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Curriculum Framework Working Party Overview of Framework and Recommendations.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Framework Working Party Overview of Framework and Recommendations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Framework Working Party Overview of Framework and Recommendations

2 Introductions Margaret Allan Helen Davison Lorna Grant Andy Hancock Joanna McPake (Chair) Ann Morgan Thomas Susan Walls

3 Working Party Brief (1) A coherent framework for ESOL teaching, learning and assessment which will equip learners with the relevant language skills:  to enter the labour market  to access further study  to participate more fully in their local communities and Scottish society

4 Working Party Brief (2) Key tasks:  develop a framework, stressing progression, which should be acceptable and useful to ESOL practitioners working in all sectors; and relevant to ESOL learners from all backgrounds  connect this framework to the emerging ESOL awards framework from SQA/ SCQF as well as to wider UK and EU certification in the field

5 Key Principles 1.The outcomes of provision will be:  successful language learners  confident language users  responsible multilingual citizens  effective communicators 2.The context of learning and its content will encompass:  personal growth  citizenship  lifelong learning  employability

6 Key principles (2) 3.The diversity of learners’ existing knowledge, skills and expertise will be recognised and valued 4.Despite very great diversity among ESOL providers, all are united by the qualifications framework 5.The way forward is always through partnership and negotiation

7 Framework Diagram: Top View Learner Confident language user Personal Growth Effective commun- icator Citizenship Employ- ability Lifelong Learning Work Family Communities Learning Responsible multilingual citizen Successful language learner

8 Language Development Listening Speaking Writing Reading Framework Diagram: Side View

9 Tool Interactive website with  clickable labels on diagrams - definitions, details  case studies  background papers under the following headings: 1. Context for ESOL Learning and Teaching 2. SCQF and ESOL Levels 3. Planning Learning 3. Developing Independent Learning Skills 4. Core Skills and ESOL 5. Employability Skills and ESOL 6. Citizenship and ESOL 7. Use of ICT for learning English

10 Recommendations Consultation  positive responses Finalisation of the tool  writers, designers, launch Dissemination  means, maintenance,interactivity, multilingual versions Implementation  training, embedding, evaluation

11 Discussion Points How might you take this forward in the context in which you work? What would you need to make this work for you?

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