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Cosmology and String Theory F. Quevedo Cambridge CORFU 2005.

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1 Cosmology and String Theory F. Quevedo Cambridge CORFU 2005

2 OUTLINE String Cosmology before 2003 The KKLT Scenario and the String Landscape Inflation and Moduli Stabilization FQ hepth/0210292

3 STRING COSMOLOGY String theory is fundamental then it should have important implications in early universe Quantum gravity Big bang or before Experimental tests of the theory?


5 CMB Anisotropies

6 EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE FOR Λ>0 EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE FOR Λ>0 Ω = Ω Λ + Ω M + Ω K = 1 Ω = ρ/ρ c relative energy density K = -1,0,1 open, flat, closed universe Ω Λ ~ 0.7, Ω M ~ 0.3, Ω k ~ 0

7 PROBLEM Do not understand the theory in time dependent backgrounds !!!

8 Effective Field Theories

9 General Aspects Branderberger-Vafa Scenario ((S 1 ) 9 x time) T-duality Minimal distance ! Minimal distance ! Winding modes D=4 (since 2+2=4)!

10 Pre Big-Bang Cosmology Gasperini, Veneziano,… t=0 singularity + strong coupling

11 String Theory and 4D Inflation

12 MOTIVATION Inflation: very successful but only scenarios in search of a theory Inflation: very successful but only scenarios in search of a theory String theory: fundamental theory but lacks experimental tests. Is it possible to `derive’ inflation from string theory?

13 Need to compute scalar potential from String theory satisfying slow-roll conditions: Number of e-folds N>60 Density perturbations

14 HISTORY t<1986 Calabi-Yau String Compactifications: Many free moduli (size and shape of extra dimensions) from g mn, B mn, φ, A m I 1986<t<1991 Geometric moduli: candidate for inflaton fields. But no potentials (V=0). Or V too steep: Or V too steep: Dilaton S, Kähler T Complex structure U Wilson lines W Candelas et al. Binetruy-Gaillard, Banks et al Brustein-Steinhardt

15 New Problems: Overshooting (natural to end up in runaway) Cosmological Moduli Problem (moduli overclose the universe or ruin nucleosynthesis) Brustein-Steinhardt Coughlan et al. Banks et al. De Carlos et al.

16 t=1995-1998 The Brane World ADD, Horava-Witten,…

17 t=1998 More moduli! : D-brane inflation. But V=0 or non-calculable. t=2001 Brane/Antibrane inflation: Dvali-Tye Generically no slow roll, but… Burgess et al., Dvali et al

18 V Y tachyon Tachyon complex topological defects D (p-2) branes cosmic strings ! End of inflation: Open string tachyon Burgess et al. Tye et al. Copeland et al. Sen, Burgess et al.

19 Intersecting Brane Inflation Y: Inflaton End of inflation: tachyon Also: D3-D7 inflation Garcia-Bellido et al. Kallosh et al.

20 Ekpyrotic/Cyclic Scenario a(0)=0 weak coupling (bounce?) But: singularity? Potential by hand,… Horava Witten 11D

21 Outstanding Problem Moduli Stabilization A Solution: turn-on fluxes t> 2003 KKLT Scenario …GKP, KKLT, …

22 KKLT Scenario Type IIB String on Calabi-Yau orientifold Type IIB String on Calabi-Yau orientifold Turn on Fluxes ∫ a F 3 = n a ∫ b H 3 = m b ∫ a F 3 = n a ∫ b H 3 = m b Superpotential W = ∫ G 3 Λ Ω, G 3 = F 3 –iS H 3 Superpotential W = ∫ G 3 Λ Ω, G 3 = F 3 –iS H 3 Scalar Potential: V= e K |D a W| 2 Scalar Potential: V= e K |D a W| 2 Minimum D a W = 0 Fixes U a and S Minimum D a W = 0 Fixes U a and S T moduli unfixed: No-Scale models T moduli unfixed: No-Scale models Size of cycle a = U a GKP …GKP, KKLT, …

23 4D Compactifications

24 To fix Kähler moduli: Non-perturbative D7 effects Fluxes Non-perturbative Volume SUSY AdS minimum (W 0 << 1)

25 Lifting to de Sitter (add anti D3 branes, D-terms, etc.) SUSY breaking term KKLT, BKQ, SS V axionvolume

26 The Landscape Huge number of discrete vacua >10 500 Statistics Randall-Sundrum warping from strings! Non SUSY de Sitter Dark energy? `SM’ on D3/D7branes Soft SUSY breaking? Inflation? AD, DD, DDF, GKTT,CQ,BGHLW GKP BP CG-MQU

27 Populating the Landscape Classical Solutions Quantum decay (tunnel efect)

28 Multiverse and Eternal Inflation

29 Realistic Models CG-MQU, CSU

30 Exponentially Large Volumes At least two Kähler moduli (h 21 >h 11 >1) Perturbative corrections to K Example : Exponentially large ! BBCQ, CQS

31 Non SUSY AdS W 0 ~1-10 String scale: Ms 2 =Mp 2 /V

32 KKLT AdS Non SUSY AdS W 0 ~10 -10 W 0 <10 -11 Both minima merge

33 Inflation and Moduli Stabilization

34 D3 Brane φ φ inflaton field Brane-Antibrane Inflation KKLMMT, HKP, KTW, FT, BCSQ, …

35 Slow-roll (large field) inflation possible. Need 1/1000 fine tuning of parameters to get 60-efoldings (η-problem) N~60, δ H ~10 -5 for Ms~ 10 15 GeV n s ~1.05 Burgess, Cline, Stoica, FQ Needs at least two throats ! Also: D3-D7 on K3xT2 DBI in the sky Kallosh et al. Silverstein-Tong, Chen

36 Warped Tachyonic Inflation A,B depend on warping (fluxes) and E&M fields on non- BPS brane. If A,B~1 no slow-roll AB large slow-roll No fine-tuning! But need large fluxes Sen, Raeymakers, Cremades-Sinha-FQ

37 INITIAL CONDITIONS Sen’s open string completeness conjecture t -t Pre big-bang ! ? Inflation and compactification or big-crunch/bang and decompactification ! ? and decompactification ! ?

38 Racetrack Inflation Topological eternal inflation ! Slow roll if 1/1000 fine tuning, N~60, δ H ~10 -5 for Ms~10 15 GeV n s ~ 0.95 Blanco-Pillado et al.

39 Improved Racetrack Blanco-Pillado et al. Douglas et al. Explicitly derived model Similar physics

40 Kähler Moduli Inflation Any Calabi-Yau: 21 > 11 h 21 >h 11 >2 volume τnτn V Conlon-FQ Large field inflation No fine-tuning!! 0.960<n<0.967

41 CONCLUSIONS Exciting times Type IIB: Several inflationary scenarios, Inflaton: Kahler modulus, brane sparation, tachyon, Wilson lines, Complex structure moduli (?). Reheating Extensions to other string theories ( Becker et al ) Initial conditions Overshooting problem,…. Open questions

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