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1 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013. 2 Roles of Mental Health Professionals in Visitation/Custody Custody Evaluation Independent Medical Examination.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013. 2 Roles of Mental Health Professionals in Visitation/Custody Custody Evaluation Independent Medical Examination."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

2 2

3 Roles of Mental Health Professionals in Visitation/Custody Custody Evaluation Independent Medical Examination Psychological Evaluation Expert Witness 3 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

4 Roles of Mental Health Professionals (cont.) Consultant to Legal Team Parent Coordination Reconciliation Therapist Family Therapist Individual Therapist 4 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

5 “My mom has a new boyfriend, my dad has a new girlfriend, and all I got was a new therapist.” 5 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

6 Custodial Decisions Legal Custody Physical Custody 6 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

7 “I have the kids Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. She has them Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thursday they’re free-range.” 7 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

8 The New Norm: Co-Parenting after the Contentious Divorce 80-85% of divorces are not contentious Cost of contentious divorce can easily exceed $100,000 each 8 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

9 “I’m glad you got divorced…it eliminates the middleman.” 9 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

10 Impact Separation/Divorce on Children Short-term Long-term 10 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

11 “I’m staying together for the sake of my parents.” 11 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

12 Critical Factors that Determine Outcome for Children Relationship with both parents Conflict reduction post-separation Parents still act like parents 12 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

13 What Parents Typically Fight About 13 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

14 Divorce is Ultimately about Control of Assets Money Children Money and Children 14 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

15 Specific Issues around Raising the Kid You Love with the Ex You Hate 15 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

16 How to tell your Child that you are Separating The first act of co-parenting Honesty and breaking of trust When and how to tell How much of the agreement to share Your child’s self blame 16 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

17 Clear Rules about Funding and Co-Parenting Separate the “business” of parenting from the business of “parenting” 17 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

18 Handling the Holidays and Soccer Games What the agreement won’t say about extra- curriculars What should happen on holidays Managing the field 18 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

19 School Issues Maintain stability Ideal if both parents are in the same school district Home school, private school, same school, new school 19 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

20 Introducing New People into the Child’s Life The second divorce When should they meet How to introduce 20 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

21 “Dad, if mom ever has a boyfriend, I hope he’s just like you.” 21 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

22 Technology Can Help – Or it Can Hurt Phone calls Skype Facetime Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013 22

23 Hell No – I Won’t Go: The Child Refuses Visitation She’s Moving Out and In With Him Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013 23

24 In the End Good parenting even when parents disagree 24 Copyright Dr. Edward Farber, 2013

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