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44222: Information Systems Development Operational & Information Systems Ian Perry Room:C41C Extension:7287

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1 44222: Information Systems Development Operational & Information Systems Ian Perry Room:C41C Extension:7287

2 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 2 The Introductory Lecture  Explained what the project was about, i.e.: the specification of a prototype for a computer- based Information System.  BUT: What is an Information System?  And, perhaps more importantly: What is the difference between an “Operational System” and an “Information System”?

3 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 3 What is an Information System? training attitudes job decisions organisation peopletechnology hierarchy functions procedures controls software hardware network applications

4 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 4 A Model of Management Decision Structure Unstructured Semi-structured Structured Information Characteristics Ad Hoc Unscheduled Summarised Infrequent Forward Looking External Wide Scope Narrow Focus Internal Historical Frequent Detailed Scheduled Pre-specified Strategic Long-Term Tactical Short-Term Operational Day-to-Day

5 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 5 Information for Decision Making Strategic Long-Term Tactical Short-Term Operational Day-to-Day Operational Data Processing Systems Information! Information? Data Information? Data Information ? Data Information! Data

6 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 6 ‘HCHE’ Problems?  Are they ‘simply’: because of ‘poor’ Operational Data Processing Systems?  Or, are they about: ‘poor’ Information provision in support of Management Decision-making?  Or: Are they a bit of both?  Let's look at Stock Control.

7 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 7 Stock Control  With any Stock Control system the aim should be to keep the ‘correct’ amount of any item in stock. The correct amount being ‘enough’ to satisfy any customer demand.  BUT, not so many that we might be left holding stock: which costs us money. we might not be able to sell if customer demand changes. we might end up throwing away if it ‘spoils’.

8 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 8 Stock - ‘Feedback & Control’

9 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 9 Be Careful  Remember that you must always make a distinction between: Calculation: E.g. add stock, remove stock. Reporting: E.g. measure what has happened. Decision Making: E.g. compare this to our goal(s) and decide what to do about it.

10 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 10 Calculation  Operational Systems (easy to support): Stock is bought/sold/goes missing, and we simply ‘count’ the stock to determine the current stock level.

11 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 11 Reporting & Decision Making  Management (Information?) Systems (harder to support): Check to see how well the process is going & make necessary adjustments.

12 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 12 Prediction and Planning  Decision making does not have to be a 'knee-jerk' reaction to events: Someone has to set goals for each process.  These goals will need to be constantly re-evaluated, and changed if necessary. A 'good' Management Information System should help with these ‘goal setting’ decisions.

13 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 13 Planning for Stock Control  Goal setting in stock control would be easy, if there was a system that could help answer questions like: "Is 20 the right level of stock?" "NO, we are often out of stock." "What is a more suitable stock level?" "Based on an increased frequency of re- ordering and the difficulty of re-stocking it should be 30."

14 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 14 Management of Stock Control Customer Demand INPUT(s)OUTPUT(s) Theft Stockholding Process New Stock Check Number in Stock Goal Comparison Adjustment Decision? Predicted Sales Competitors Products Report Trend Set New Goal Planning Process Suppliers Delivery Details

15 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 15 A ‘good’ Problem Statement?  Needs to demonstrate: a clear understanding of the current information system, and its problems.  i.e. provide a good 'picture' of: the structure of the ‘HCHE’ organisation, the important sub-systems (i.e. of the “main business”), and the necessary interactions between these sub-systems. the people, and management decision-making processes within, and between, these sub- systems.

16 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 16 Helping ‘HCHE’?  From the 'picture' you build of ‘HCHE’ you should be able to decide if each of the ‘problems’ identified are due to: poor Operational Systems? Not much you can do about these ‘problems’. poor Management Information Systems? You should be able to ‘solve’ these problems. or, a bit of both? You may be able to offer ‘partial’ support/solutions.  You will then be able to document a suitable solution.

17 Ian Perry44222: ISD: Operational & Information Systems Slide 17 This Week’s Workshop  Having identified (i.e. during last week’s Workshop) each of the ‘important’ Processes (i.e. those relevant to the Assessment) that occur within the HCHE Organisation.  You now need to: Document each of these ‘important’ Processes, using ‘Feedback Control Loop’ diagrams; in order to ascertain where the ‘problems’ occur. Then use these diagrams, together with your wider knowledge of HCHE; in order to suggest viable ‘solutions’, i.e. in terms of information requirements.

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