situation. No one really knows how bad it is.  There might be lack of social order (persistent system of institutions, patterns of interactions and customs, capable of continually reproducing at least those conditions essential for its own existence).

10 Issues in HumLog  Readiness for emergencies is imperative. Here’re some famous quotes regarding planning:  Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential – Winston Churchill (PM – UK)  Plans are nothing; planning is everything. – Dwight D. Eisenhower (President – US)  No battle plan survives contact with the enemy. – Helmuth von Moltke (Chief of Staff – Prussia)  A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week. – George S. Patton (General – US Army)

11 Solving Issues in HumLog  Solution starts by acting on the issue.  Every situation is new and unique  Every situation requires a unique solution.  Responders have to improvise and innovate.  Innovation is key in solving HumLog issues.  Once again the question is who will assume the responsibility for humanitarian logistics.

12 Assuming Responsibility  The responders have to be aware of the emergency.  They have to understand that someone has to act on it.  They have to take risks.  They have to be innovators, initiators.  In return for personal gratification.

13 Assuming Responsibility  Name few organizations for Humanitarian Aid  Red Cross  It is an independent and neutral organization.  Btw what is the web address for the International Red Cross?  It is  it and

14 Assuming Responsibility  Médecins Sans Frontières or Doctors Without Borders, is a French-founded (now international and federal) secular humanitarian-aid non-governmental organization.  How about HIVOS? ( and

15 Answer:  The answer is:  The ENTREPRENEUR

16 Disaster Logistics and an Unlikely Companion Asst.Prof.Dr. Levent Aksoy Maltepe University International Trade and Logistics Management

17 Aid Workers are Entrepreneurs  Aid organizations are established by entrepreneurs.  Aid workers are entrepreneurs  Fund raisers are entrepreneurs  Remember Bob Geldof and Band Aid, Live Aid Live 8?

18 More Entrepreneurs  New designs for rescue personnel 

19 More Entrepreneurs  Knox Fire Engine by Knox Automobile Company

20 More Entrepreneurs

21 ETİS  Turkish disaster logistics centers by ETIS Logistics

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