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Stimulating Growth through Managed Innovation and Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Stimulating Growth through Managed Innovation and Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stimulating Growth through Managed Innovation and Change

2 Innovation “the process of making changes in something established by introducing something new” Products Processes Services

3 Expenditure

4 Goals

5 Problem Between 50-70% of all Innovation fails to impact on organisational goals * Implications … –Wasted resources – time, people and money –Loss of morale –Higher resistance *Various. See: Paul Strebel in Harvard Business Review on Change 139-157 (Harvard Business Review, Boston, 1999)

6 Primary Causes Poor definition of goals Poor alignment of actions to goals Poor participation by employees in teams Poor monitoring of results Poor communication and community

7 iTeams Solutions for managing: GOALS, ACTIONS, TEAMS and RESULTS and COMMUNITY Combining Management Techniques of –Strategic & Hoshin Planning –Performance Measurement –Action & Project Management


9 iTeams Modules …and more to fit precise user requirements

10 Session Programme Demo of innovation for Entrepreneurship Demo of innovation in Large Enterprise Demo of innovation for SMEs Innovation Workshop –‘hands-on’ practice of core innovation principles

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12 New venture failures An estimate of only 20% of new ventures will survive after five years*. Reasons –Poor business planning –Poor role of the venture capitalist –Poor business opportunity recognition –Poor marketing –Poor role of management *Various. See: Harvard Business Review Entrepreneurship; Businessweek.

13 New Ventures Planning Marketing Teams & Leadership Opportunity Recognition

14 Innovation for Support Agencies –Demo of Entrepreneurship –By David Mulligan –LocalPlanner to support start upsLocalPlanner to support start ups

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16 Innovation for Large Enterprises Demo of FrameworkX at Hewlett Packard By Phil Evans

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18 Innovation for SMEs Demo of InnovationChannel By Barry O’Sullivan Slides

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20 Innovation Workshop Complete the following three tasks, Individually or working as a team, Own organisation or for yourself!


22 Step 1. Define your Goals Identify and populate your most important Goals. Goals are defined as the objectives of your effort also known as strategies or visions (e.g. Grow Market Share). Step 2. Define your Actions Identify and populate your most important Actions. Actions are defined as expenditure of your effort and are also known as projects or tasks (e.g. Promote website). Step 3. Link Goals with Actions You can indicate the strength of the relationship between each Action and Goal. An empty box indicates no relationship; a half full box indicates a partial relationship; and a full box indicates a strong relationship (i.e. completing the Action will have a high impact on attaining that particular Goal). Step 4. Indicate the status of your Goals and Actions Continuously monitor and report the status of goals and actions. In this case, Red indicates that urgent attention is required, Yellow indicates that more work is needed and Green indicates that the Goal or Action requires no immediate attention Actions Goals Increase Sales Revenue Reduce Overheads Grow Market Share Improve Profitability IT Training Online / Web sales J.I.T Stock System Production Management System Install Broadband Web Based Marketing Initiative Update Hardware / Software Reduce Stock Levels Improve Technologies Capabilities Expand Product Portfolio Tutorial

23 Task #1 Define ‘goals’ for your organisation or for yourself –E.g. Increase sales revenue Reduce overheads Grow Market Share Improve Profitability Reduce Stock Levels

24 Task #2 Define ‘actions’ for your organisation or for your self –E.g. Customer/Consumer specific website development Inventory Management / Stock Control System IT Training Online / Web sales (ordering) Web based marketing initiative Computer Integrated Telephony J.I.T. Stock System

25 Task #3 Indicate the relationship between your ‘goals’ and your ‘actions’ –Use ‘check mark’ or circles Which ‘goals’ have no ‘actions’ Which ‘actions’ have no ‘goals’

26 Task #4 Indicate the ‘status’ of your ‘goals’ and your ‘actions’ –E.g. use a ‘smiley face’ or ‘sad face’






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