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SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING The primary criterion for expat assignment selection is technical ability. Pre-departure training is the next critical step.

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1 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING The primary criterion for expat assignment selection is technical ability. Pre-departure training is the next critical step in attempting to ensure the expat’s effectiveness and success in the subsidiary assignment.

2 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING The primary focus of pre-departure training is developing cultural awareness. The primary focus of pre-departure training is developing cultural awareness. Data has shown the link between failure rates and cultural adjustments challenges. Data has shown the link between failure rates and cultural adjustments challenges. Of course spousal unhappiness is the major factor in U.S. Expats failures; whereas in Japan it is 5 th on the list of reasons for Japanese failure rates. Of course spousal unhappiness is the major factor in U.S. Expats failures; whereas in Japan it is 5 th on the list of reasons for Japanese failure rates.

3 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING A major objective of intercultural training is to help the Expat cope with unexpected events in a new culture A major objective of intercultural training is to help the Expat cope with unexpected events in a new culture 2002 77% (n=181) U.S. firms offered pre- departure training 2002 77% (n=181) U.S. firms offered pre- departure training PDT now includes spouse & children PDT now includes spouse & children

4 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Expat/spouse/children (whole family) 33% Expat/spouse/children (whole family) 33% Expat/spouse 29% Expat/spouse 29% Expat only 2% Expat only 2% None 36% None 36%

5 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING A well-designed cultural awareness program fosters an appreciation of the host country’s culture so that Expats can behave accordingly, or at least develop appropriate coping patterns A well-designed cultural awareness program fosters an appreciation of the host country’s culture so that Expats can behave accordingly, or at least develop appropriate coping patterns

6 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING If the expected interaction is low between the Expat and the members of the host country culture training should focus on task and job- related issues and less on cross-cultural skill development If the expected interaction is low between the Expat and the members of the host country culture training should focus on task and job- related issues and less on cross-cultural skill development If the expected interaction is high between the Expat and the members of the host country culture training should focus more on cross- cultural skill development and less on task and job-related issues If the expected interaction is high between the Expat and the members of the host country culture training should focus more on cross- cultural skill development and less on task and job-related issues

7 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Page 121 Tung 5 recommendations Page 121 Tung 5 recommendations Page 121 Mendenhall & Oddou 3 dimension model Page 121 Mendenhall & Oddou 3 dimension model –Training methods –Levels of training vigor –Duration of training relative to degree of interaction & culture novelty

8 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING 2 months-1 week long lectures, films, books 2 months-1 week long lectures, films, books 2-12 months-1 to 4 weeks lectures, films, books plus cultural assimilators and role-plays 2-12 months-1 to 4 weeks lectures, films, books plus cultural assimilators and role-plays 1 year plus-2 months lectures, films, books plus cultural assimilators and role-plays plus sensitivity training, field experiences, intercultural experiential workshops 1 year plus-2 months lectures, films, books plus cultural assimilators and role-plays plus sensitivity training, field experiences, intercultural experiential workshops

9 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Black & Mendal concluded the earlier model primarily cultural in nature Black & Mendal concluded the earlier model primarily cultural in nature Social Learning Theory: Integrate with Cultural Awareness-- Attention, Retention, & Reproduction Social Learning Theory: Integrate with Cultural Awareness-- Attention, Retention, & Reproduction Training only the first step! Expat willingness to apply learned behavior (PDT) in the host country influenced by firm expectations Training only the first step! Expat willingness to apply learned behavior (PDT) in the host country influenced by firm expectations

10 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Downside of Black & Mendal model—time factor to learn behavioral aspects of “social theory” Downside of Black & Mendal model—time factor to learn behavioral aspects of “social theory” Expats learn PDT and head off to assignment Expats learn PDT and head off to assignment

11 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Preliminary Visits (PV) to host country useful in developing cultural awareness Preliminary Visits (PV) to host country useful in developing cultural awareness Expat and spouse should both take PV Expat and spouse should both take PV When PV used as part of PDT Expat has an easier time in the initial adjustment process to cultural awareness When PV used as part of PDT Expat has an easier time in the initial adjustment process to cultural awareness

12 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Europeans 53% provide PV Europeans 53% provide PV Average length 1 week Average length 1 week Expats previous visits preclude PV Expats previous visits preclude PV US value PV as # 1 priority cross-cultural training coming in at #2 US value PV as # 1 priority cross-cultural training coming in at #2 Germany, Japan, Korea rank PV as essential but not #1 Germany, Japan, Korea rank PV as essential but not #1

13 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Language Training (LT) Language Training (LT) US, UK, Canada, & Australia rank LT as unimportant US, UK, Canada, & Australia rank LT as unimportant Europe, Asia, & South America rank LT top priority Europe, Asia, & South America rank LT top priority MNE requesting more foreign languages taught in US colleges and universities MNE requesting more foreign languages taught in US colleges and universities

14 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Designate Program Designate Program –HCN sent to US firms by Pepsi-Cola, Fiat from Italy for 18 month training for sales force or production techniques –Training done in the corporate language— English in addition to the host country languge

15 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Practical Assistance provided by Relocation Specialists Practical Assistance provided by Relocation Specialists –MNE provide relocation assistance for Expat and family –Schools, jobs, recreation facilites –What does military do for new arrivals?

16 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Due to lack of trained replacement Expats, Expats required to train their replacements—HCN Due to lack of trained replacement Expats, Expats required to train their replacements—HCN It’s important for these Expats to receive as part of their PDT the ability to transfer knowledge and skills to their replacement HCN It’s important for these Expats to receive as part of their PDT the ability to transfer knowledge and skills to their replacement HCN

17 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Different treatment of TCN, HCN, and PCN (Expat) working in the same subsidiary Different treatment of TCN, HCN, and PCN (Expat) working in the same subsidiary PDT not provided in many firms for TCN and HCN transferring to another subsidiary PDT not provided in many firms for TCN and HCN transferring to another subsidiary US Expats, however, receive PDT as we have seen US Expats, however, receive PDT as we have seen

18 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Technology added to PDT programs Technology added to PDT programs –To reduce and offset cost of PDT 60% of MNE use CD and web-based programs –41% used CD and web-based programs as stand-alone alternatives –16% used CD and web-based programs only

19 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING Success of PDT Success of PDT –2002 survey 35% great value 35% great value 45% high value 45% high value 17% medium value 17% medium value

20 SM215 PRE-DEPARTURE TRAINING 79 US Expats reported PDT should include 79 US Expats reported PDT should include –Cross-cultural awareness –Language Training –Preliminary Visit –Include Spouse and family




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