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Price level Petr Wawrosz. What is price level Theoretical concept expressing all prices in economics Aggregate indicators of all prices in economy We.

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Presentation on theme: "Price level Petr Wawrosz. What is price level Theoretical concept expressing all prices in economics Aggregate indicators of all prices in economy We."— Presentation transcript:

1 Price level Petr Wawrosz

2 What is price level Theoretical concept expressing all prices in economics Aggregate indicators of all prices in economy We are not able to measure (to identify) all prices in economy (prices of all goods, final and capital goods) However we need to know what happens with prices on the aggregate level.

3 CPI Price level is expressed (measured) by CPI Consumer price index Basket of selected goods – mostly consumed by household Weight mean of the price Weight = the share of spending for one good (in the basket) on the total amount of the spending The indicator without unit of measurement.

4 Equation of CPI:

5 The problems with CPI Stable weight No new goods No change of quality of the good

6 Inflation

7 Příklad na výpočet CPI a inflace

8 Change of inflation If price level change about 5 % between period 1 and 2 and also between period 2 and 3, the value of the inflation become same = stable inflation. If price level change about 5 % between period 1 and 2 and e.g. A bout 8 % between period 2 and 3 we speak about acceleration of inflation. If price level change about 5 % between period 1 and 2 and e.g. about 2 % between period 2 and 3 we speak about deceleration of inflation or about disinflation. Negative change of price level calls deflation.

9 Nominal and real interest rate

10 The main reason of inflation The growth of the amount of the money in economy. The amount of money grows quickly (higher) than amount of produced goods. If amount of goods and amount of money growth in same rate -> usually no inflation. Attention! V = velocity of money: how often the unit of money is used in defined period of time If V changes (increases) than situation of same growth rate of money and goods leads to inflation.

11 The consequences of inflation

12 The loss of purchasing power of money

13 Menu cost = cost connecting with necessity of changing price = prices do not fulfill their role (inflations distorts the information delivered by prices) to inform about relative scarcity and utility of each good or factor of production in comparison with other good or factor of production Inefficient allocation Confusion and inconvenience People bears (takes) higher risk. Shoelaether costs

14 Redistribution of wealth In favor of people who anticipate the right level of inflation and not in favor of people who do not anticipate the right level. Anticipated and anticipated inflation Adaptive and rational expectations

15 Tax distortion Taxes on nominal measurement. Examples: - progressive taxes on income - taxes on nominal income

16 Tax distorsion See example (Mankiw p. 375)

17 Deflation Credit-freeze In deflation people are not willing to borrow money – they face high real interest rate and the are not able to pay the interests. -> reduction of investments, shrink of capital goods, negative impact on production. People postpone their purchases – they are waiting for another fall of prices -> firms reduce their production.

18 The best solution? Small positive inflation (about 2 % p.a.) People are forced to care about their money. If one firms is in trouble it does not increase wages of its employee. No-increase of wages in the situation of small inflation is more acceptable than shrink of wages.

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