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1 WMO GAW VOC Workshop 30Jan-1 Feb 2006 Global VOC Observations in the Context of the WMO Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme Leonard Barrie Chief,

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Presentation on theme: "1 WMO GAW VOC Workshop 30Jan-1 Feb 2006 Global VOC Observations in the Context of the WMO Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme Leonard Barrie Chief,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 WMO GAW VOC Workshop 30Jan-1 Feb 2006 Global VOC Observations in the Context of the WMO Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme Leonard Barrie Chief, Environment Division, WMO Search Engine GAW

2 2 WMO GAW VOC Workshop 30Jan-1 Feb 2006 What is GAW? WMO/GAW was established 1989 by merging GO 3 OS and BAPMoN. GAW focuses on global networks for GHGs, ozone, UV, aerosols, selected reactive gases, and precipitation chemistry. GAW is a partnership involving contributors from 80 countries. GAW is coordinated by the Environment Division of WMO/AREP. Currently GAW coordinates activities and data from 24 Global stations, 637 Regional stations, and 19 Contributing

3 IGACO Presents the reason and need for Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observations Targets 13 variable groups including reactive gases. Assesses past, current and expected state of observing system for each target variable Reviews requirements for observations for each target variable group Makes 12 General Recommendations and 7 Specific Recommendations Provides a framework for the next generation GAW programme 2008-2015

4 The IGACO System Components

5 Chemical species Air Quality Oxidation Capacity Climate Stratospheric Ozone Depletion O3O3 H 2 O (water vapour) CO CO 2 CH 4 HCHO VOCs N2ON2O NO x = NO+NO 2 HNO 3 SO 2 BrO, ClO, OClO HCl, ClONO 2 CH 3 Br, CF 3 Br, CFC-11, CFC-12, HCFC-22 aerosol optical properties actinic flux IGACO TARGET VARIABLE LIST

6 GAW Monitoring Components SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY GROUPS: AEROSOL OZONE GHGs PRECIP-CHEM UV REACTIVE GASES QUALITY ASSURANCE- SCIENCE ACTIVITY CENTRES WCCs, RCCs, Projects CENTRAL CALIBRATION LABORATORIES (World Reference Standard) GAW STATIONS & GAWSIS Global Regional GAW WORLD DATA CENTRES: OZONE/UV GHGs(& Related Gases) AEROSOL PRECIP-CHEM RADIATION Analysis Twinning Workshops Calibration, Training Site Visits, Comparisons Synthesis IGACO Contributing Networks Satellite Observations CAS/WG Environmental Pollution And Atmospheric Chemistry(EPAC) WMO/GAW Secretariat AREP

7 GAW Central Calibration Laboratory Or Calibration Strategy Quality Assurance GAW Target Variable Tracking The Network & Contacts Data Management: A World Data Archive/Analysis Centre Expert Oversight For All Aspects of the Network (Measurement Guides, Data Quality Objectives, SOPs) Cal. Standards GAWTEC and Instrument Intercomparisions GAW Calibration Centres GAW:WDC GAW:SAG Capacity Building GAWSIS Links to Users:Generation of Products and Services CAS EPAC

8 40 0 South Pole Point Barrow Mauna Loa Alert Pallas-Sodankylä Minamitorishima Kenya Assekrem - Tamanrasset Arembepe Ushuaia Izana Amsterdam Island Cape Grim Cape Point Samoa Ny Ålesund Lauder Mace Head 40 80 40 0 80 160800 160 March 2005 Zugspitze-Hohenpeissenberg Mt Waliguan Neumayer Station Bukit Koto Tabang Jungfraujoch GLOBAL STATIONS IN GAW

9 GAW Global Carbon Dioxide Network {Major Partner NOAA/CMDL}

10 10 WMO GAW VOC Workshop 30Jan-1 Feb 2006

11 SCIAMACHY HCHO 2003 (Courtesy of F. Wittrock, U. of Bremen)

12 12 WMO GAW VOC Workshop 30Jan-1 Feb 2006 GAW Strategic Plan 2001-2007 142. Strategy for the Implementation of the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme (2001- 2007), A Contribution to the Implementation of the Long-Term Plan 156. Addendum for the period 2005-2007 to the Strategy for the Implementation of the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme (2001-2007), GAW Report No. 142. In progress is preparation of SP 2008-2015: Next Generation GAW within context of IGACO


14 14 WMO GAW VOC Workshop 30Jan-1 Feb 2006 THANK YOU WMO

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