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The Development of Families

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1 The Development of Families
HHS4U/C Unit 4

2 Remember this?? ...

3 Remember this?? … Why is it hard to define families?
What definitions of “family” did we discuss? What were the differences?

4 The Vanier Institute definition:
Any combination of two or more persons who are bound together over time by ties of mutual consent, birth and/or adoption or placement and who, together, assume responsibilities for variant combinations of some of the following: Physical maintenance and care of group members Addition of new members through procreation or adoption Socialization of children Social control of members Production, consumption, distribution of goods and services Affective nurturance – love

5 The Statistics Canada definition:
“The census family refers to a husband and a wife (with or without children who have never married regardless of age), couples living together (with or without children who have never married, from one or both partners) or a lone parent (with one or more children who have never married regardless of age) living in the same dwelling”

6 The United Nations definition:
“…the family is referred to as the basic unit of society; it is appreciated for the important socio-economic functions it performs. In spite of the many changes in society that have altered its role and functions, it continues to provide the natural framework for the emotional, financial and material support essential for the growth and development of its members, particularly infants and children, for the care of other dependents including the elderly, disabled, and infirm. The family remains a vital means of preserving and transmitting cultural values. In the broader sense, it can, and often does, educate, train, motivate and support its individual members, thereby investing in their future growth and acting as a vital resource for development”

7 Families as Agents of Socialization
In the past… The goal was to pass on the family name and traditions Also, families were needed for labour Now… The goal is to raise happy, well-adjusted children Children are no longer valued economically but for their emotional fulfillment

8 Families of the Past… As a group, select one family:
Aboriginal (pgs ) European (pgs ) European … continued (pgs ) European … continued (pgs ) Chinese (pgs ) Toda (pgs ) Summarize the trends into 5 points to share with the class

9 Families of the Present…
Couples in the 21st century who are considering having children have many more choices and face more complex issues than families of the past The institution of marriage has changed Social norms in regard to sex roles, conception, and the equality of women contribute to the decline in fertility rates Couples can choose when to have children, how many to have, and when they’d like to stop permanently due to advances in contraception

10 Families of the Present…
Childbearing is delayed due to education and career goals of women The average age of mothers at the birth of their first child in 2010 was 29.6 years 51% of all mothers who gave birth in 2010 were 30 or older

11 Source: Statistics Canada

12 Families of the Present…
Women continue to work after marriage and childbirth In 2008, 64% of husband-wife families were dual- income earners (up from 47% in 1976) Advances in reproductive technology now allows couples who are infertile to have children Artifical insemination, in vitro fertilization, etc.

13 Families of the Present…
Babies are healthier due to increased knowledge of prenatal care Nutrition during pregnancy, dangers of smoking and drinking, etc. Genetic testing enables couples to determine the risk of inherited problems and to choose whether to terminate an unhealthy pregnancy The infant mortality rate has declined steadily over the past century

14 Families of the Present…
There is a lack of support for parents Families struggle to balance careers and children Workplaces are often inflexible and have inadequate child-care programs

15 Theoretical Perspectives
Describe the development of family and parent- child relationships from the viewpoint of the different theoretical perspectives For example …

16 Theoretical Perspectives
Social Exchange theory Couples look to receive something back from their children (a benefit) in exchange for their time, energy, and money they put into raising them (costs) These benefits include emotional fulfillment and love Systems Theory The work pattern of women influences all members of the family (scheduling, homework completion, activities, meal preparation, shopping, etc.)

17 The Decision to have Children
What factors influence decisions about having children? Fertility and/or access to reproductive technology Access to birth control Religious or cultural beliefs (i.e. abortion) Stability of the intimate relationship Age and health Financial status Educational, career, and personal goals Influence of friends/family

18 Legislation to Support Families
Parental and maternity leave Pregnancy leave – 17 weeks unpaid Parental leave – 35 to 37 weeks unpaid Can apply for EI benefits (pay from the government while you are off; sometimes “topped up” by employer) Protection against discrimination because of pregnancy Continue to pay into and earn benefits while off Maintain the same seniority and salary as when they left In most cases, the job they leave is to be available when they come back Cannot be penalized in away way for taking parental leave

19 Legislation to Support Families
The right to breastfeed in public Charter of Rights and Freedoms Adoption rights for same-sex couples Since 1999 same-sex couples have had the same rights to adopt as heterosexual couples In 2011, 9% of couples with children were same-sex More female-female couples adopt than male-male

20 Same-Sex Families Raising Children

21 Legislation to Support Families
Subsidized child care The government helps eligible families pay for day care or before/after-school programs for children under 12 Depends on family income

22 Challenges Faced by Families
Family conflict Children or family members with special needs Child abuse and neglect Discipline vs. Punishment Elder abuse and neglect Spousal abuse Teen pregnancy Childlessness By choice, infertility, or death Divorce Immigration

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