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LeadingAge Maryland Federal Housing Update April 22, 2015 Alayna Waldrum, Esq. LeadingAge Housing Legislative Representative

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2 LeadingAge Maryland Federal Housing Update April 22, 2015 Alayna Waldrum, Esq. LeadingAge Housing Legislative Representative

3 Fiscal 2016 Appropriations Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program FY08 FY09FY10FY11FY12FY13FY14FY15 President’s FY16 Budget Total Section 202 Program (All amounts are in millions) $735 $765$825$400$374.6 $383.5$420$455 Including Section 202 Capital Advance $629 $454.5$582$9000-- Section 202 Demonstration ------ $20 approx. (this also includes funds from recaptures) -- $10 (this will also include fund from residual receipts sweep) 202 Predevelopment Grants $20 000-- PRAC renewals Incl. in Cap Adv Incl. in Cap Adv $158.1$183.7 $258.6 est. $290$350$365 SPRAC-------- Service Coordinators/CH SP $60 $90 $91 $72$70$77 Assisted Living Conversion $24.8 $25$400$25 -- Total Units Awarded3,2603,1312,7315940000Unknown

4 FY 16 Appropriations: Project Based Section 8 Funding (All amounts in millions) FY10FY11FY12FY13FY14FY15President’s FY16 Budget Request 8,5529,2579,3408,8519,9179,73010, 760 Project-Based Section 8 funding was moved to a calendar-year funding cycle No room in THUD budget moving forward for funds to meet program growth

5 Budget Forecast for FY16 Budget framework adheres to sequestration Budget Committee conferees named Includes Rep. Van Hollen THUD bill may not move early due to transportation battles Math may not work

6 Affordable Senior Housing Policy Challenges Federal financing will not increase beyond current service levels Push for increased reliance on private capital, which will continue to be difficult Tension continues between constraining costs and innovating Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and National Housing Trust Fund must be protected Increased pressure on states to fund affordable senior housing/establish LIHTC preferences

7 Affordable Senior Housing Political Challenges There are few affordable housing champions in Congress Most new members do not know about federal housing programs “Magical Thinking” Assistance is not necessary Private sector will always do a better job Market solutions Sequestration looming for thru FY2025 2016 Election

8 LeadingAge Affordable Senior Housing Policy Agenda: Hold the line on appropriations, especially Project-Based Section 8 Support the President’s budget request to increase funding for the Section 202 demonstration Develop a preservation strategy for the Section 202 PRACs SPRAC expansion/alternative Protect the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program Explore new financing alternatives for affordable housing development Continue support for the National Housing Trust Fund Push for an alternative to sequestration

9 LeadingAge Focus on Emerging Issues Expansion of home and community-based services options Improve coordination and integration of health and long-term care services and supports Capitalize on the increased pressure on states to meet growing need Non-governmental funding models

10 LeadingAge Center for Housing Plus Services National catalyst for development, adoption and support of innovative housing solutions that enable low- and modest- income seniors to age safely and successfully in their homes and communities. Assemble evidence base by rigorously evaluating affordable housing plus services programs Education on development and implementation Inform policy at both state and federal level Partner with housing and health entities

11 Alayna Waldrum, Esq. LeadingAge Housing Legislative Representative Phone: 202-508-9476

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