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The astronomical researches in Uzbekistan and activities in a frame of the Programs IHY-2007 and IYA-2009 ” Ibragimov I.A., Egamberdiev Sh.A. Ibragimov.

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Presentation on theme: "The astronomical researches in Uzbekistan and activities in a frame of the Programs IHY-2007 and IYA-2009 ” Ibragimov I.A., Egamberdiev Sh.A. Ibragimov."— Presentation transcript:

1 The astronomical researches in Uzbekistan and activities in a frame of the Programs IHY-2007 and IYA-2009 ” Ibragimov I.A., Egamberdiev Sh.A. Ibragimov I.A., Egamberdiev Sh.A. The Astronomical Institute, Uzbekistan Academy of Science UN/ESA/NASA/JAXA Workshop on Basic Space Science and the International Heliophysical Year 2007 21-25 September 2009, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

2 Ulughbek Astronomical Institute of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences is the oldest scientific institution not only in Uzbekistan but in the whole Central Asia as well. It was founded in Tashkent in 1873 and was known as one of important astrometry center in the world. Since the end of the 19 th century UzAI was involved to the International Latitude Service. It was founded in Tashkent in 1873 and was known as one of important astrometry center in the world. Since the end of the 19 th century UzAI was involved to the International Latitude Service.

3 Fields of our activity are: Scientific: helio- and astroseismology, planets and asteroids, non-stationary stars, stars formations, stars clusters’ dynamics in our galaxy, nuclei of active galaxies, quasars and X-and gamma- radiation sources, gravitational lenses and theoretical relativistic astrophysics. Education at the National University and at the affiliations in the regions. Popularization of the astronomy among scholars, students and amateurs. International scientific cooperation.

4 Astronomical observations in Uzbekistan carry out at the Observatory located on the mountain Maidanak (2700 m) with high quality atmospheric condition, one of the best the world.


6 Satellite image of the Maidanak observatory

7 Night Time Seeing

8 Maidanak Observatory: telescopes and instruments 6 telescopes: 1.5m, 1m, 4x60 cm 6 telescopes: 1.5m, 1m, 4x60 cm 5 CCDs: SI 600 Series 4K, 5 CCDs: SI 600 Series 4K, SITe 2000x800, SITe 2000x800, 2x FLI IMG 1K, 2x FLI IMG 1K, SBIG ST9-XE 0.5K SBIG ST9-XE 0.5K Direct imaging and photometry (in optic) only, no IR, no Sp. Direct imaging and photometry (in optic) only, no IR, no Sp.



11 Zeiss-1000


13 1. Helioseismic and asteroseismic groups Solar Cycle Variation of p-Mode Frequencies generated by Perturbation in the Solar InteriorSolar Cycle Variation of p-Mode Frequencies generated by Perturbation in the Solar Interior Meridional flow circulation deep in the Solar interior as seen by GONG+ time distance analysisMeridional flow circulation deep in the Solar interior as seen by GONG+ time distance analysis

14 Solar Cycle Variation of p-Mode Frequencies Generated by Perturbation in the Solar Interior  p-modes with different ω/l penetrate to different solar depth (ω-mode’s frequency, l- spherical degree of the mode)  Magnetic field in solar interior and at solar surface will change frequencies of p-modes of p-modes

15 Solar Cycle Variation of p-Mode Frequencies Generated by Perturbation in the Solar Interior  Difference between high- and low-phase velocity frequency shifts are consistent for MDI and GONG results (except for 1998)  Difference correlated with solar activity cycle  Comparison of measured signals and model study in Chou & Serebryanskiy (2005) suggests that temporal variations of the frequency change corresponds to a perturbation of δc/c≈2-6x10-5 at r≈ 0.65-0.67 if the width of the perturbed region is 0.05 R.

16 Meridional flow circulation deep in the Solar interior as seen by GONG+ time distance analysis Travel-time difference (Δτ) in the meridional plane as a function of latitude, for different depths using 10% of low­m coefficients. The five ranges of separation distances correspond to different lower turning points (see legend). Lower turning points for these five ranges are 0.96, 0.90, 0.79, 0.71 and 0.64R respectively.

