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Mrs. Smith 6 th Grade Art Class.  Demonstrate an understanding of the roles of artist throughout history and cultures.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Smith 6 th Grade Art Class.  Demonstrate an understanding of the roles of artist throughout history and cultures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Smith 6 th Grade Art Class

2  Demonstrate an understanding of the roles of artist throughout history and cultures.

3  Students will be able to explain the role Vincent Van Gogh had on history.  Students will be able to identify the elements of art in Van Gogh’s artworks.

4  Abstract- Abstract art seeks to break away from traditional representation of physical objects. It explores the relationship of forms and colors.  Still Life- A work of art depicting inanimate subject matter.  Self-Portrait- A representational of an artist, drawn, painted, photographed or sculpted by the artist.  Canvas- A strong, course, cloth used as a surface for painting.  Oil Paint- A paste made with ground pigment and a drying oil such as linseed, used chiefly by artist.

5 Follow me through the Vincent Van Gogh Museum! If you ever want to experience more you can click here here to go straight to the

6 Woman Winding Yarn 1885 Women Sewing 1885 To learn more about these paintings click

7 Beach at Scheveningen in Stormy Weather 1882 To learn more about this painting and other early works click

8 Farmhouses near Hoogeveen September 1883 The Vicarage at Nuenen October-November 1885 Van Gogh lived in this house with his parents for several months in 1883-1884. His father, a protestant pastor, was then the rector of a church in Nuenen, a predominantly Roman Catholic town in the southern province of Brabant. This painting was probably executed after the death of Van Gogh's father in 1885.

9 The Cottage 1885 For information on this cottage and others please click

10 I hope you enjoyed your tour of the Vincent Van Gogh museum. He was an amazing artist and has impacted the art world. After you are finished looking through the museum click here to learn some fun facts about the artist!here

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