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2 - 1 Introduction to US Health Care HS230 Health Care Administration Unit 2: Health Care Professionals Chapter 2 & Chapter 5 Kaplan University Kathy L.

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Presentation on theme: "2 - 1 Introduction to US Health Care HS230 Health Care Administration Unit 2: Health Care Professionals Chapter 2 & Chapter 5 Kaplan University Kathy L."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 - 1 Introduction to US Health Care HS230 Health Care Administration Unit 2: Health Care Professionals Chapter 2 & Chapter 5 Kaplan University Kathy L. Lantz, MHS, MBA

2 2 - 2 Introduction to US Health Care Chapter 2 Boards and Governance

3 2 - 3 Core Responsibilities 1.Determine mission, vision, and values 2.Ensure a high level of management performance 3.Ensure the quality and safety of patent care 4.Ensure the organization’s financial health

4 2 - 4 Mission Statement Purpose Characteristics and values of organization Identify target market Organizational philosophy and values Serves all stakeholders!

5 2 - 5 Ensuring Management Performance BoardCEO Recruit and select CEO Specify CEO performance expectations Assess CEO performance Adjust CEO compensation If needed, terminate CEO CEO is responsible to institutes policies and strategies to carry out mission

6 2 - 6 Ensuring Quality of Care Appoint member of the medical staff Ensure quality, utilization, and risk measurement systems are in place Assess the quality and safety of care for patients employees and services delivers

7 2 - 7 Ensuring Financial Health Financial Health Approve budget Financial objectives Protect Assets Financial controls Monitor outcomes vs. budget Budget aligned with plans?

8 2 - 8 Board Structure Board Composition Board Infrastructure Board of Directors Key Components:

9 2 - 9 Standing Committees Executive Finance Planning or strategy Quality Credentialing Nominating Audit Compensation Quality / Performance / Process Improvement

10 2 - 10 Financial Status of Hospitals More complex health systems Rising cost of health care Changing regulations regarding board composition & accounting In 2003, nearly 1/3 hospitals lost money overall… (AHA)

11 Sarbanes-Oxley Act Passed in 2002 Intended to protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of financial statement and establishing harsher penalties for those who violate the law. Key components include, mandates regarding board composition and financial and auditing responsibilities. 2 - 11

12 2 - 12 Liability of Board Members –Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 (HCQIA) Reporting and Disclosure of Accounting Information Conflict of Interest Board Performance Current Issues Facing Boards

13 Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 HCQIA Act established primarily to protect individuals and hospitals conducting medical peer review against legal action by physicians whose practice privileges were revoked. 2 - 13

14 Critical Thinking Application Why is a mission statement important for the effective operation of governing board? 2 - 14

15 Mission Statement The purpose of the organization is determined by mission, vision and value statements. The mission statement may include: 1) the purpose of the organization 2) characteristics and values of the organization 3) identification of target customers and markets 4) organizational philosophy and values 5) types of services delivered 2 - 15

16 Chapter 2: Vocabulary Quiz Board of directors Chief executive officer (CEO) Compensation committee Credentialing committee Executive committee Finance committee Governing board Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 Mission statement Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2 - 16

17 5 - 17 Introduction to US Health Care Chapter 5 The Health Care Workforce

18 5 - 18 Health Care Industry: Statistics 12 million working in health care By 2010, employment is expected to increase 25% Between 2000-2010, health care will account for 13% of new jobs created

19 5 - 19 Health Care Workers

20 5 - 20 Health Care Occupations Professional –Physicians, nurses, pharmacists… Service Worker –Patient assistants, aids… Administrative Personnel –Support staff, managers…

21 5 - 21 Physicians Doctors of Medicine (MDs) Doctors of Osteopathy (Dos) Treating diseaseEmphasis on neuromusculoskeletal system Preventative care Holistic care

22 5 - 22 Physicians Generalists Family Doctors Comprehensive Healthcare Referral to Specialists Specialists Residency Program Medical Specialty Exam Higher Income

23 5 - 23 Becoming a Physician Undergraduate Medical School –Preclinical –Clinical Residency Board Certified Subspecialty

24 5 - 24 Ensuring Financial Health Registered Nurse (RNs) Graduate Trained Administer Medications Supervise Personnel Assist Physicians Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) Take Vital Signs Keep Records Assist in Patient Hygiene

25 Critical Thinking Application Discuss the profile of nurses in the U.S. 2 - 25

26 Nursing Profile There are many levels of nursing based on education level. There are 2.7 million registered nurses. In 2000, there were 816 nurses per 100,000 people. The average age of a nurse is 45. 94% of nurses are female and married. 86% are white. 59% of nurses are employed in hospitals. 2 - 26

27 5 - 27 Health Care Professionals Dentists Optometrists Chiropractors Podiatrists Pharmacists

28 5 - 28 Physical Therapists Musculoskeletal focus Restore functioning and improve mobility Non-drug, non-surgical therapy Graduate training

29 5 - 29 Physician Assistants (PAs) Conduct histories and exams Interpret tests Make diagnoses Perform procedures Supervised by physician

30 Chapter 5: Vocabulary Quiz Allopathic physicians (M.D.s.) Chiropractors Hospitalist Nurse midwife Nurse practitioner Optometrists Osteopathic physicians (D.O.s) Pharmacists Physician assistants (P.A.s). Podiatrists Registered nurse (R.N) 2 - 30

31 2 - 31 Introduction to US Health Care HS230 Health Care Administration Unit 2: Health Care Professionals Chapter 2 & Chapter 5 Kaplan University Kathy L. Lantz, MHS, MBA

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