17 First Results of Asteroseismic Observations at Maidanak Observatory In Uzbekistan We performed several campaigns of CCD-photometry observations in 2007-2009 to evaluate the possible duration to be achieved and quality of observations in Maidanak observatory with existent facilities as well as to figure out what can be done in near future with respect to some feasible improvements in hardware and software (if necessary) to get higher quality photometric data. For these purpose we chose relatively bright variable stars (mainly of δSct type) with known periods and of pulsations.

18 2. Investigation and analysis of solar corona, its small features such as Coronal Bright Points (CBP) in Ultraviolet and X-ray images of the Sun An automatic procedure of CBPs identification was developed on the base of IDL software

19 Complete cycle variations of CBPs number (upper curve) vs. sunspot number (lower curve)

20  An original automatic procedure of CBPs identification and a complex of programs for analysis of CBPs evolution was developed using Interactive Data Language - IDL.  CBP could be divided on two categories: dim CBPs associated with quiet Sun and bright - active region CBPs.  Number of CBPs reached its maximum level ( the same as in 1996 - previous period of minimum of solar activity). Results

21 3. The study of gravitational lenses and the forming non-stationary galaxies The aims: Investigation of a number of unique and priority of gravitationally lensed quasars (GLQ) Investigation of a number of unique and priority of gravitationally lensed quasars (GLQ) Identifying the nature of the early stage of formation of galaxies and some of their substructures. Identifying the nature of the early stage of formation of galaxies and some of their substructures.

22 SBS1520 Q2237 – Einstein Cross UM673=Q0142 Q0957 H1413 SBS0909 Light curves of GLQ with taking into account time delay and microlensing events

23 Deconvolution of RXJ1131-123

24 Deconvolution of HS0435-1223

25 Results Performing of multi-colour photometric observations of double and quadruple GLQ - Q2237+030, H1413+117, B1422+237, UM673, SBS1520+530, PG1115+080, etc.Performing of multi-colour photometric observations of double and quadruple GLQ - Q2237+030, H1413+117, B1422+237, UM673, SBS1520+530, PG1115+080, etc. Analysis of the light curves - calculation of the time delay, the identification of microlensing, the study of the nature of the radiation source and the galaxy-lensAnalysis of the light curves - calculation of the time delay, the identification of microlensing, the study of the nature of the radiation source and the galaxy-lens Construction of the anisotropic multiparametric models of the forming non-stationary galaxies.Construction of the anisotropic multiparametric models of the forming non-stationary galaxies. Research and analysis of gravitational instability of these models, the definition of relations between physical parameters that lead to the formation of various large- scale structures.Research and analysis of gravitational instability of these models, the definition of relations between physical parameters that lead to the formation of various large- scale structures.

26 4. Asteroids: MBA, NEA, young family Currently gathered observations on the families: (2005-2008, more then 150 asteroids, NAO Japan) Karin - 832, 1998sq81, 10783, 28271, 33143, 79213 Lannini -1929cz, 2000oh45, 2000oz7, 2000ro76, 2001xg241, 2003af89, 2001pu35, 4652, 81550, etc. Veritas - 1902jp, 1964tn2, 1975sb1, 1976us, 1982an, 1997ro7, 1998rp80, 1998ry63, 1999xf8, 2000ck92, 2000dm102, 2000ef148, 2000fk2, etc. Datura - 1270 Koronis - 10267, 10534, 10954, 11241, 15195, 1570, 16326, 1762, 1774, 1848, 1894, 1913, 1955, 2051, 2209, 2338, 2574, 3032, etc. Themis - 1027, 1259, 16300, 1669, 1729, 17291, 18214, 2009, 222, 2297, 2361, 2718, 3008, 3174, 3183, 3358, 4366, etc.


