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CHAPTER 8 SECTION 3 GEOGRAPHIC ISSUES. BR #3 (PG.180) 1)Explain the pollution problem associated with the Mississippi River. 1)Explain the pollution problem.

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2 BR #3 (PG.180) 1)Explain the pollution problem associated with the Mississippi River. 1)Explain the pollution problem associated with the Mississippi River. 2)Explain what type of pollution problem is occurring in Florida. 2)Explain what type of pollution problem is occurring in Florida. 3)What is the environmental issue involving salmon in the West & where specifically is this problem? 3)What is the environmental issue involving salmon in the West & where specifically is this problem?

3 ANSWERS TO BR #3 1) The Mississippi River carries fertilizer from farms to the Gulf of Mexico, these chemicals promote the growth of algae which consumes oxygen that marine life needs to live, this has created “Dead Zones” off the Louisiana Coast 1) The Mississippi River carries fertilizer from farms to the Gulf of Mexico, these chemicals promote the growth of algae which consumes oxygen that marine life needs to live, this has created “Dead Zones” off the Louisiana Coast

4 2)Fertilizer used in Florida’s sugarcane fields have killed plants & wildlife in the Florida Everglades 2)Fertilizer used in Florida’s sugarcane fields have killed plants & wildlife in the Florida Everglades 3)Dams on the Columbia & Snake Rivers produce hydro- electricity but block the path of migrating salmon causing a drastic decline in the salmon population 3)Dams on the Columbia & Snake Rivers produce hydro- electricity but block the path of migrating salmon causing a drastic decline in the salmon population

5 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES U.S. produces more energy than any other country yet this consumption produces huge amounts of waste, automobile exhaust, & other pollutants-the major challenge is to find ways to reduce pollution & protect the environment U.S. produces more energy than any other country yet this consumption produces huge amounts of waste, automobile exhaust, & other pollutants-the major challenge is to find ways to reduce pollution & protect the environment

6 NATURAL HAZARDS NATURAL HAZARDS 1)Earthquakes on the west coast 1)Earthquakes on the west coast 2)Flooding along all major river systems 2)Flooding along all major river systems 3)Tornadoes in the Midwest & South 3)Tornadoes in the Midwest & South 4)Hurricanes along the east coast & the Gulf of Mexico 4)Hurricanes along the east coast & the Gulf of Mexico

7 CITIES & POPULATION CITIES & POPULATION 1)The migration trend is from the city to the suburbs-makes tax base smaller thus cities cannot provide basic services to poor & minority residents who remain 1)The migration trend is from the city to the suburbs-makes tax base smaller thus cities cannot provide basic services to poor & minority residents who remain 2)Newest trend is Gentrification (a move back to the city in hopes of restoring run- down houses)-involves higher taxes which pushes out low-income residents 2)Newest trend is Gentrification (a move back to the city in hopes of restoring run- down houses)-involves higher taxes which pushes out low-income residents

8 3)Immigration & changing population patterns has greatly changed the ethnic & cultural composition of the country 3)Immigration & changing population patterns has greatly changed the ethnic & cultural composition of the country ECONOMY & TRADE ECONOMY & TRADE 1)With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S. became the world’s only superpower (huge powerful country) 1)With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S. became the world’s only superpower (huge powerful country)

9 2)Despite our powerful economy, the U.S. operates mostly with a trade deficit (value of exports are less than value of imports) 3)Implemented NAFTA in 1992 (North American Free Trade Agreement), eliminated tariffs between U.S., Canada, & Mexico which caused a boom in trade 3)Implemented NAFTA in 1992 (North American Free Trade Agreement), eliminated tariffs between U.S., Canada, & Mexico which caused a boom in trade

10 HW #3 (PGS.181-183) 1)What is the changing immigration pattern in this country? 1)What is the changing immigration pattern in this country? 2A)Give 3 reasons why many are opposed to the U.S. open immigration policy. B) Give 2 reasons supporting our open immigration policy. 2A)Give 3 reasons why many are opposed to the U.S. open immigration policy. B) Give 2 reasons supporting our open immigration policy. 3A)What is the argument for free trade? B) What is the argument against it? 3A)What is the argument for free trade? B) What is the argument against it?

11 ANSWERS TO HW #3 1)The majority primarily came from Europe, today however they come from Asia & Latin America 1)The majority primarily came from Europe, today however they come from Asia & Latin America

12 2A)Historically an English speaking country, oppose bi-lingual education (new immigrants should be made to learn English), keep wages down & take jobs B) The U.S. was founded as a nation of immigrants (history), it is needed to fill jobs 2A)Historically an English speaking country, oppose bi-lingual education (new immigrants should be made to learn English), keep wages down & take jobs B) The U.S. was founded as a nation of immigrants (history), it is needed to fill jobs 3A)Sell more products & create more jobs B) Move Factories abroad (low overhead) thus causing high unemployment in U.S. 3A)Sell more products & create more jobs B) Move Factories abroad (low overhead) thus causing high unemployment in U.S.

13 1) How do American Holidays reflect our Christian Heritage? 1) How do American Holidays reflect our Christian Heritage? 2) What is Pittsburgh’s location & what did this this location help the city become? 2) What is Pittsburgh’s location & what did this this location help the city become? 3) List 3 reasons why Chicago is one of the world’s major transportation center? 3) List 3 reasons why Chicago is one of the world’s major transportation center? 4) What are the 4 natural hazards of this country? 4) What are the 4 natural hazards of this country? 5) Give 3 reasons why many are opposed to the U.S.’s open immigration policy? 5) Give 3 reasons why many are opposed to the U.S.’s open immigration policy?

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