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ATIS IPTV Standards Development via ATIS IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF) Submission Date: July 1, 2008 PresentationFOR: GSC13-PLEN-38DOCUMENT #: Dan.

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Presentation on theme: "ATIS IPTV Standards Development via ATIS IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF) Submission Date: July 1, 2008 PresentationFOR: GSC13-PLEN-38DOCUMENT #: Dan."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATIS IPTV Standards Development via ATIS IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF) Submission Date: July 1, 2008 PresentationFOR: GSC13-PLEN-38DOCUMENT #: Dan OCallaghan ( Plenary; IPTV; 6.6AGENDA ITEM: ATISSOURCE:

2 2 Highlight of Current Activities (1) Completion or nearing completion of Phase 1 work activities –Standards related to Quality of Service Metrics for 1) Linear Broadcast TV and 2) Public Services –Metadata specifications for 1) Emergency Alert Provisioning and 2) Electronic Program Guide 3) Consumer Domain Device Configuration –Remote Management of Devices in the Consumer Domain –Interoperability for Secure Download and Messaging –Trial-Use Standard for an Estimated Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio algorithm –IPTV Linear/Broadcast Service; Attachment and Initialization –Interoperability specifications for 1) Certificate Trust Management Hierarchy 2) Standard PKI Certificate Format –IPTV Media Protocols

3 3 Highlight of Current Activities (2) Phase 2 work is underway –Server and Client Side APIs –Security Robustness Rules –Distribution of Content in the Subscribers Authorized Service Domain –QoS Metrics for On-Demand Video Content Recent partnership agreement signed with MultiService Forum (MSF) for Global MSF Interoperability event in October 2008 –Will test key IPTV building blocks related to authentication and initialization at five test sites: Verizon, NCS and UNH-IOL in the USA and BT/Vodafone in Europe and China Mobile in Asia At the time the IIF was created, interoperability verification was included in the scope of its work –This verification required major specification work to be completed in order to define parametric test points for interoperability –IIF documentation has progressed to the point of interoperability verification and now allows for this aspect of the IIF work to proceed

4 4 Strategic Direction (1) The ATIS IIF standards development has been defined in three phases: –Phase 1: Implementation of a standard TV service experience over IP networks. –Phase 2: Transaction-based services, such as VoD (Video on Demand), IPPV (Impulse Pay-Per-View). –Phase 3: Interactive TV services, including consumer originated video, multiplayer games. Whenever possible, IIF standards align with the work of other SDOs, including the ITU-T, DVB, CEA, DSL Forum, and ETSI. –Continue with SDO and ITU-T coordination and collaboration. –Established important relationships with all of the leading organizations working in the IPTV realm to share our end-to-end view of the standards being developed.

5 5 Strategic Direction (2) ATIS IIF is developing standards within and across all of the domains. Support both the IMS and web services approach to IPTV in the NGN framework. –The IIFs High Level Architecture shall allow for both core IMS and non-IMS approaches for IPTV in the NGN framework. –The core IMS and non-IMS approaches shall be able to co-exist on the same NGN framework. –The core IMS and non-IMS approaches shall use common components where possible. Timely completion of deliverables to support early deployment of standardized IPTV. Source: IPTV Architecture Requirements, ATIS-0800002, May 2006 Content Provider Service Provider Network Provider Consumer

6 6 Challenges In 2007 IIF agreed to develop and harmonize both IMS and Non- IMS (web services) approach to IPTV. The IIF approach is based on different signalling and transport protocols being used to access COMMON data structures. IMS and Non-IMS are not tangential approaches to the same application rather, applications are driven by common data structures that can be acquired via multiple methods.

7 7 Next Steps/Actions Complete currently defined work program (Phase 1 work, per IIF Architecture Requirements and Roadmap). Creation of Phase 2 work items (Issues) has already begun (VoD, Fast Channel Change, Hybrid networks etc.). Continue IPTV OSS/BSS work program. Continue to work cooperatively with external organizations, especially the ITU-T, on aligning efforts and work products. Strategic agreement with the MultiService Forum (MSF) to test IIF Phase 1 specifications at the Global MSF Interoperability (GMI) 2008 event.

