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ESOL.  English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)

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2  English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)

3 If English isn't your main language, we can help you improve your English. Improving your English will make it easier to:

4  talk to doctors and tutors  understand the laws and customs of the UK  do a course and get that qualification  help your child with homework  Be more confident in speaking to English friends

5  There are different levels available so you'll be able to start at the right level for you.  speaking and listening  reading and writing  vocabulary  punctuation and grammar

6  FUN,  INTERACTIVE,  FRIENDLY, £20 PER HOUR (4 Lesson introductory price £25 per hr there after) Split the cost with your friends ! (max 4)

7 PRIVATE, NEED TO CONCENTRATE MORE? WORK AT YOUR OWN PACE. £10 PER HOUR (4 lesson Introductory price £15 per hr. there after) Sisters only

8 Amina; 07599280389 Brothers will be asked to attend lessons at: 1 Hawkins Road Colchester. (behind Tesco) Also available

9  PROOF READING;  Essays, dissertations, government forms etc.  ADVICE SERVICES;  Advocacy, university admissions advice,  C.V service, recruitment advice  and interview skills.  HOUSING ADVICE AND ALLOCATION.  Let us take the stress out of finding housing to suit your needs from the private sector.

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