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Radio Radio Frequency Frequency IDentification IDentification tags aren't just for for goods in Supermarkets and Malls anymore!

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3 Radio Radio Frequency Frequency IDentification IDentification tags aren't just for for goods in Supermarkets and Malls anymore!

4 The surgical surgical is performed with procedure, which local anesthetic,

5 Matthew Cossolotto, a spokesman for ADS who says he's been "chipped," “If you lose the RFID key fob or if it's stolen, someone else could use it and have access to your important accounts,” Cossolotto said. argues that competing proposals to embed RFID tags in key fobs or cards were flawed.

6 They listen for a radio query and respond by transmitting a unique ID code, typically a 64-bit identifier yielding about 18 thousand trillion possible values.

7 …to bring an ID system to a global level that will destroy the need to carry ID documents and credit cards.” - Conrad K. Chase, director of the Baja Beach Club, Barcelona “The objective of this technology is…

8 MasterCard is to introduce credit cards directly aimed at children, “Supporters regard the cards as the natural step in an increasingly cashless society. encouraging them to go into debt and consume products without the use of cash. They argue that the prepayment cards will familiarize children with plastic without spending too much,” the London Times says.

9 Phil Davies, the director of business development at MasterCard Europe, defended the cards, saying: “Parents can control the amount of money their son or daughter spends on the card by limiting the amount of money placed on the card.”

10 …total control over everyone, as people would be forced to pay for everything electronically. Every purchase would be traceable… and the ability to buy or sell could be halted immediately at any given moment.

11 We have previously seen how the concept is being seized upon and marketed to young people as cool. Cashless Coke vending machines, for example, integrated with wireless technology, are cool.

12 "Even more frightening is that the microchip can be used to modify [human] behavior."

13 School children are also being encouraged to …are being biometrically scanned upon entry for payment and identification purposes. thumb scan for their lunches.

14 The benefits are presented in a logical, reasonable, persuasive manner to convince you to voluntarily accept their ‘chip’ – in effect surrendering your ‘privacy and freedom’ in exchange for their promised assurance of ‘security and safety’. The benefits are presented in a logical, reasonable, persuasive manner to convince you to voluntarily accept their ‘chip’ – in effect surrendering your ‘privacy and freedom’ in exchange for their promised assurance of ‘security and safety’. Voluntary at first but, ultimately, there will be a compulsory compliance to the ‘New World Order’. Voluntary at first but, ultimately, there will be a compulsory compliance to the ‘New World Order’.


16 Microchips of the Rich and Famous : a new technology, reported by the Times of London, is a low-power chip that sucks electrical energy from the body itself and--according to the Gen-Etics corporation that makes the things-- can be detected by Global Positioning System satellites circling the globe.

17 The world has been expecting a global currency for over half a century now, and it is finally arriving, but not in the way it was expected.


19 Don’t You Get Sucked Into the Trap!

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