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Nikolay SHPAKOVSKY, PhD, TRIZ consultant 1996-2003 Technology Evolution Diagram S A M S U N G About Display System.

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2 Nikolay SHPAKOVSKY, PhD, TRIZ consultant 1996-2003 Technology Evolution Diagram S A M S U N G About Display System

3 Tools for Analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System

4 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Laws of Technology Evolution. These Laws reflect significant, stable, and repeatable interactions between the elements of technological systems and between the systems itself and their environment at the process of evolution. Laws of Creating Technology System (TS): Laws of Developing TS: Law of System Completeness. Law of Energy Conductivity in System. Law of Harmonization. Law of Increasing Ideality of Technology Systems Law of Irregularity of the Evolution Degree between System's Parts Law of Transition to the Super-System. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Law of Transition From Macro-Level to the Micro-Level. Law of Increasing the Degree of Substance-Field Interactions. Tools for analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System Theoretical Basic Display Evolution

5 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Coordination of ES with Super-System TS 0 Clause of TS structure completeness Clause of through passing of energy Clause of external coordination of TS Main parameter Time E v o l u t I o n o f TS*C r e a t i on of T S* TSn TS1 TS2 TS3 Tools for analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System Theoretical Basic Display Evolution T S* is Technology System

6 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Trend of Technology Evolution. These trends reflect the general direction of development of Technical System’s Parts in accordance with Laws of Technology Evolution. Increasing degree of Segmentation of objects, action, surface, space etc. 1 2 3 Increasing the degree of Dynamization of objects, action, surface, space etc. Complicating the Geometrical shape of systems and objects. Increasing Controllability of parts of System. Coordinating the shapes, sizes, materials and locations of objects and systems. Rhythm and Action Harmonization. 4 5 6 7 Introducing new object and substance into the system and removing them. Tools for analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System Theoretical Basic Display Evolution

7 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transition Patterns. Description of Sequence of steps to developing of system in accordance with Trends of Technology Evolution. 1 Mono – bi - poly. 1234 ? Tools for analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System Theoretical Basic Display Evolution

8 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transition Patterns. 2 Trimming. Description of sequence of steps to developing of system in accordance with Trends of Technology Evolution. Tools for analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System Theoretical Basic Display Evolution

9 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transition Patterns. 3 Segmentation of objects and substances. Description of sequence of steps to developing of system in accordance with Trends of Technology Evolution. Tools for analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System Theoretical Basic Display Evolution

10 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transition Patterns. 4 Segmentation of surface. Description of sequence of steps to developing of system in accordance with Trends of Technology Evolution. Tools for analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System Theoretical Basic Display Evolution

11 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transition Patterns. 5 Segmentation of space. Description of sequence of steps to developing of system in accordance with Trends of Technology Evolution. Tools for analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System Theoretical Basic Display Evolution

12 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transition Patterns. 6 Complication of geometrical shape of systems and objects. Cylindrical Complicate Spherical 2-D curve 3-D curve Complicate One curvature Complicate Point Line Surface Volume Transition “Point – Line - Surface – Volume” Lines evolution Double curvature Surface evolution Volume evolution Complication of geometrical shape Description of sequence of steps to developing of system in accordance with Trends of Technology Evolution. Tools for analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System Theoretical Basic Display Evolution

13 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transition Patterns. 7 Dynamization. Description of sequence of steps to developing of system in accordance with Trends of Technology Evolution. Tools for analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System Theoretical Basic Display Evolution

14 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transition Patterns. 8 Controllability. Description of sequence of steps to developing of system in accordance with Trends of Technology Evolution. Tools for analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System Theoretical Basic Display Evolution

15 Evolution tree. Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Tools for analysis of Technology Evolution of Technology System Theoretical Basic Display Evolution

16 Analysis of Technology Evolution of Visual Display Unit

17 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Surface segmentation for acquisition of image. Continuous surface Segmented surface with different properties of cells Segmented surface Acquisition of Image Display Evolution (from clean surface to unmovable picture)

18 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Types of image generation By color spots By change of the surface shape Combining method Acquisition of image Display Evolution

19 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Mono--bi–Poly (from unmovable picture to movable picture) Volumetric image Picture 1 Picture 2 Bi-system: Stereoscopic image acquisition Acquisition of Moving Image Display Evolution

20 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 C h a n g e Moved image Poly system: Movable image acquisition Mono--bi–poly (from unmovable picture to movable picture) Acquisition of Moving Image Display Evolution

21 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Partially Convoluted Poly-system 1: Cinema Project: Light acquisition image. Projector Screen Mono--bi–poly (from unmovable picture to movable picture) Acquisition of Moving Image Display Evolution

22 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Screen of cinema Display Evolution Introducing additive (from sound to vibrating chairs) Just screen The screen + sound The screen + smell The screen + air, water, heating, laser etc

23 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Surface segmentation (from flat screen to various surface shape) Plain surface of the screen The screen surface with caves The rough screen surface The screen surface with water layer Screen of cinema Display Evolution

24 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Screen of cinema Display Evolution Dynamization of screen surface ( from unmovable to movable) Rigid unmovable screen Dynamization of the spectator’s seats

25 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Screen of cinema Display Evolution Dynamization of screen surface ( from unmovable to movable) Dynamized screen with bending ability 1 2 3 The dynamized screen like bas-relief Idea!

