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Georgia Student Financial Aid Application System (GSFAPPS)

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia Student Financial Aid Application System (GSFAPPS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia Student Financial Aid Application System (GSFAPPS)

2 Primary Means of applying for financial aid  Scholarships  Grants  Service Cancelable Loans Replaces multiple paper-based and e-HOPE/ e-TEG applications  24 separate applications/renewal applications  Multiple deadline dates GSFAPPS Introduction

3 Key Considerations:  Electronic interface  Security  Accuracy  Accelerated processing  Positive feedback GSFAPPS Considerations

4 Key Features:  Web-based, with option to print a paper application  Real-time, on-line edits  Pre-populate fields where possible  Ability to suspend application and return GSFAPPS Features

5 Key Features (continued):  Branches to obtain program unique data  Built-in HELP throughout  Ability to review application and print  Provides a list of follow-up documents  Email confirmations and notifications GSFAPPS Features (continued)

6 Simplify and standardize  Application Forms  Submittal dates Centralize eligibility checks at GSFC  GSFC to create eligibility verification process  Schools only certify relative to: –Enrollment, course load, GPA, hours, etc. Reduced workload on Schools GSFAPPS Benefits

7 Discussions Underway with CPS Vendor (NCS Pearson) Can provide data matching within 48hrs with  US Selective Service  US Department of Justice  NSLDS  US Immigration  US Social Security  College Board  US Department of Defense  Office of Foreign Asset Control Centralized Eligibility Checks

8 Have contacted following GA Agencies GA Dept of Revenue for GA Residency & Dependency GA Dept of Motor Vehicles for GA Drivers License GA Dept of Education for Teaching Certifications Georgia residency is a key eligibility check Some checks are one-time, some recurring US Department of Justice (Drug Conviction) NSLDS (Loan Default) Office of Foreign Asset Control (Terrorist-Related) Centralized Eligibility Checks (continued)

9 Careful design & testing by GSFC Conducting Working Group Sessions Deborah Barbone, No. Georgia Col & State University Janis Bowles, Columbus State University Jean Dobson, Emory University Lenora Jackson, Spelman College Susan Little, University of Georgia Rich Loftus, University System of Georgia Andy Parsons, Dept of Technical & Adult Education Pennie Strong, Central Georgia Technical College Vincent Walters, Gwinnett Technical College Robin Winston, DeVry University GSFAPPS Implementation

10  Will be conducting state-wide implementation workshops  Implement for “new” (first-time) applicants  Current recipients “grandfathered” GSFAPPS Implementation (continued)

11 Communication & Training March: GSFC Conferences May: Demo to GSFC Staff June: GASFAA Spring Conference June – Oct: On Going Activities of  GSFC Newsletter  GACollege411 Activities  GSFC Web Site GSFAPPS Implementation (continued)

12 Communication & Training August: System Training for GSFC Staff Sept: PROBE Counselor Workshops PROBE Student Fairs GSFC Mailing to Schools Half-day Workshops (Savannah, Macon, Albany, Dalton, Atlanta) October: Implementation & Press-release GSFAPPS Implementation (continued)

13 Applicant Access GSFAPPS as a registered user of Follow on-line instructions to complete application and submit Mail supplemental/supporting documents, if required To Use GSFAPPS

14 Colleges & Universities Must have submitted a School Academic Data Template (details on next slide) Exchange data files via SURFER or update student data on-line Certify certain data as accurate Certification reporting for HOPE funds via submission of an invoice To Use GSFAPPS (continued)

15 Electronic data entry screen Ability to update school information on-line One form for all programs Schools submit annually, by June 1st, for next academic year Provides specific date data required by GSFAPPS School Academic Data Template

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