8 8 Proposed Resolution N/A

9 9 Supplemental Slides

10 10 IIF Committees IIF Architecture (ARCH) Committee IIF IPTV Security Solutions (ISS) Committee –Formerly the Digital Rights Management Task Force IIF Metadata (MTD) Committee IIF Quality of Service Metrics (QoSM) Committee IIF Testing and Interoperability (T&I) Committee

11 11 Committee Work Program Comprehensive Work Program –The ATIS IPTV work program is comprehensive, including work planned or underway in areas such as architecture, multiple access network technologies, security and digital rights, testing, interoperability, metadata, operational support systems/business support systems (OSS/BSS), identity management, quality of service (QoS), and quality of experience (QoE). Aggressive/Robust Program Management –The ATIS IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF) has an aggressive program management approach to driving standards development. This robust program drives the development of IPTV standards in the time and manner demanded by the business objectives of the ATIS member companies and the global marketplace.

12 12 ATIS Market-Driven IPTV Work Program Broad industry representation –ATIS has representatives from the requisite industry sectors (service providers, vendors, customer equipment manufacturers, etc.) leading, supporting, and driving the IPTV work. Broad industry liaisons –ATIS has established important relationships with all of the leading organizations working in the IPTV realm to share our end-to-end view of the standards being developed.

13 13 ATIS Committee Involvement IPTV, Primary (End-to-End) Responsibility: –IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF) IPTV OSS/BSS Work: –Telecom Management and Operations Committee (TMOC) –Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) –ATIS CIO Council (IPTV Working Group) IPTV Identity Management –Packet Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC)

14 14 IIF Mission The IIF enables the interoperability, interconnection, and implementation of IPTV systems/services by developing ATIS standards and facilitating related technical activities. The IIF will place an emphasis on North American and ATIS Member Company needs in coordination with other regional and international standards development organizations.

15 15 IIF Scope 1. Coordinate standards activities that relate to IPTV technologies. This includes providing a liaison function between the various SDOs and forums that are each working on important components for multimedia, but may not have visibility to other aspects of the application. 2. Develop interoperability agreements, technical reports, or other types of ATIS standards where appropriate. 3. Provide a venue for interoperability activities. 4. Provide a venue for the assessment of IPTV issues in the context of NGN directions.

16 16 IIF Committees IIF Architecture Committee The Architecture Committee develops IPTV architecture requirements and specifications required to enable deployment of a standardized, interoperable, access agnostic NGN IPTV service. IIF IPTV Security Solutions (ISS) Committee The IPTV Security Solutions Committee works with other standards groups involved in content security activities, with the end goal of selecting a single security method or establishing a framework where multiple methods can be utilized for an interoperable standardized security solution for IPTV services.

17 17 IIF Committees (contd) IIF Metadata and Transaction Delivery (MTD) Committee The Metadata and Transaction Delivery Committee investigates the IPTV architecture to identify metadata elements which require standardization including security, connectivity and transport, and performance metric metadata required for transport of time sensitive information. In addition, the Committee shall specify the encoding format for the metadata. IIF Quality of Service Metrics (QoSM) Committee The Quality of Service Metrics Committee develops metrics, models, tools, and techniques for measurement for quality of service and quality of experience for IPTV services.

18 18 IIF Committees (contd) IIF Testing and Interoperability (T&I) Committee The Testing and Interoperability Committee addresses IPTV interoperability issues identified through analysis, planning, trials, deployments, and operations, and provides recommended courses of actions. In addition, necessary test scripting and test planning for post-standards- development testing-events are developed to mitigate field deployment issues.

