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Learning English in Catalonia: time for an ELF-based approach? Xavier Martin-Rubió Universitat de Lleida Cercle de Lingüística Aplicada.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning English in Catalonia: time for an ELF-based approach? Xavier Martin-Rubió Universitat de Lleida Cercle de Lingüística Aplicada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning English in Catalonia: time for an ELF-based approach? Xavier Martin-Rubió Universitat de Lleida Cercle de Lingüística Aplicada

2 Contents (1) Catalonia (national identity, language use & learning) (2) ELF (alternative approach to teaching English) (3) Post-Erasmus focus groups (4) RQs, methodological issues... project proposal.

3 1. National allegiance and language use/ learning


5 Catalonia = Autonomous Community, nationality??

6 National identity and language use/learning 2004-2005 in a highschool in Lleida Individual interviews (audio): 4 teachers and 6 students Group interviews with students: two in English + one in their L1s Participant observation (one academic year) Documentation (essays, grades, emails...)

7 National identity and language use/learning clashing nationalist discourses, beliefs (ideology) – shared beliefs (discourses) language choice (militancy, banal nationalism..) As for English...

8 National identity and language use/learning English = low presence in everyday life Students didn't consider themselves trilingual (despite so many years of formal teaching) Focus on grammar/correctness rather than fluency and meaningful tasks Need for extra curricular efforts to learn the language (academies, stay abroad, intrinsic interest, TV series, gaming...) No awareness of dual TV-system

9 2. English as a Lingua Franca in language teaching

10 2013-2014 & 2014-2015 in Universitat de Lleida year 1 students of “Audiovisual Communication & Journalism” 21 group interviews in groups of 6 | oral tests (15% grade) lack of speaking opportunities in class still grammar-oriented + need for extra efforts mixed responses to ELF approach as a viable solution (good idea? or lazy English?)

11 English as a Lingua Franca in language teaching TASK BASED APPROACH year 1 students of “AVC&J” Task 1 = watch film, review orally in groups of 4, video- recor d + render + edit + subtitle video, upload in YouTube, comment on other reviews Task 2 = discuss in groups of 3 idea for a short- documentary, audio-record discussions, analyze content.

12 3. Post-Erasmus focus group

13 “Interculturality, European Citizenship and ELF” (FFI2012-35834) Catalan Erasmus students to UK | DK | IT mixed methods (survey + (focus groups) + (shadowing)) postFG_DK = “tirar-se a la piscina”, “perdre la por”, actually used it for meaningful purposes

14 4. RQs, methodological issues … project proposal.

15 RQs & methodological issues … research proposal From micro analysis to identifying major trends (discourse shifts...) Based on all these findings → new approach needed. Critical Discourse Analysis (as framework) Membership Categorization Analysis + Positioning … as analytical tools

16 English as a Lingua Franca in language teaching 2016-2019 PROJECT ?? year 1 students of “Business Administration” Control group = monolingual approach, NS as role-model Experimental group = ELF & TransL material implemented Pre & post language test (also measuring communicative skills) Attitudinal survey and focus groups Hypothesis = EG as good as CG

17 English as a Lingua Franca in language teaching Questions: How could the previous data fit this project? Analyze these data using “thematic analysis”? Comparable data to produce papers? (Hours or uni students talking in English and talking about their learning process; hours of audio-recorded interaction preparing docu; interviews with student recorded 10 years ago in their L1s) + (class sessions of EG and CG; questionnaires; tests; focus group discussions in their L1s)


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