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. Environmental Pollution. Participants  Merlin babu  Hema.p  R.anusuya devi.  Praveena. 10E 10E COTTON HILL GIRLS SCHOOL TVRM.

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Presentation on theme: ". Environmental Pollution. Participants  Merlin babu  Hema.p  R.anusuya devi.  Praveena. 10E 10E COTTON HILL GIRLS SCHOOL TVRM."— Presentation transcript:


2 . Environmental Pollution.

3 Participants  Merlin babu  Hema.p  R.anusuya devi.  Praveena. 10E 10E COTTON HILL GIRLS SCHOOL TVRM.

4 INTRODUCTION Now a day pollution is increasing. Pollution is divided into four.They are,  air pollution  water pollution  soil pollution  sound pollution When population increases, pollution also increases.We can know more about this topic by analyzing this project.

5 METHODOLOGY The required information was collected from previous classes, general books,computer & respected teachers.

6 AIM Our aim by doing this project is to make awareness among people about the bad effects of pollution & also how can we prevent this.

7 About pollution  We know that we are in danger situation  When pollution increase disease also increase  As a result of pollution mosquito are increase it led to some disease they are malaria,chikkun guniya  The main thing for pollution is plastic  We cant destroy if we destroy by fire it will led to some disease such as cancer  If we destroy it by dig the soil it will not destroy  So we can destroy

8 How will it affect our generation? Water scarcity Now a day we are affected by water scarcity because when the rain comes the rain water will block by the plastic it is also led to the disease Disease It was a so much danger to our generation the main factor is  Mosquito  Un tidy surrounding  Bacteria  Virus

9 How can we prevent pollution? We can prevent pollution by many ways. They are,  Avoiding the use of plastic bags by using jute bags.  If the waste material was decompose we can put it soil  If it was not put it the place where the government allowed

10 Air pollution  The air pollution was mainly increased by the smoke from the vehicle  The smoke from the vehicle is carbon monoxide  The carbon from the vehicle is mixed w

11 Water pollution  Our water resource are river, sea, ponds now a days our water resource was polluted  By the people they put waste to the water. And they bath there domestic animals in the river  And they mine the water resource

12 Soil pollution  Plastic is the important thing that polluting the soil  It wasn't decomposes so it will stay in the soil so the soil will polluted  If we put it in a dig it was not much problem

13 Sound Pollution  Now a days sound pollution increasing in the society.  Sound is affected our ears.It affect mentally & physical health.  It mainly caused by  LOUD SPEAKER.  HORN OF VEHICLES.  HIGH SOUNDS OF INSTRUMENTS.  SOUND’S OF T.V. AND HOME THEATER.

14 CONCLUTION BBBBY doing this project we conclude that all pollutions are harmful to living beings.Environmental Pollution causes many diseases,death & even the extinct of animals.


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