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Bell Work  Have work from yesterday on desk  What was the Marshall Plan? Fully Explain!

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work  Have work from yesterday on desk  What was the Marshall Plan? Fully Explain!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work  Have work from yesterday on desk  What was the Marshall Plan? Fully Explain!

2 13.1

3 Capitalism v Communism CapitalismCommunism  an economic system in which the people decide how money is created and spenteconomic system  a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in co mmon; the government decides how many is created and spent

4 Berlin Wall kids.jpg

5 End of WWII POST-WWII  WWII Ends  Allies Victorious  BIG THREE  U.S.A (Roosevelt)  Soviet Union (Stalin)  Britain (Churchill)  Two major powers are left  U.S.A.  Soviet Union

6 Yalta  The Big Three met at Yalta  Soviet Union gets land in Asia  Germany divided into four zones, each zone run by an allied power  West Germany becomes democracy, East Germany becomes communist  Leads to “iron curtain”

7 A New president  FDR DIES  Harry S. Truman becomes president  Allows for the creation of the United Nations  50 Nations are apart of it  Goal is to stop international disputes before war begins

8 Soviet Expansion in Europe Policy of “Containment”Marshall Plan  Truman Doctrine  To hold back the Soviets using both Military and nonmilitary ways.  Long run, pledges that the United States will fight communism worldwide  George Marshall pledges massive aid to Western Europe  $ 13 billion worth of supplies, machinery, and food into Western Europe  Lead to economic recovery, which weakens the want to communism

9 Berlin Wall kids.jpg

10 Crisis in Berlin  Truman  Reunite Germany was essential for the future Europe future  Stalin  Feared a reunited Germany would presented a threat to the Soviet Union

11 Germany’s 4 Zones in 1948

12 Berlin Blockade Post-War Settlement of Germany allows for rival system in West vs East West Free, run by allies, quickly rebuilding East Run by Soviets, looted the land, little recovery  1948, June  Stalin cuts off road and rail ways to Berlin  Idea to use massive starvation for political gain  Truman’s Decision  Take back West Berlin with Tanks and troops  World War III starts  Allow Soviets to have Berlin  USA looks like it cant protect freedom

13 AIRLIFT  Berlin Airlift  Truman would resupply Berlin by air  277,804 flights carrying 2,325,809 tons of supplies into West Berlin in the next 9 months  Airlift allows rations to rise!  Cold War has officially begun

14 REACTION TO AIRLIFT USASoviet Union  North Atlantic Treaty Organization  USA, Canada, Spain, France, Italy, Turkey, Norway, West Germany, Britain, Iceland  Will Aid each other if any other member is attacked  Warsaw Pact  Soviet Union and communist governments of Eastern Europe  DON’T WRITE THIS  LEADS TO NEXT SLIDE

15 Two Armed Camps

16 New Fears  Subversion  Sabotage/spys  Communist loyal to Soviet Union had become established in the American government  U.S. investigates all federal employees  Little evidence of espionage found  Blacklist  Hollywood 10  Rosenbergs

17 McCarthyism  Joseph McCarty  Believe a vast soviet network existed inside the U.S. government  Holds court  Charges were unfound  Many careers are ruined  McCarthyism  Use of unproven charges to discredit people

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