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Elderly Assistance Domestic Robots The future of nursing homes and elder people staying in their own home.

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Presentation on theme: "Elderly Assistance Domestic Robots The future of nursing homes and elder people staying in their own home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elderly Assistance Domestic Robots The future of nursing homes and elder people staying in their own home.

2 Protection Robots like this will be able to protect the elderly at their home or assisted living facility. These machines can stop intruders and alert authorities.

3 Medical Assistance Robots such as the ones to the left can assist elderly people and apply basic first aid from someone operating the machine from a different location. The robots can also call for an ambulance.

4 Companion Robots Robots such as these can become fast friends to those elderly who are in a retirement home or assisted living facility. They can be used to communicate to and be helpful such as retrieving small objects.

5 Hobby Also these robots might inspire civilians to create their own robots and try out the vast plain of hobby robotics.

6 By: Nicholas Frichette Images gotten from google. GO ROBOTS!!!

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