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International Telecommunication Union ITU-D Sector Membership Fernando Lagraña Partnerships, Promotion and Membership (PPM) Telecommunication Development.

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Presentation on theme: "International Telecommunication Union ITU-D Sector Membership Fernando Lagraña Partnerships, Promotion and Membership (PPM) Telecommunication Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Telecommunication Union ITU-D Sector Membership Fernando Lagraña Partnerships, Promotion and Membership (PPM) Telecommunication Development Bureau International Telecommunication Union

2 Questionnaire for ITU-D Sector Members and Associates January 2009 19% of ITU-D Sector Members and Associates answered.

3 3 Break down of those replying by level of development

4 4 Role of Organization

5 5 Domain of Organization

6 6 Regional Scope

7 7 Motivation for being an ITU-D Sector Member ITU-Ds leadership Development projects Sharing experiences and best practices Helping LDCs develop Human Capital Organization of regional conferences The wish to achieve better telecommunications in the world Corporate Social Responsibility

8 8 Excellent work done by ITU-D Partnership with ITU Stay in touch with developments & regulatory best practices Access to latest information: trends, statistics and HRD issues Close cooperation with other ITU-D SMs and new opportunities To learn from the experiences and knowledge of other countries Encouragement and promotion of telecom liberalization and technology introduction globally Motivation for being an ITU-D Sector Member

9 9 Assist development markets in business and technology issues The relevance of information produced To reduce duplication of efforts To learn from other region experiences Capacity building in new technologies, digital implementation and transition to the digital broadcasting paradigm Motivation for being an ITU-D Sector Member

10 10 Areas of Interest

11 11 BDT Activities of which Members are most aware

12 12 BDT Activities in which Members are most involved

13 13 BDT information considered easiest to access

14 14 BDT work considered most relevant

15 15 Participation in ITU meetings and conferences

16 16 Obstacles to participation

17 17 ITU-Ds Website

18 18 BDT responses to concrete requests

19 19 The correspondence received from BDT

20 20 Communication with the ITU Regional and Area Offices

21 21 Congratulations & Happy 10 th Anniversary of ITU D Sector Membership to: ArmenTel JV (Armenia Telephone Company), Armenia Asociación Hispanoamericana de Centros de Investigación y Empresas de Telecomunicaciones, Spain JSC Kazakhtelecom, Kazakhstan Maroc Télécom - Itissalat Al-Maghrib (IAM), Morocco Telecom Egypt, Egypt Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), India Unidad Ejecutora 002 INICTEL – UNI, Peru Vodafone Group Services Ltd., United Kingdom Western Telesystems (Ghana) Ltd. (WESTEL), Ghana ITU D Sector Membership Certificates

22 International Telecommunication Union Thank You!

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