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AIMS: The aim of the School is to provide the facilities for the higher studies in Physics to the students, Scholars and scientists. They can avail the.

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Presentation on theme: "AIMS: The aim of the School is to provide the facilities for the higher studies in Physics to the students, Scholars and scientists. They can avail the."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIMS: The aim of the School is to provide the facilities for the higher studies in Physics to the students, Scholars and scientists. They can avail the facilities for the understanding of the recent and especially thrust fields of research in the subject. We offer various courses for the students suiting to their different needs. Pursuit of research is a important activity of the school. ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES : The school offers the following programmes. M. Sc. (Physics) Four Semester Full Time Course. M. Sc. (Physics-Materials Science) Four Semester Full Time Course. M. Sc. (Physics by Research) Four Semester Full Time Course. (One semester course work and three semester project work) M. Tech. (Laser Science and Applications) Four Semester Full Time Course M. Phil (Physics) Two Semester Full Time Course Ph. D. Programme* Full Time/Part Time Programme. Specialized fields of research: 1. Nuclear Physics. 2. X-ray spectroscopy [EXAFS and XANES]. 3. Materials Synthesis [Bulk and thin films], 4. Corrected electron systems [Colossal magnetoresitive, high temperature superconductors] 5. High pressure phase transition [Chalcogens, Pnictides and Diluted magnetic Semiconductors] 6. Nonlinear optics, 7. Free Electron Lasers and Coherent Radiation Sources. 8. Soft Magnetic materials nanomaterials and applications. 9. Polymer Science. 10.High power microwave generation. 11.Laser Plasma Interaction. (*Apply only after concerning the faculty members of the School) SCHOOL OF PHYSICS, DEVI AHILYA UNIVERSITY, KHANDWA ROAD CAMPUS, VIGYAN BHAWAN, INDORE-452001

2 ELIGIBILITY: COURSES OFFERED BASIC QUALIFICATION FOR ADMISSION 1) M. Sc.(Physics) [B. Sc.(Physics and Mathematics) with 45% Marks] 2) M. Sc.(Physics-Materials Science) [B.Sc.(Physics and Mathematics) with 45% Marks] 3) M. Sc.(Physics by Research) [Candidates working in research organization with50% marks in B.Sc.(Phy. & Maths)] 4) M. Phil(Physics) [M.Sc.(Physics/Applied Physics) with 55% marks] 5) M. Tech (Laser Science and Applications) [M.Sc.(Physics/ Applied Physics/Electronics), B.E./ B.Tech(Electrical/Electronics),With at least 55% marks] 6) Ph.D. Programme [M. Phil (Physics), M. Sc.(Physics/Applied Physics) With at least 55% marks] NOTE: Candidate whose results are awaited can also apply for provisional admission.

3 SELECTION PROCEDURE IN DIFFERENT PROGRAMS: M.Sc. (Physics), M.Sc.(Physics by research), M.Sc.(Physics-Materials Science) Selections will be on the basis of the performance in the interview. A screening entrance test will be held as per schedule given below. Candidates with First Class in B.Sc. will be directly interviewed. Others will be called for interview after successfully clearing a written test. M.Sc. (Physics by research) candidates must be an employee in a scientific organization of national repute. M.Tech. (Laser Science and Applications) Selection will be based on comprehensive interview of GATE qualified candidates. Those without GATE qualifications will be interviewed after clearing a written test conducted by the School. Preference will be given to GATE qualified candidates. M.Phil (Physics) On the basis of entrance examination conducted by the School followed by a comprehensive interview.

4 HOW TO APPLY : Application forms for M.Sc., and M.Phil programmes can be obtained by sending a Demand Draft of Rs.400/- drawn in favour of the Registrar, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore. Applications duly completed in all respect, must reach by June 25th, 2009 at the following address. The Head Tel: 2467028 School of Physics, Devi Ahilya University, Khandwa Road Campus, Vigyan Bhawan, Indore-452001. E-mail: Application form for M.Tech (Laser Science &Applications) program can be obtained by sending a Demand Draft of Rs.400/- drawn in favour of Registrar, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore. Applications duly completed in all respect, must reach by June 25th, 2009 at the following address. The Head Tel: 2467028 School of Physics, Devi Ahilya University, Khandwa Road Campus, Vigyan Bhawan, Indore-452001. E-mail: NOTE: APPPLICATION FORM FOR THE DIFFERENT COURSES RUN BY SCHOOL OF PHYSICS CAN ASLO BE DOWNLOADED FROM THE UNIVERSITY WEBSITE.