28 Theoretical astrophysics 1. Research of the group is mainly devoted to the general- relativistic electrodynamics of continuous media such as superconductor, conductor, plasma etc and its application for theoretical explanation and analysis of electromagnetic and astrophysical processes in external gravitational fields. 2. Experimental tests of general relativity, general relativistic electromagnetic effects and fields for pulsars and magnetized rotating and oscillating neutron stars are also in our scientific interests. 3. The group is also studying solutions of field equations, particle motion and electromagnetic fields and waves around compact gravitating objects.

29 We also focus on space weather applications: 1. Radio transparency, its variation and correlation with meteoparameters and active processes on the Sun and in heliosphere (at the plateau Suffa) 2. Ionosphere investigation is carry out with the VLF-receiver supplied by the Stanford University under IHY-2007. This equipment provides monitoring of the ionosphere over the territory of Tashkent on the permanent basis. We also focus on space weather applications: 1. Radio transparency, its variation and correlation with meteoparameters and active processes on the Sun and in heliosphere (at the plateau Suffa) 2. Ionosphere investigation is carry out with the VLF-receiver supplied by the Stanford University under IHY-2007. This equipment provides monitoring of the ionosphere over the territory of Tashkent on the permanent basis.

30 Radio observatory at the plateau Suffa 70 m radiotelescope in mm range

31 AWESOME A tmospheric W eather E lectromagnetic S ystem for O bservation M odeling and E ducation

32 Tashkent VLF receiver (May, 2008) The receiver consists of GPS antenna, VLF antenna, the block of the preliminary amplifier, the block of the linear receiver. Research of acting signals allows to make the qualitative physical analysis of the electromagnetic phenomena in bottom D - a layer of an ionosphere and in prospect will allows to define ionospheric precursors of the seismic phenomena. First results were discussed at the International Workshop “Advancing VLF Science through the Global AWESOME Network” in Tunis, Tunisia, 30.05 – 01.06, 2009.


34 Suffa Maidanak Parkent Kitab Affiliations astronomy centers under leadership of the Astronomical Institute

35 Educational-Scientific Observatory is also operating at the Samarkand State University - in the Motherland of the great astronomer Ulughbek.

36 Parkent (1100m) Solar furnace

37 In the frame of the IYA-2009 Program: The International Conference “Mirzo Ulughbek and his contribution to the development of the World Science" was organized in Samarkand, 9-11 June, 2009. The International Conference “Mirzo Ulughbek and his contribution to the development of the World Science" was organized in Samarkand, 9-11 June, 2009. The Museum of astronomic instruments of the 18-19th century with unique instruments and appliances have been created in the Astronomical Institute this year. The Museum of astronomic instruments of the 18-19th century with unique instruments and appliances have been created in the Astronomical Institute this year. The training astronomical Seminar for university lecturers and students Uzbekistan was organized by UzAI in April 2009. The training astronomical Seminar for university lecturers and students Uzbekistan was organized by UzAI in April 2009. Every week we organize open lectures and excursions for scholars, students and amateurs in the Astronomical Institute. Every week we organize open lectures and excursions for scholars, students and amateurs in the Astronomical Institute.

38 Ulughbek Observatory in Samarkand

39 Museum of the Astronomical Institute



42 Telescopes of the 18th Century

43 Our International Links Astronomical Institute of Moscow University (Russia)Astronomical Institute of Moscow University (Russia) Astrophysical Institute of Potsdam (Germany)Astrophysical Institute of Potsdam (Germany) Van Vlec Observatory of Wesleyan University (USA)Van Vlec Observatory of Wesleyan University (USA) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (USA)Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (USA) Stanford University (USA)Stanford University (USA) Grenoble Observatory of J. Fourier University (France)Grenoble Observatory of J. Fourier University (France) University de Nice (France)University de Nice (France) National Astronomical Observatory (Japan)National Astronomical Observatory (Japan) Astronomical Institute of Amsterdam University (Holland)Astronomical Institute of Amsterdam University (Holland) Astrophysical Laboratory of National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)Astrophysical Laboratory of National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) Astronomical Consortium of Korean Universities (Korea)Astronomical Consortium of Korean Universities (Korea) Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford We are open for new scientific cooperation and collaborations

44 Thank you

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