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Colic In Equine Keith Vander Velde UW Extension Livestock Specialist Montello, Wi.

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Presentation on theme: "Colic In Equine Keith Vander Velde UW Extension Livestock Specialist Montello, Wi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colic In Equine Keith Vander Velde UW Extension Livestock Specialist Montello, Wi

2 Colic #1 Killer of Horses Not a disease, it is a sign of abdominal pain Any malfunction, displacement, twisting, swelling, infection or lesion of digestive system

3 Colic Management plays important role in prevention Establish regular feeding and exercise routine Feed high quality high forage diet Avoid feeding excessive grain or energy rich diets Divide concentrate rations into two or more feedings rather than one

4 Colic Management to Prevent colic Set up regular parasite control program Provide exercise or turnout on a daily basis Provide fresh, clean water (except when horse is hot from vigorous exercise Avoid medications unless they are prescribed by vet, especially pain-relief drugs(analgesics), which cause ulcers Check hay and bedding for blister beetles, noxious weeds, and ingestible foreign matter

5 Colic Management to Prevent Colic Avoid feeing on ground, especially in sandy area Do not let horse graze pastures short in sandy soils Make dietary and management changes gradually Reduce stress, horses experiencing changes in environment or workloads are at a high risk of internal dysfunction

6 What to Do if Horse Colics Put in comfortable Stall Remove feed and water Allow horse to lie down if it appears to be resting If it wants to roll or is behaving violently, attempt to walk it slowly

7 Questions your Vet might Ask Temperature, pulse and respiratory rate Color of mucous membranes and capillary refill time( press against gums, release and count second to return to original color Behavioral signs, such as pawing, kicking, rolling, depression Digestive noises or lack of Bowel movements including color, consistency and frequency Medical history, deworming and past episodes,

8 Founder Laminitis is a non-infectious inflammation of the laminae of the hoof, most frequently affecting of feet Caused by digestive disturbances Over feeding of grain Overeating on new pasture Drinking large quantities of clod water when overheated

9 Founder Signs: Engorged vascular system with nerve endings press again rigid hoof wall Build up of lactic acid Horses resist moving Try to bear weight on hind feet Place front feet weight on heels not entire foot

10 Founder Treatment Antihistamines to reduces swelling Corticosteroids to reduce inflammation Administer Laxatives if detected early Elimination of grain from diet Removal of shoes Blood transfusions from healthy horses

11 Founder Treatment Grooving of hoof wall with ¼ inch grooves vertically, 1 1/2 inches apart to relieve pain, bandage hoof for 1-2 weeks following grooving Rest and no exercise Aftercare, light steel bar shoe to prevent hoof contraction with rolled toes

12 Colic Prevention Keep horse on all forage diet If grain is feed limit to less than 5 lbs, horses receiving 5-11 lbs of grain have a 5 times higher risk of colic, horse receiving more than 11 lbs of grain had a 6 times higher risk of developing colic Allow horse to be turned out for 12 hours or more per day Use a regular worming schedule

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