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Training Workshop: 2012 Web:

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1 Training Workshop: 2012 Web: Email:

2 MRRS Malaria Rapid Reporting System enables: faster access to critical information on malaria burden malaria testing treatment commodities. This system was initiated to understand continued progress in reducing malaria burden in a more focalized malaria transmission patterns

3 MRRS Contd’….. This system offers weekly reporting of simplified malaria information sent by mobile phones enabled with a JAVA-based data entry forms through data-enabled mobile telephone networks to a centralized data server with pre-programmed data quality and analysis functionality As to deliver critical information and reports back to data consumers in real-time.

4 MRRS Contd’….. Prioritized malaria information has been adopted from existing facility forms used for routine reporting of the Health Management Information System (HMIS) forms.

5 MRRS cont’d……. The MRRS use a form for standardization purpose Turn to appendix 5 in the user manual Rapid Malaria Reporting Weekly form The upper part is for identification The lower part is reporting part for 17 indicators(S1 to S17)

6 Rapid Malaria Reporting Weekly form The indicators collected are divided into two : Indicators for malaria burden Indicators for malaria treatment an RDT supplies

7 Rapid Malaria Reporting Weekly form… Turn to appendix 1 IndicatorCorresponding data element (HMIS) Source of information S1OPD 35 (HIA 2)Attendance tally sheets/OPD register S2 to S8HIA1Registers S9 to S17-- Stock Control Cards -RDT registers

8 Important message Ensuring data quality is a key concern in building an effective HMIS and Rapid Malaria Reporting Weekly form Data quality includes: Correctness Completeness Consistence Timeliness

9 Exercise 2 The stock control card for Kariba RHC indicates the following for week ending 16 th October 2011 Check hand out

10 Rapid Malaria Reporting Weekly form… After filling in the forms on a weekly basis; send via mobile telephones.

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