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Published byEdwina Hancock Modified over 9 years ago
Alexandra Amorim Some methodological framework Proposals: Algarve Regional Action Plan for Inclusion Third Peer Review Lisbon, November 16th-17th, 2006 Instituto da Segurança Social, IP
Presentation structure 1.Regional and/or local contribution for the Social Inclusion Strategy 2. Open Method of Co-ordination in a Regional and/ or local Context 3. Regional Indicatores Indicator Matrix |Algarve Regional Action Plan for Social Inclusion Weaknesses Notes and future proposals for the regional indicators in Social Cohesion
Regional and/or Local contribution for the Social Inclusion Strategy Better understand the conditions and aspirations, regional and local needs of the citizens Translate national or regional strategies into territorial actions REGIONAL AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES CAPABLE Ensure the live quality of citiziens, by enhancing local resources in the acess to employment, education and trainning, housing and health Offer proximity services by providing support in the social inclusion of groups and individuals in a greater vulnerable situation
Regional and/or Local Contribution for the Social inclusion Strategy ROLE OFLOCAL/ AND OR REGIONAL AUTHORITIES PRESENT FUTURE Implement policies as well as european and national measures in Social Inclusion Formulate or adequate regional and/or local strategies for Social Inclusion CONDITIONS Territorial “Pacts” between all regional and local actors engaged to: combat social exclusion and poverty strengthen policies and structural interventions in social inclusion
Open Method of Coordination at Regional and/or Local level ENABLES To improve transparency and democratic participation To adopt the european and national guidelines at regional and /or local level A vertical articulation of strategies and policies for Social inclusion To establish a structure and methodology which facilitates comparing diagnosis, policies adopted and results acheived To monitor and assess the National Plans which consider a systemic approach at a regional level The good practices at a regional and/or local level be assessed and adopted at national, regional or local level
OBJECTIVES 1. Organize a learning process at regional level to encourage the exchange and emergence of good practices 2.Support Local and Regional Authorities to improve their action in Social Inclusion Open Method of Coordination at Regional and/or Local Level
KEY PRINCIPLES IN OMC Subsidariety Promote convergence in interests and common priorities Promote management a gestão por objectivos Integrated approach Open Method of Co-ordination at Regional and/or Local Level
Key Elements A close Co-ordination between Government and Regional Authorities Political visibility Joint Reports A descentralized approach Social Inclusion Common Objectives Regional Action Plans for Inclusion A process of mutual learning, through monitoring Indicators Good practices OMC An active participation Public Entities NGOs and local and regional Associations Entrepreneurial Entities Academy People and groups at risk of social exclusion or poverty Open Method Coordination at Regional and/or Local Level
REGIONAL INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS | DRAF Concerted Regional Strategy for Social Inclusionl Regional Intersectorial Committee Technical Team Co.ordination and monitoring Structures Regional and local Non Governmental Associations and Organizations People and groups at risk of social exclusion and/or poverty Participation and Active Mobilization of all Stakeholders Monitoring/ Evaluation Information system “Indicator Matrix ” CLAS or District Platform Representatives National Strategy for Social Inclusion Open Method Coordination at Regional and/or Local Level
RELEVANCE OF COMMON INDICATORS AT REGIONAL LEVEL Allows to fix common guidelines for the diagnosis Ensures the analytical comparison between different levels (European, National, Regional and Local) Monitors and evaluates the progress regarding the common objectives in the field of social inclusion and tagets defined Open Method of Coordination at Regional and/or Local Level | Indicators
STRUCTURE A. Demography B. Poverty and Inequality C. Access and integration in the labour market D. Access to education and qualification E. Access to social protection F. Access to health G. Access to housing and social conditions INDICATOR MATRIX | Algarve Regional Action Plan for Social Inclusion
1.Poverty risk (and respective threshold ), by Nut II, 1995 and 2000 2.Inequality in income distribution by Nut II, 1995 and 2000 (IOF) (considering monetary income and total income) Source: Calcualtion by DGEEP/MTSS based on Family Budget 2000 Survey conducted by the National Institute of Statistics for the “Poverty and Social Exclusion“ project INDICATOR MATRIX | Algarve Regional Action Plan for Social Inclusion
Indicator Matrix | Algarve Regional Action Plan for Social Inclusion 1. Dispersion of regional unemployment rates between 2000-2004, per gender and NUTS II (EU 15 and UE 25) 2.Unemployment Rates, per gender and age, according to NUTS III (EU-25) Souces: Eurostat – Employment 3.Ratio of unemployed foreigners registered in Employmant Centres as opposed to the total unemployed registered in Employmant Centres, per gender, and age groups, according to nationality, by NUTS II Source: Calculation by LDG based on the IEFP informatics system
Indicator Matrix | Algarve Regional Action Plan for Social Inclusion 1.Iliteracy Rate, NUT II and III, 1991 and 2001 Source: INE - Census 2.Nr. of children attending different levels of education, per nationality and school years, Portugal and NUT II Source: Ministry of Education – GEASE 3.Adult participation (25-64 years) in training and education programmes, 2000-2004, by NUTS II (UE-25) Source: Eurostat - Education 4.Nr. of foreigners attending recurrent education (portuguese language courses), Portugal and NUT II Source: ACIME - Entre Culturas
Indicator Weakness at Regional Level 1.Most Structural Indicators do not include regional and local disaggregation 2.Weak regularity on updating indicators at european, national and regional levels 3.Lack of indicators, especially at regional or local level to meaure the poverty phenomemon, inequality and social exclusion 4.Lack of structural indicators including disaggregation enabling analysis per groups (nationality, gender, age groups, disabilities)
Notes on the identification and construction process of indicadors | LDG Strong PointsWeak Points The Regional and/or local authorities possess the data and sometimes informatics systems which allow disaggregating the variables Distinct informatics systems and forms to collect data Most of the statistics do not aim at measuring poverty, inequality and social exclusion Capacity in terms of resources (financial, human and knowledge) to work and validate the indicators constructed Territorial limitation in indicator construction
Proposal for the identification and construction process of Indicators at Regional and Local level A | Recommend to the European Commission the need to improve the structural indicators for social cohesion at the regional and local levels of each country B| Create a set of indicators at the National level of each country, constituted by: - Representatives of different Authorities composing the Inter- Ministerial Commitee to review the progress of the National Action plan for Inclusion - National Institute of Statistics - Experts in the poverty and social exclusion field Thank you for your attention
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