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ArXiv:0907.1838 [hep-ph] arXiv:0909.0475 [astro-ph.CO] With Konstantinos Dimopoulos and Mindaugas Karčiauskas. Jacques M. Wagstaff VECTOR CURVATON MODEL.

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Presentation on theme: "ArXiv:0907.1838 [hep-ph] arXiv:0909.0475 [astro-ph.CO] With Konstantinos Dimopoulos and Mindaugas Karčiauskas. Jacques M. Wagstaff VECTOR CURVATON MODEL."— Presentation transcript:

1 arXiv:0907.1838 [hep-ph] arXiv:0909.0475 [astro-ph.CO] With Konstantinos Dimopoulos and Mindaugas Karčiauskas. Jacques M. Wagstaff VECTOR CURVATON MODEL and its distinct A Compelling Observational Signatures

2 Introduction/Motivations INFLATION  Solves horizon and flatness problems of standard Hot Big Bang cosmology  Mechanism to generate the primordial curvature perturbation which seeds all structure in the universe  Observations:  Particle production Inflation produces such perturbations by amplifying by amplifying quantum fluctuations of suitable fields. Particle production in Scalar fields seem to agree well with observations. Predominantly  Gaussian  Adiabatic Hawking radiation in de Sitter space.

3 l=5 multipole in preferred framel=5 multipole in galactic coordinates Why are Vector Fields Interesting?  Scalar fields cannot give rise to a preferred direction! Land & Magueijo (2005) Longo (2007)  ‘Axis of evil’  Alignment of galaxy spins. K. Dimopoulos (2006)  Vector Curvaton mechanism. VECTOR BOSONS ARE FOUND IN NATURE.  Non-Gaussianity:  Statistical Anisotropy: ANOMALIES IN THE CMB.

4 Vector Curvaton with Varying Kinetic Function  Modulated kinetic function and mass. The Spectrum :  Physical vector field:  with mass:

5 Vector Curvaton with Varying Kinetic Function  Modulated kinetic function and mass. For scale invariant transverse components: For scale invariant longitudinal component:  Physical vector field:  with mass:

6 Vector Curvaton with Varying Kinetic Function  Modulated kinetic function and mass. For scale invariant transverse components: For scale invariant longitudinal component:  Physical vector field:  with mass: DYNAMICAL ATTRACTOR

7 Statistical Anisotropy in the Spectrum Isotropic  Observations require: (Groeneboom et al. 2009) (Pullen et al. 2007)

8 Horizon exit Inflation Inflation ends  Second oscillating regime:  Power law regime: Case 1: The Attractor Inflation ends Mode functions Inflation ends  Highly anisotropic spectrum:

9 Anisotropic Bispectrum The highly anisotropic and subdominant limit:  Non-Gaussianity is correlated to statistical anisotropy in the Spectrum.  Non-Gaussianity is itself anisotropic. The almost isotropic and dominant limit: SMOKING GUN FOR A VECTOR FIELD CONTRIBUTION TO THE CURVATURE PERTURBATION OF THE UNIVERSE!

10 CONCLUSIONS arXiv:0907.1838 [hep-ph], arXiv:0909.0475 [astro-ph.CO] Konstantinos Dimopoulos, Mindaugas Karčiauskas, and Jacques M. Wagstaff.  Non-Gaussianity is correlated to statistical anisotropy in the Spectrum.  The Spectrum and Bispectrum are generally anisotropic.  Non-Gaussianity is predominantly anisotropic.  Non-Gaussianity is the same for the different configurations.  Magnitude and direction of anisotropy is identical in the Spectrum and Bispectrum.  Falsifiable case if Non-Gaussianity is observed to be Isotropic.  Falsifiable case if anisotropy is different in Spectrum and Bispectrum. LIGHT FIELD HEAVY FIELD  Do not need scalar fields to generate the curvature perturbation. Flat spectrum as an attractor solution.


12 Horizon exit Inflation Inflation ends Case 1:  Highly anisotropic spectrum: Mode functions

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