5 Year of Establishment: 1971 M. Sc. Physics M. Sc. Physics-Materials Science M. Sc. Physics (by Research) M. Phil. Physics M. Tech. (Laser Science and Application) Ph. D. Physics COURSES - OFFERED

6 Aims and Objectives  To impart knowledge in the field of Physics and educate the students to accept the challenges in the nascent as well as thrust areas of research and development.  Give an exposure to the students about the technological aspects where physics is directly involved. The students are trained in the areas of Laser Applications.  To strengthen the theoretical background in Physics of those who are already engaged in educational and research organizations at various levels.  To develop research and teaching collaborations with other scientific organizations for the transfer of knowledge.

7 Brochure Laboratory Facilities

8 1.Four lecture rooms, 2.Departmental Library equipped with 3000 books & 500 Journals 3.Laboratories (Students Lab-5 + Research Labs- 6) = 11 4.One Seminar Hall at Laser Bhavan 5.One common room for girls 6.Internet connectivity to all faculty, researchers and students. Area: 8,000 sq. ft.Laboratory area: 5,200 sq. ft. School of Physics Vigyan Bhawan (Ground Floor)Laser Bhawan

9 LABORATORIES, (M.Sc, M.Phil, M.Tech) Electronics Laboratory: Equipped with 15 experimental setups.

10 Optics Laboratory: Equipped with 12 experimental setups.

11 Computational Physics Laboratory: Equipped with 25 Computers for learning numerical techniques

12 X-Ray Laboratory: Seifert X-ray Generator with 3.5 KW output power. Cauchois type bent crystal spectrograph, and Micro-photometer, with DEPICT facility. Research Laboratories

13 Thin Film and Sample preparation laboratory: Chemical balance, Hydraulic press, Muffle furnace, Oxygen annealing furnace, Thin film rf magnetron sputtering unit

14 Polymer and Nano composite Laboratory : UV-VIS Spectrometer, Analytical Balance, Heating Mental

15 Laser Physics Laboratory: Equipped with sophisticated Newport optics and instruments. Eleven experiments are performed. Laser Laboratory Student laboratories

16 Photonics Laboratory Fiber Optics Laboratory : Equipped with ten experimental setups from Newport, USA.

17 Research Laboratories Two MW relativistic backward wave oscillator is developed for the first time in the country. High power microwave laboratory:

18 Free electron laser laboratory: Pulse wire technique for undulator measurement

19 Nonlinear optics laboratory: Equipped with Nd:YAG laser (800 mJ, 10 ns).

20 Six computers connected to the university server provides excess to UGC INFLIB Net to students. Seminar Hall Seminar hall well equipped with LCD projector with a capacity of about 100 students.

21 1.Professors: 06  Dr. A. K. Dutta  Dr. Brijesh Kumar (Head)  Dr. Ashutosh Mishra  Dr. Pratima Sen  Dr. Dinesh Varshney  Dr. G. Mishra 2. Readers: 02  Dr. M. Banerjee  Dr. S. N. Kane 3.Sr. Lecturer: 01  Dr. Y. Choyal 4. Lecturer on Deputation: 01  Dr. J. Chauhan FACULTY

22  Department has memorandum of understanding (MOU) with following premier institutions of the country. PRL, Ahmedabad IPR, Gandhinagar UGC-DAE CSR, Indore IUAC, New Delhi  Top 8-10 Ist year M.Sc. students join the summer projects in various research institutes of the country.  M.Tech students carry out one year major project in the organization of international repute as RRCAT-Indore, DRDO-Delhi, BARC-Mumbai, TIFR Mumbai, various IIT’s, BEL- Pune etc. Alliance with R&D organizations of the country

23 DAE organizations: RRCAT-Indore, BARC- Mumbai, UGC-DAE CSR- Indore Defense Institutions: MTRDC-Bangalore, DRDO – Delhi, IAT- Pune CSIR laboratories: Regional research laboratory- Bhopal Universities: Jamia Milia, Panjab, Anna University, and MP State Universities. Others: IIT- Delhi and Madras, BIT - Mesra Ranchi, SGSITS- Indore National Collaborations

24 School of Physics International Collaborations

25  Every year outgoing M.Phil and M.Sc students pursue higher studies in institutions like IIT’s, TIFR, IISC, UDC, IPR, and universities/institutes abroad.  More than 80 % of the M.Tech. students are absorbed in Laser industries. Companies like BEL- Pune, Specialized Instruments etc.come for campus selection. Others opt for higher studies. Achievements of the passed out students of school  Every year many students qualify GATE/JEST and other entrance examinations.  Many research scholars are recipient of National Indian science congress association Young Scientist award as well as M. P. Young Scientist award. Some of the research scholars go abroad for PDF.

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