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NACUMS National Association of College and University Mail Services.

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Presentation on theme: "NACUMS National Association of College and University Mail Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 NACUMS National Association of College and University Mail Services

2 NACUMS Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going?

3 Where Did We Come From? Uniqueness of C&U Industry –Each a Small City –Services similar to USPS Nonprofit Mailing Concerns –Too often confused with others –Revenue Forgone Perceived as “Small Mailer” –Unorganized as an industry –Little sharing of information

4 A National Organization? First Discussed 1978 NPF –Share ideas within unique setting of C&U’s –Improve relationship with USPS –Improve levels of service within individual schools Began as a Regional –ACUMS formed in 1979

5 CUNIMAIL College and University Mail list serve Began at University of Iowa Nearly 1000 individual participants Sharing of ideas, concerns, experiences

6 NACUMS’ Beginning Industry Steering Committee –Formed 1995 Spring NPF NACUMS is Born –1995 Fall Forum –By-Laws created –Officers elected

7 Why Are We Here? NACUMS’ Goals Enhance communication channels Sharing of information –Among C&U professionals –With USPS –Other industry affiliations (PRC, Board of Governors, etc.) Provide development/use of ethical and effective mail management techniques Develop and improve training and educational opportunities

8 NACUMS’ Goals Mentor members new to the mailing industry Promote, develop and unite C&U mailing professionals Facilitate cooperation, communication and professional relationships Means for sharing knowledge and experience for the benefit of all members

9 Regional Affiliations Association of College and University Mail Services (ACUMS) Association of Rocky Mountain College and University Mail Services (ARMCUMS) College and University Mail Services Association (CUMSA) Mid-Atlantic Region of College and University Mail Services (MARCUMS) Western Association of College and University Mail Services (WACUMS) Southwest Association of College and University Mail Services (SWACUMS) University Mail Managers Association (UMMA)

10 NACUMS’ Accomplishment Member of MTAC Member of CHEMA (Council of Higher Education Management Association) Task force to improve C&U addressing formats Annual Industry Benchmarking Annual national conference

11 NACUMS’ Membership Nearly 600 members Represent 350 schools Nearly every state

12 2005 Industry Volumes 7.4 B outbound USPS mail 6.3 B inbound USPS mail 3.7 B intra-campus mail 17.0 B total pieces $3.2 B in USPS postage expense $543.9 M in Nonprofit postage

13 Where Are We Going? Expand membership Enhance current industry relationships –Vendor discounts –“Think Tanks” Educate the present about the future

14 NACUMS’ Future Investigate industry educational programs –Business classes in Mail Improve service to students –Address formats –Mail forwarding

15 NACUMS PO Box 270367 Fort Collins, CO 80527-0367

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