26 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Screen of cinema Display Evolution Geometrical Evolution (from flat screen to spherical screen) Flat screen Cylindrical screen

27 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Spherical screen (in planetarium) Spherical screen of company SSP Solutions Screen of cinema Display Evolution Geometrical Evolution (from flat screen to spherical screen)

28 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Partially Convoluted Poly-system 2: TV: Acquisition of image using Electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic gun Deflection system Screen surface Mono--bi–poly (from unmovable picture to movable picture) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

29 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Trimming (from volumetric display to point display) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution Volumetric display Flat display

30 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Liner display Point “display” Trimming (from volumetric display to point display) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

31 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Flat display Introducing of additive (from sound to vibrating chairs) `` Flat display with loudspeaker on screen Sound generation display of SHARP Scheme Transparent loudspeakers TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

32 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Sensor display 100% transparent sensor layer of Fujitsu Scheme Sensor layer Flare layer Weakly reflected display Introducing of additive (from sound to vibrating chairs) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

33 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Geometrical evolution of line (from straight to complicated) Straight liner display 3-D complicate shape liner display 2-D curve liner display TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

34 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. 3-D complicate shape linear display Rotated linear display. Wheel of bike as rotated screen “Hokey Spokes” Geometrical evolution of line (from straight to complicated) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

35 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Dynamization (from unmovable to adaptive display) 3-D complicate shape linear display as flexible screen for clothes (France Telecom) Idea! Real 3-D image acquisition by linear display as volume figure and “electro active polymers” (NASA) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

36 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Dynamization (from rigid display to flexible display) Rigid display Folded display E-book of SAMSUNG Scheme TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

37 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Bendy display of Liquid Crystal Institute Real sample of “ Universal Display ” Scheme Computer Display with ability to convolve Dynamization (from rigid display to flexible display) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

38 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Idea! “Electroactive polymers” Display with ability to convolve Cinema screen like bas-relief + Display with 3-D flexible surface could generate bas-relief Dynamization (from rigid display to flexible display) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

39 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Display with 2-D image Geometrical Evolution of moving image (from 2-D to 3-D) ? Something with 3-D image TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

40 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Surface segmentation (from flat screen to screen with active shape) 3-D image display with strip raster 3-D image display with lens raster Real sample of Sharp company TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

41 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transparent real-virtual 3-D image display 3-D image display with increased security Screen-glasses Computer Special glasses No image Yes image Antenna Surface segmentation (from flat screen to screen with active shape) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

42 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Mono-bi-poly (from mono layer screen to moving one) Bi- layer 3D image screen ( Deep Video Imaging company) Screen 1 Screen 2 Mono-layer 2D display TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

43 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Contradiction between amount of layers and quality of image Screens Mono-bi-poly (from mono layer screen to moving one) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

44 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Back-and-forth motion screen of 3D display Dynamization (from back-and-forth motion to rotation) Inclined back-and-forth motion screen of 3D display Display Evolution

45 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Explanation of action moving screen Line perpendicular of screen surface Display Evolution

46 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Display “Perspecta” Dynamization Display Evolution

47 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Display “Perspecta” Dynamization Display Evolution

48 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transparent sphere Rotated semitransparent screw plate Laser system Luminous spot Dynamization Display Evolution

49 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Monolith display Segmentation (from monolith to peaces of monolith) Black-white display “E-Paper” of Xerox Black-white ball Electrode Base Multicolor display RGB ball Idea! Intensifying TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

50 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Mechanical model of the rod display Scheme Rod display for blind persons Relay Rod Surface segmentation (from flat screen to screen with active shape) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

51 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Display with piezoceramic rods Rod of piezoceramic Idea! Surface segmentation (from flat screen to screen with active shape) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

52 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Display for blind persons with localization of sound Rod as sound conductor Idea! Sound Sound + vibration Surface segmentation (from flat screen to screen with active shape) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

53 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. “Color” display for blind persons Rod as sound conductor Idea! C o l d W a r m Color round Surface segmentation (from flat screen to screen with active shape) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

54 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Real 3-D bas-relief image with rod as optical fiber Rod as optical fiber Idea! Surface segmentation (from flat screen to screen with active shape) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

55 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Monolith display Segmentation (from monolith to liquid) Transparent electrode Glace case“Electro-liquid powder” Empty place “Powder display” of Bridgestone company from monolith TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

56 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transparent electrode Glace case Liquid crystal Empty place L C D Segmentation (from monolith to liquid) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

57 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transparent electrode Glace caseBlack granulesl White spot Display “E-Ink” of company “E Ink Corporation” Segmentation (from monolith to liquid) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

58 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Bubble display Scheme Bubble Clock - real sample of California Institute of Technology Contrast liquid with bigger density Segmentation (from monolith to liquid) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

59 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Ferromagnetic liquid Deflection magnets Control of bubbles by electromagnetic field Breaking magnet Developing magnet Idea! Intensify from monolith Segmentation (from monolith to liquid) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

60 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Steam screen Scheme Steam screen - real sample of Tampere Institute of Technology Tube with holes Steam curtain Segmentation (from monolith to nothing) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

61 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Steam screen Scheme Steam screen - real sample of Tampere Institute of Technology Tube with holes Steam curtain Segmentation (from monolith to nothing) TV and Computer Display Display Evolution

62 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Mono-bi-poly Display Evolution

63 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Mono-bi-poly Display Evolution

64 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Mono-bi-poly Display Evolution

65 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Mono-bi-poly Display Evolution

66 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Display “Perspecta” Mono-bi-poly Display Evolution

67 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Display “Perspecta” Dynamization Display Evolution

68 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Transparent sphere Rotated semitransparent screw plate Laser system Luminous spot Display Evolution

69 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Display Evolution

70 Nikolay Shpakovsky, PhD. Display Evolution

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