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THE RULES: All teams play each question Give each answer in the form of a question Host’s decisions are FINAL.

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3 THE RULES: All teams play each question Give each answer in the form of a question Host’s decisions are FINAL

4 And now…here is the host of Jeopardy… Mr. Riso

5 Let’s Get Ready to play… Today’s Categories are:

6 The War to End The War to End All Wars All Wars

7 The Rooooaring The Rooooaring Twenties!

8 The Dirty Thirties The Dirty Thirties

9 The Second War The Second War to End All Wars to End All Wars

10 The “Brrrrr” The “Brrrrr” Cold War Cold War

11 Canada in the Canada in the Late 90’s Late 90’s

12 100 200 300 400 500 The War to End All Wars 100 200 300 400 500 The Rooooaring Twenties! 100 200 300 400 500 The Dirty Thirties 100 200 300 400 500 The Second War to End All Wars 100 200 300 400 500 The “Brrrrr” Cold War DD FJ 100 200 300 400 500 Canada in the Late 90’s

13 This minority group in Canada was against conscription during the election of 1917. Answer…

14 Who are the French Canadians? 100

15 Wilfrid Laurier dealt with these four major events in the early 1900’s. Answer…

16 What are the Boer War, Alaska boundary dispute, naval question and reciprocity? 200

17 This was Canada’s first battle in WWI and the first time poison gas was used in the war. Answer…

18 What is The Battle of Ypres? 300

19 These are considered the four indirect causes of WWI. Answer…

20 What is nationalism, imperialism, alliance system and arms race? 400

21 Prime Minister Borden enacted the following law which gave the Canadian government extraordinary powers over Canadian citizens. Answer…

22 What is the War Measures Act? 500

23 Three demands from the strikers of the Winnipeg General Strike. Answer…

24 What is general working wage, shorter work week and union representation? 100

25 Women who dressed provocative and acted in socially unacceptable manner during the 20’s. Answer…

26 Who are the flappers ? 200

27 This crisis caused Mackenzie King to resign as Prime Minister only to win the next election and become Prime Minister again within a few months. Answer…

28 What is The King-Byng Crisis ? 300

29 She fought the Canadian government and courts to prove that women are persons. Answer…

30 Who is Emily Murphy? 400

31 He was elected for the first time during the 20’s and became the longest running Prime Minister in Canadian history. Answer…

32 Who is Lyon Mackenzie King? 500

33 The name of the day the stock market crashed. Answer…

34 What is Black Tuesday? 100

35 Receiving financial assistance from a governmental agency, such as a welfare agency During the Great Depression. Answer…

36 What is being on the dole? 200

37 Out of work men were given jobs, usually mindless work, by the government which eventually led to the On-To-Ottawa Trek during the Great Depression. Answer…

38 What are relief camps? 300

39 Out of work men traveled from town to town by rail (illegally) to find work during the Great Depression. Answer…

40 What is riding the rods? 400

41 He was the Prime Minister throughout the early years of the depression. Answer…

42 Who is R.B. Bennett? 500

43 Hitler’s invasion of Europe before the start of WWII. Answer…

44 What are the invasion of the Sarr and Rhineland, Anschluss of Austria, takes the Sudetenland, invades Czechoslovakia and Poland? 100

45 The Axis powers. Answer…

46 Who is Germany, Italy and Japan? 200

47 Canada’s beach on D-Day. Answer…

48 What is Juno Beach? 300

49 The Canadian government set these up for Japanese citizens on the west coast during WWII. Answer…

50 What are internment camps? 400

51 Information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. Often times in the form of posters or cartoons used during WWII. Answer…

52 What is propaganda? 500

53 The names of the two alliances during the Cold War. Answer…

54 What are NATO and the Warsaw Pact? 100

55 Organizations created after WWII in order to help preserve the ideals of peace and social and economic progress world wide. Answer…

56 What is the United Nations? 200

57 Prime Minister Diefenbaker cancelled this project in 1959 due to the fact that it was much more expensive than anticipated and became obsolete due to changing technology. Answer…

58 What is the Avro Arrow? 300

59 Radar defense system set up between Canada and the U.S. to protect from nuclear attack. Answer…

60 What is NORAD? 400

61 Missile defense initiative that made the Avrow Arrow obsolete in North America. Answer…

62 What is the BOMARC Missile Program? 500

63 Terrorist group in Quebec during the 70’s who wanted separation through force if necessary. Answer…

64 Who are the FLQ? 100

65 Political party that emerged in Quebec after the FLQ crisis. Answer…

66 What is The Parti Quebecois? 200

67 First attempt by the Mulroney government to gather all the leaders of the provinces and get them to sign on to the constitution, including Quebec the only province who refused in 1987. Answer…

68 What is The Meech Lake Accord? 300

69 What were the people voting on and what was the result of the 1980 and 1995 Quebec Referendums? Answer…

70 What is ? What is Quebec separation from the rest of Canada/voted no on both accounts? 400

71 Second attempt by the Mulroney government to gather all the leaders of the provinces and get them to sign on to the constitution, including Quebec the only province who refused in 1987. Answer…

72 What is The ? What is The Charlottetown Accord ? 500

73 Daily Double How much do you want to wager? Daily Double Daily Double


75 CATEGORY: Pierre Trudeau How much do you want to wager? Proceed…

76 Document that resulted due to the failure of the first Quebec separatist referendum and Pierre Trudeau’s greatest legacy. Proceed…

77 What is the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution? Proceed…

78 Thanks for PLAYING!

79 Credits Template Created by: Chad Kafka, Technology Support Teacher Franklin Public Schools Jeopardy sound effects used solely for the purpose of fun, entertainment, and education and NOT for profit.

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