19 19 Alcatel-Lucent AT&T Bigband Networks British Telecom CableLabs Cisco Systems Digital Fountain Ericsson Harris Hewlett Packard Hitachi Telecom IneoQuest Technologies Intel Irdeto Inc. JDSU Juniper LG Electronics Microsoft Motorola Nagravision NEC Corporation of America Nielsen Nokia Siemens Networks Nortel Networks Philips Consumer Electronics Qwest Rogers Wireless Sea Change International Sony Electronics, Inc. Sun Microsystems Symmetricom Tektronix Telchemy Telcordia Technologies TELUS Thomson UT Starcom Verimatrix, Inc. Verivue, Inc. Verizon Widevine Technologies ATIS IIF Members

20 20 IIF Publications ATIS-0800001 Title: IPTV DRM Interoperability Requirements Description: This document defines the requirements for the interoperability of systems and components in the IPTV DRM/security environment. The requirements defined in this document shall be used to create an IPTV DRM/security interoperability specification during the next phase of the IIF DRM TF. ATIS-0800002 Title: IPTV Architecture Requirements Description: IPTV is a suite of secure, reliable, managed video- related services. This document provides an initial industry consensus view on the requirements for an end-to-end architecture to support these services.

21 21 IIF Publications (contd) ATIS-0800003 Title: IPTV Architecture Roadmap Description: The IPTV Architecture Roadmap is intended as a companion to ATIS-0800002, IPTV Architecture Requirements. This document is intended to help guide the architecture specification development work of the IIF. The Roadmap provides an industry consensus perspective on the prioritization and scoping of the specification development efforts of the IIF. ATIS-0800004 Title: IPTV QoS Framework Document Description: This document provides an initial industry consensus view of scope, definitions, and tools to support the creation of IPTV QoS metrics and measurements within ATIS IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF).

22 22 IIF Publications (contd) ATIS-0800005 Title: IPTV Packet Loss Issue Report Description: The IPTV Packet Loss Issue report is a technical report that explores a range of potential solutions to the problem of packet loss and makes recommendations regarding their applicability for an IPTV service. ATIS-0800006 Title: IIF Default Scrambling Algorithm Description: This document provides the IIF Default Scrambling Algorithm (IDSA) Interoperability Specification. It supports interoperability by specifying a default scrambling/de-scrambling algorithm for the MPEG-2 Transport Stream and the scrambling algorithm signaling.

23 IIF Publications (contd) ATIS-0800007 Title: IPTV High Level Architecture Description: This document provides a high level architectural framework for end-to-end systems implementation and interoperability for the supporting network design. ATIS-0800008 Title: QoS Metrics for Linear Broadcast IPTV Description: This document defines a base set of Quality of Service (QoS) metrics for Linear/Broadcast IPTV service.

24 IIF Publications (contd) ATIS-0800009 Title: Remote Management of Devices in the Consumer Domain for IPTV Services Description: This document covers remote device management architecture and protocols, software download, provisioning, configuration, and monitoring of devices in the consumer domain for IPTV services. ATIS-0800010 Title: Emergency Alert Provisioning Specifications Description: The Emergency Alert System for IPTV addressed in this document broadens the delivery of EAS messages from a few linear channels to the complete IPTV experience, spanning the full range of activities from live and recorded TV viewing, through games, internet streaming and sourced content, and even including IPTV client menu activities.

25 IIF Publications (contd) ATIS-0800011 Title: QoS Metrics for Public Services Description: The goal of this document is to define a base set of QoS metrics for regulatory services, including Emergency Alert Systems, Closed Captioning and Content Advisories, and V-Chip Technology. ATIS-0800012 Title: IPTV Emergency Alert System Metadata Specification Description: Building upon the system requirements given in ATIS- 0800010, Emergency Alert Service Provisioning Specifications, the IPTV Emergency Alert System Metadata Specification in this document defines an XML schema used for delivery of emergency alert signaling and information to the IPTV service providers EAS Ingestion System (EIS), and for delivery of alert information and signaling to the IPTV Terminal Function on the consumer premisis. In addition, the document specifies the methods used to authenticate EAS data and audio files.

26 IIF Publications (contd) ATIS-0800014 Title: Secure Download and Messaging Interoperability Specification Description: This document is one of a series of documents that specify the IPTV Security Solution (ISS). This document specifies the IPTV Security Solution/Authentication (ISS/A), which is used to authenticate downloads and messages to IPTV receiving devices. ATIS-0800020 Title: IPTV Electronic Program Guide Metadata Specification Description: This document specifies the logical data model and delivery mechanisms for IPTV Electronic Program Guide (EPG) information to be delivered from EPG servers in the service provider domain to EPG clients in the consumer domain. The delivery specifications include fragmentation, encoding, encapsulation, and transport of the EPG information, with support for both multicast push and unicast pull transport.

