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Applied Nutrition Andrew Granger LSU AgCenter. Nutrition Defined Match requirements to feed Nutrients Carbohydrate, protein, minerals, vitamins, etc.

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Presentation on theme: "Applied Nutrition Andrew Granger LSU AgCenter. Nutrition Defined Match requirements to feed Nutrients Carbohydrate, protein, minerals, vitamins, etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applied Nutrition Andrew Granger LSU AgCenter

2 Nutrition Defined Match requirements to feed Nutrients Carbohydrate, protein, minerals, vitamins, etc. Requirements Stage of production, work Feeds Concentrates, roughages, protein, carbohydrate

3 Ruminant vs. Nonruminant Rumen = microbes Starch vs. Cellulose Function Absorption of nutrients

4 Nutrients Protein – amino acids Carbohydrate – starch, cellulose Fat – linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic Vitamins – fat soluble, water soluble Minerals – inorganic elements Water

5 Animal Requirements Body Weight Growth Lactation Gestation Work Stress Cold, Heat, Parasites, Disease

6 Growth Protein 21% for baby pigs, 18% 40 to 100 lbs, 16% 100 to 200, 14% 200 to 250 Energy 400 lb. heifer – 77% TDN 700 lb. heifer – 77% TDN Rate of Gain 400 lb bull 1.5lbs/d – 61.5%TDN 2.5lbs/d – 70% TDN

7 Requirements 500 lb. growing heifer Intake – 12 lbs. Protein – 1.25 lbs. TDN – 8.2 lbs. 1.25/12=10.5%

8 Intake Beef Cattle – 2.5% of BW Sheep and Goats – 4% of BW Hogs 40lbs – 2 lbs 100lbs – 4lbs 185lbs – 7lbs

9 Feeds Concentrates Grains Roughages Hay and pasture Protein Soybean meal, alfalfa Energy Corn, bermudagrass

10 Feeds Corn – 90% TDN, 10% CP Soybean Meal – 84% TDN, 48% CP Sorghum – 84% TDN, 10% CP Bermuda Hay – 52% TDN, 9% CP Alfalfa Hay – 60% TDN, 20% CP

11 Feeds Sweet Feeds Pellets Feed Tags TDN = 81.41 - (0.6 x CF)

12 Matching = Math Growing Heifer = 8.2 lbs of TDN Corn = 90% TDN So 8.2/.9 = 9lbs of corn/day 150 lb pig = 10,000 Kcals/day Corn 1600Kcals/lb 10000/1600 = 6.25lbs of corn/day Pierson's Square

13 Feeding practices Consistency Time, quantity and quality Changes Introduction Magic formulas Water

14 Problems Copper Urinary calculi Acidosis Scours

15 Summary Nutrition Anatomy Nutrients Requirements Feeds Matching Feeding practices Related problems

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