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A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women.

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Presentation on theme: "A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women."— Presentation transcript:

1 A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women

2 International Women’s Day Friday March 8 th marks International Women’s Day and there is a wealth of information to browse on the International Women’s Day 2013 website, which includes details of more than 320 events planned across the UK by a wide range of organisations. International Women’s Day 2013

3 International Women’s Day Welcome to the RCN’s International Women’s Day presentation. This year’s theme focuses on ending violence against women. The following slides highlight some of the work being done by the Royal College of Nursing in this area.

4 The RCN will continue to raise awareness of International Women’s Day as an integral part of our long tradition of work in implementing equality of opportunity, celebrating diversity and promoting human rights. Our pledge

5 Protecting you at work “All workers have a right to work safely and free from violence. The RCN is concerned that a predominantly female nursing workforce is exposed to high levels of physical and verbal abuse at work and calls on employers, regulators and the Government to do more to protect vulnerable workers from violence.” Kim Sunley, RCN Senior Employment Relations Advisor

6 Keeping you safe at work If you are concerned about workplace violence then speak to your local RCN representative or contact RCN Direct on 0345 772 6100. Alternatively, visit for further For further information and resources on workplace violence see ent/health_and_safety/violence_and_agression ent/health_and_safety/violence_and_agression

7 The Membership Support Services team offer free, confidential advice, guidance, representation and support to help you. We work closely with our colleagues in regional offices and legal services to ensure that our members are as fully supported as possible during tough times.

8 Supporting you Member Support Services consists of five key services: u Careers Service u Counselling Service u Immigration Advice Service u Welfare Rights and Guidance Service u Peer Support @ MSS (formerly the Work Injured Nurses Group and Disabled Nurses Network) For more information, visit the RCN website

9 “ As the RCN’s Midwifery and Women’s Health Advisor, My goal is to enhance women’s health globally. International Women’s Day gives us a vital opportunity to keep women’s health firmly on our agenda.” Carmel Bagness, RCN Midwifery & Women’s Health Advisor

10 Women’s Health Forum The Women’s Health and Midwifery forums carry out a wide range of activities each year. For more information please visit the Forum page munities/rcn_forum_communities/wome nshealth

11 International Women’s Day 2012 The International dimension: RCN members with Deputy President, Cecilia Anim and Alison Criado- Perez of Médecins Sans Frontières discussing the role of nurses in humanitarian work as part of our celebrations for International Women’s Day.

12 The RCN with colleagues from the Royal College of Midwives, joining other organisations supporting Women on the Bridge for International Women’s Day 2012.

13 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). This year’s event takes place in New York and its theme is the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls. Further information about the Commission can be viewed below 57sess.htm#themes

14 Join us at Congress 2013 Help us to shape the next generation of guidance for RCN members aimed at identifying and responding to domestic abuse and violence in all its forms Monday, 22 nd April 2013, 12:45 - 13:45 Venue: Jurys Inn For more information contact

15 Useful contacts Women’s Aid Broken Rainbow (LGBT) Men’s Advice and Enquiry Line _advice.php International Women’s Day website

16 For more information about this presentation please email :

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