27 IIF Publications (contd) ATIS-0800021 [trial-use] Title: EPSNR Trial-Use Standard Description: This document describes a technique to generate an estimate of video quality by estimating Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR). The Estimated PSNR (EPSNR) algorithm is experimental in nature, and requires additional testing and validation; therefore, it is being published as a Trial-Use Standard in order to facilitate evaluation by the industry.

28 IIF Active Issues ARCH Committee; IIF Issue 12 Title: IPTV ARCH Specification: Basic Multicast Network Service Specification Target completion: 4th Quarter 2008 Description: The intent is to describe the simplest multicast service that the network provider can provide for use as a basis for a linear/ broadcast TV service. The report should describe the consumer attachment, the security, and manageability and reliability aspects. URL for all IIF Issues:

29 IIF Active Issues (contd) ARCH Committee; IIF Issue 13 Title: IPTV ARCH Specification: Linear Service Target completion: 3rd Quarter 2008 Description: This specification should include the components which are essential to the acquisition, processing and delivery of the Linear/Broadcast content, as well as those which provide the ability to operate the service.

30 IIF Active Issues (contd) ARCH Committee; IIF Issue 15 Title: IPTV ARCH Specification: Media Protocols Specification Target completion: 3rd Quarter 2008 Description: This document will define the media protocols, including reliability protocols, for the IPTV service.

31 IIF Active Issues (contd) ARCH Committee; IIF Issue 17 Title: Client Device Attachment Configuration Target completion: 3rd Quarter 2008 Description: This specification should define a consistent and standard sequence that an ITF executes to attach the device to the network and the service provider and ready the device for the actual utilization of the selected services.

32 IIF Active Issues (contd) ARCH Committee; IIF Issue 54 Title: Content Acquisition Latency Technical Report Target completion: 1st Quarter 2009 Description: This Technical Report will examine the question of the latency of acquiring a content stream and the methods of reducing said latency.

33 IIF Active Issues (contd) ARCH Committee; IIF Issue 55 Title: Technical Report on IPTV Advertising Target completion: 2nd Quarter 2009 Description: The Committee should produce a Technical Report that explores the range of potential IPTV Advertising Services, and lists high level requirements for IPTV-related advertising.

34 IIF Active Issues (contd) ISS Committee; IIF Issue 8 Title: Distributing of Content in the Subscriber's Authorized Service Domain Target completion: 2nd Quarter 2008 Description: This issue will produce a requirements document that primarily addressed the IPTV DRM interoperability requirements for the distributing of content in the subscribers authorized service domain (e.g. in the home). This requirements document will identify related work and gaps (as appropriate) that are currently done in the industry by other groups.

35 IIF Active Issues (contd) ISS Committee; IIF Issue 29 Title: Server-Side Interoperability Application Level Interfaces Interoperability Specification Target completion: 3rd Quarter 2008 Description: This issue shall produce a DRM Interoperability Specification/Standard that addresses all the requirements associated with Server-Side Interoperability Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

36 IIF Active Issues (contd) ISS Committee; IIF Issue 37 Title: Security Robustness Rules Target completion: 4th Quarter 2008 Description: This issue will define a standard to achieve and maintain a secure environment and provide robustness rules for the handling, storing, and transmitting of sensitive materials.

37 IIF Active Issues (contd) ISS Committee; IIF Issue 38 Title: Certificate Trust Management Hierarchy Target completion: 3rd Quarter 2008 Description: This issue will produce a PKI Certificate Trust Hierarchy diagram and normative text defining a PKI implementation including fundamental requirements for the generation, distribution, and revocation of IIF PKI Certificates, forming the basis for establishing a trust organization and Certificate Authorities for the IIF.

38 IIF Active Issues (contd) ISS Committee; IIF Issue 39 Title: Standard PKI Certificate Format Target completion: 3rd Quarter 2008 Description: This issue will identify all elements in the IIF architecture that require the use of PKI operations and Certificates and define at least one standard certificate format.

