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E-Writing Course Topic 3 Teacher Fly September,2011.

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1 E-Writing Course Topic 3 Teacher Fly September,2011

2 Topic 3 Unit 3 My Room Topic (话题) : My Room Prompt( 提示) : Do you have a room of your own or do you want to share your room? What does it look like? What do you have inside your room? Write an essay describing your room. Essay type (文章类型) : exposition (说明文 ) Description (说明) : according to your essay, others can know about the structure of your room. First, describe the whole structure. Second, detail describe the inner structure. Finally, summarize the main content. Word limit (字数限制) : 100~150 words

3 Slide 3 – Copyright © 2007-2011 E-brain – All Rights Reserved Vocabulary picture ['pikt ʃ ə] n. 照片,图画 alarmclock [ə‘l ɑ :mkl ɔ k] n. 闹钟 computer [kəm‘pju:tə] n. 计算机 table ['teibl] n. 桌子 floor [fl ɔ :] n. 地板 wall [w ɔ :l] n. 墙壁 bed [bed] n. 床 sofa [‘səufə] n. 沙发 lamp [læmp] n. 台灯

4 Slide 4 – Copyright © 2007-2011 E-brain – All Rights Reserved Vocabulary wall paper [w ɔ :l] [‘peipə] n. 墙纸 bright [brait] adj. 明亮的 open ['əupən] adj. 敞开的 bookcase [‘bukkeis] n. 书柜 rest [rest ] vi. 休息 curtain ['kə:tən] n. 窗帘 air-condition ['εəkən,di ʃ ən] n. 空调 favorite ['feivərit] adj. 最喜爱的 garderobe [‘ ɡɑ :drəub] n. 衣柜 beside cupboard 床头柜

5 Slide 5 – Copyright © 2007-2011 E-brain – All Rights Reserved Supporting idea questions 1. What do you usually do in your room? 2. What’s in your room? 3. What’s your favorite/special part in your room?

6 Slide 6 – Copyright © 2007-2011 E-brain – All Rights Reserved Translate some sentences 1. 我的房间是我学习、做作业和休息的地方。 My room is the place where I can study, do my homework, and take a rest. 2. 在我的墙上有一些我最喜欢的乐队和演员的海报。 There are a few posters of my favorite bands and actors on my walls. 3. 我房间最好的部分是我的窗帘,因为它们是白色,有花边和丝带。 The best part of my room is my curtains because they are white, with lace and ribbons. 4. 我的房间非常明亮和宽敞。 My room is very bright and open. 5. 我房间只有一张床和放我电脑的大桌子。 I only have a bed and a big desk for my computer in my room.

7 Slide 7 – Copyright © 2007-2011 E-brain – All Rights Reserved My room is my favorite part of our house. It is very important for me because it is my own. It is the place where I can study, do my homework, and take a rest. The walls are pink in color. There are a few posters of my favorite bands and actors on my walls. The floor is made of brown wood. The best part of my room is my curtains because they are white, with lace and ribbons. They make my room look like a princess’ room. I don't like to keep a lot of things in my room because insects could hide in my things. My room is very bright and open. I also get uncomfortable when there are a lot of things around me. I only have a bed and a big desk for my computer in my room.

8 Slide 8 – Copyright © 2007-2011 E-brain – All Rights Reserved

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