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Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck. John Steinbeck * Novelist of the California Experience Born in Salinas, California in 1902 Grew up in Salinas Valley.

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Presentation on theme: "Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck. John Steinbeck * Novelist of the California Experience Born in Salinas, California in 1902 Grew up in Salinas Valley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck

2 John Steinbeck * Novelist of the California Experience Born in Salinas, California in 1902 Grew up in Salinas Valley nicknamed the “ Salad Bowl of the Nation”

3 Author Background All of his famous works are defined by his sensitivity for the common man: misfits, striking workers, migrants who sought prosperity in the golden land He wrote about the dreams and defeats of common people as shaped by the magnificent land they inhabit

4 Of Mice and Men Novel Introduction The two main characters, George and Lennie are Migrant Farm Workers. They travel from farm to farm looking for work during the Great Depression years. Jobs were scarce during the time of this story because thousands of people fled the Midwest and Plains states during the Dust Bowl, an ecological disaster in which the land became barren.

5 Of Mice and Men Novel Introduction Also, many farmers lost their jobs and farms during this time because after World War I, a recession led to the drop in market price of crops. This also led to over-cultivation, which in turn led to farmers going broke and was a direct cause of the Dust Bowl. Many traveled to Southern California where they had heard that they could farm for longer periods of time due to the weather and soil and also that manual labor and employment were plentiful.


7 George Milton –Sharp witted ranch hand –Travels with his friend Lennie –Uses his mind to anticipate the future Lennie Small Physically large man, very strong Slow of mind Acts similar to a child/ mental limitations Cannot anticipate or understand consequences of his actions Travels with and is cared for by George

8 Setting Salinas Valley of California During the Depression of the 1930’s Along the banks of the Salinas River, Ranch Bunk House, Barn

9 Located in Monterey Co. 100 miles south of San Francisco 60 miles south of Silicon Valley 17 miles east of Monterey/Carmel 10 miles east of the Pacific Ocean

10 The American Dream Loneliness Friendship Innocence Discrimination

11 Comparing Men to Mice Men who own Mice as Pets George and Lennie buy a farm. ??? Your Prediction Here!!!


13 Vocabulary Aloof:Removed or at a distance, not sure of what is going on Bemused: A mix of amusement and confusion Contemptuous: Acting in a scornful or hateful way

14 Vocabulary Derogatory: Belittling, expressing a low opinion, insulting Disengage: To free from something, or to free of something Douse: To drench or plunge into liquid

15 Vocabulary Gingerly: To do something carefully, cautiously Mollify: To calm, soothe, ease, make less severe Monotonous: Always the same, not varying, boring

16 Vocabulary Ominous: Threatening or telling of trouble to come Pugnacious: Ready and willing to fight Recumbent: Lying down, in a position of comfort or rest

17 Vocabulary Reprehensible: Deserving of punishment or criticism Revere: To honor, to hold in high regard, to be in awe of Sullen: Showing resentment, gloomy, sad

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