39 IIF Active Issues (contd) ISS Committee; IIF Issue 47 Title: Client-Side Interoperability Application Level Interfaces Interoperability Specification Target completion: 3rd Quarter 2008 Description: This issue shall produce a DRM Interoperability Specification/Standard that addresses all the requirements associated with Client-Side Interoperability Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

40 IIF Active Issues (contd) ISS Committee; IIF Issue 53 Title: Managing the IIF Trust Hierarchy Target completion: 1st Quarter 2009 Description: This issue will produce an IIF standard for revocation of certificates, additions of new Certificate authorities, and Trust Hierarchy rules establishment. It will consider using existing industry standards.

41 IIF Active Issues (contd) Metadata Committee; IIF Issue 24 Title: Consumer Domain Device Configuration Target completion: 2nd Quarter 2008 Description: This specification will establish requirements for metadata associated with configuration of consumer domain (specifically the DNG and ITF) devices, for example, during network attachment, initialization, configuration and remote management.

42 IIF Active Issues (contd) Metadata Committee; IIF Issue 26 Title: IPTV Consumer Metadata Requirements Target completion: 4th Quarter 2008 Description: This document will establish basic Consumer (Subscriber and User) profile and preferences metadata requirements for an IPTV Consumer Metadata Specification/Standard.

43 IIF Active Issues (contd) Metadata Committee; IIF Issue 50 Title: IPTV Glossary Target completion: 4th Quarter 2008 Description: In order to foster consistency across ATIS committees and throughout the industry, the IIF shall submit to the PRQC an IPTV Glossary for consideration to be included into the ATIS Master IPTV Glossary document number T1.523.

44 IIF Active Issues (contd) QoSM Committee; IIF Issue 43 Title: QoS Metrics for Video on Demand (VOD) Target completion: 3rd Quarter 2008 Description: This document will establish basic QoS metrics for VOD. The work will establish interpretations of the meanings of these metrics, and measurement points and applicable measurements will be identified.

45 IIF Active Issues (contd) QoSM Committee; IIF Issue 44 Title: Categorized Listing of Fault Codes for IPTV Target completion: 3rd Quarter 2008 Description: This document will establish a categorized listing of fault modes for IPTV functions and components.

46 IIF Active Issues (contd) QoSM Committee; IIF Issue 48 Title: IPTV QoE Requirements Target completion: 1st Quarter 2009 Description: This document will provide a comprehensive survey of the various activities of other standards bodies in QoE as well as a detailed perspective that describes the overall needs around QoE particularly for all ATIS IIF-defined IPTV services.

47 IIF Active Issues (contd) QoSM Committee; IIF Issue 52 Title: Test Plans for Subjective and Objective Evaluation of Objective Video Quality Metrics Target completion: 3rd Quarter 2008 Description: This issue shall deliver a document that describes subjective and objective test plans appropriate for the formal evaluation of objective video quality prediction algorithms.

48 IIF Active Issues (contd) T&I Committee; IIF Issue 56 Title: Interoperability Testing for Network Attachment and Initialization Target completion: 3rd Quarter 2008 Description: Use cases, test cases, and test scripts must be written for IMS and non-IMS based implementations of ATIS IIF- WT-020 and ATIS IIF-WT-028.

49 49 IPTV Sub-Domains Source: IPTV Architecture Requirements, ATIS-0800002, May 2006

50 50 IIF DRM Components

51 51 IPTV OSS/BSS HLA Description: –Define high level architecture for IPTV OSS/BSS –Uses eTOM (TM Forum/ITU-T) as basis Goal of an OSS solution for IPTV: –Enable the widest range of IPTV business models by a flexible service integration framework Joint work: TMOC/OBF/CIO Council (IPTV WG); TMOC Issue 92 Plan for continued collaboration with TM Forum, ITU-T, and others as work evolves

52 52 IPTV OSS/BSS HLA contd

53 53 IIF Liaisons and Collaboration Include… ITU-T FG IPTV European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and TISPAN ISO SC 29/WG 11 Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB) Broadband Forum (formerly DSL Forum) Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)

54 54 Service Network View

55 55 Connecting to an IPTV Network

56 56 Video Service Flows

57 57 IIF Certificate Authority (CA) Hierarchy

58 58 IIF Security Profiles

59 59 High Level QOS Measurement Model

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