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“Top Launch Program in the Country - 2006” Launching the Venture Patrick Vernon : LTV I Teams Randy Myer: LTV II Feasibility Ted Zoller: LTV III Business.

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Presentation on theme: "“Top Launch Program in the Country - 2006” Launching the Venture Patrick Vernon : LTV I Teams Randy Myer: LTV II Feasibility Ted Zoller: LTV III Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Top Launch Program in the Country - 2006” Launching the Venture Patrick Vernon : LTV I Teams Randy Myer: LTV II Feasibility Ted Zoller: LTV III Business Planning LTV IV Financing

2 LTV Description Four-part series of courses Teach, empower and inspire entrepreneurial teams at UNC Commercial businesses and social ventures Students, faculty, staff or other; at least one UNC liaison Lectures, workshops, panels, speakers and expert coaching and mentoring Feasibility Oct 19 – Dec 7 Business Planning Jan 11 – Feb 22 Financials March 15 – April 26 Team Building Aug 18 – Oct 5

3 LTV Phases Feasibility Oct 19 – Dec 7 Business Planning Jan 11 – Feb 22 Financials March 15 – April 26 Team Building Aug 18 – Oct 5 Open enrollment Lectures and Panels Application due Oct. 1 20-24 Teams Lectures and Coaches 6-8 Teams Workshops and Investor Relations 12-16 Teams Lectures and Cohorts Outcomes Feasibility Assessment & Elevator Pitch Outcomes Team and LTV II Application Outcomes Preliminary Plan and Venture Pitch Outcomes Financials and Lunch Plan Fall Break Winter Break Spring Break

4 LTV I Opportunity Recognition and Team Building Intro to LTV; not a pre-req Goals: recognizing opportunities –Better LTV II application –Assembling a team to apply for LTV II MBA 848A WebsiteMBA 848A Website

5 LTV I Topics Value proposition Market potential Return Team Competitive advantage Business model Return

6 LTV I Speaker Panels Former LTV students RTP Entrepreneurial Community Entrepreneurial Finance Entrepreneurial Marketing + team building sessions

7 LTV Phase 2 (Randy Myer) Feasibility Oct 19 – Dec 7 Business Planning Jan 11 – Feb 22 Financials March 15 – April 26 Team Building Aug 18 – Oct 5 Open enrollment Lectures and Panels Application due Oct. 1 20-24 Teams Lectures and Coaches 6-8 Teams Workshops and Investor Relations 12-16 Teams Lectures and Cohorts Outcomes Feasibility Assessment & Elevator Pitch Outcomes Team and LTV II Application Outcomes Preliminary Plan and Venture Pitch Outcomes Financials and Lunch Plan Fall Break Winter Break Spring Break



10 “Feasibility” Means 1. Value Proposition is Compelling 2. You Picked the Right First Market Segment 3. Enough Customers Will Buy or Use It at Your Price 4. Your Product/Service is Viable and Beneficial 5. Your Product/Service Is Competitively Superior 6. Your Competition is Minimal or Asleep 7. The Market is Large and Growing

11 DateTopic 10/19Value Proposition Review 10/26Segmentation 11/2Market Research/Concept Testing 11/9 Competitive Analysis 11/16 Industry Analysis 11/23Revenue/Rollout Plan/Feasibility 11/30Intellectual Property/Regulatory 12/7"Elevator Pitch" Outcome: Feasibility Assessment & Elevator Pitch LTV II

12 Resources ● Faculty Advisors/Professors ● Outside Coaches – one per two teams ● Industry experience ● Entrepreneurial experience ● Coaching experience ● Outside Judges (Investors) ● Investment experience ● Advisory experience ● Customer Research Resources ● Industry Research Resources

13 Applying ● Applicants ● Open to Faculty, Staff, Students ● Teams Accepted ● Team of at least two members (lead must be UNC) ● Must attend class ● Made progress on research or launch ● Serious about pursuit ● High potential opportunity (vs lifestyle) ● Potential Team Members/Recruits ● MBA (Masters of Bus Administration) students ● MAC (Masters of Accounting) students ● Friends and Colleagues

14 LTV II 2006-72007-82008-9 Applicants 663935 Teams Accepted 1924 20* Student Teams 814 Faculty/Staff Teams 11106* Total Students 377958 Average Per Team Team Recruits 81916 Coaches 91210

15 LTV Phase 3 & 4 (Ted Zoller) Feasibility Oct 19 – Dec 7 Business Planning Jan 11 – Feb 22 Financials March 15 – April 26 Team Building Aug 18 – Oct 5 Open enrollment Lectures and Panels Application due Oct. 1 20-24 Teams Lectures and Coaches 6-8 Teams Workshops and Investor Relations 12-16 Teams Lectures and Cohorts Outcomes Feasibility Assessment & Elevator Pitch Outcomes Team and LTV II Application Outcomes Preliminary Plan and Venture Pitch Outcomes Financials and Lunch Plan Fall Break Winter Break Spring Break

16 What is Business Planning? Strategic Plan Technical Plan Operations Plan Marketing Plan Management Team Outcome: Business Plan & Venture Pitch

17 Business Planning Phase Learning Model  Systematically develops business model and plan to prepare them for launch.  5M’s: Meaning, Model, Market, Management and Money  Leverages an experiential coaching model for expert evaluation of draft business planning deliverables.  Stepwise deliverables with “iterative” retooling, input of instructors, coaches and peers. Course outcomes are market readied business plans prepared for external capitalization and launch.

18 Session Lineup LABS CLINICS Week 1 Meaning and Model: VP & Business Model Concept and Needs Assessment Week 2Market: Marketing Plan Benchmarking, VP and Business Model Week 3 Money: Unit Economics and Venture Buildup Marketing Plan Week 4 Management: Implementation and Management Unit Economics Week 5 Pitching and Communicating Your Deal Implementation and Management Week 6Launch Tourney Round Robin and Legal Clinic

19 Cohort Design Coaching and Entrepreneurial Expertise Life Sciences Sustainability Social Commercial

20 What is LTV IV: Financing? Financial Plan Pro Forma Projections Benchmarks Milestones Financing Sources Investor Approach Outcome: Launch Plan & Financials

21 asklepios BioPharmaceuticals, Inc. CelluChip, Inc. TerraDotta

22 Questions? Patrick Vernon : LTV I Teams Randy Myer: LTV II Feasibility Ted Zoller: LTV III Business Planning LTV IV Financing LTV II Deadline today midnight

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